Aljažev dom v Vratih - Gubno
Starting point: Aljažev dom v Vratih (1015 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4128°N 13,8466°E |
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Time of walking: 4 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy pathless terrain
Altitude difference: 1388 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1388 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 15.374
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Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the Hrušica exit and follow the road towards Kranjska Gora. Just before the village of Dovje, the road branches off to the left and leads to Mojstrana (Vrata, Kot and Krma). Follow the road in the direction of the Vrata valley and follow it to the large parking lot near the Aljaž's home.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the macadam road, which after a 3-minute walk leads to the crossroads at Aljaževem dom. Continue right in the direction of Škrlatica and Dolkova špica along the path which leads across the meadow into the forest. Continue up the initially gently sloping cart track, which changes to a slightly steeper footpath higher up. Soon, however, the path leads to the bed of a torrent, along which it climbs for only a short distance before turning right and climbing steeply through the forest. The path then turns to the left, where it crosses a short avalanche-prone slope, and then gradually passes onto the slopes below Stenar. The slopes continue to climb up the aforementioned slopes, which are lightly covered with dwarf pines and individual larch trees. Higher up, the path leads to a small crossroads, where we continue to the right in the direction of Škrlatica (Stenar on the left) along an unmarked path through Stenarske vratace. The way forward climbs only for a short time, then the path is laid and leads us to a larger crossroads where we continue left in the direction of Pogačnik's home and the bivouac at Dwarf pines (right Škrlatica). The marked path bypasses the bivouac on the right and climbs steeply behind it for a short time. The steepness eases and the path leads through a karst world full of potholes, cracks and caves. A beautiful high-mountain path, which offers beautiful views, especially of the surrounding peaks, leads us higher up to the next crossroads. Continue left in the direction of Pogačnik's home (right Dolkova špica and Škrlatica over Rdeča škrbina) along the path which leads us higher to the edge of the Kriška Stena. Continue right in the direction Cirque (straight ahead Križ and Pogačnikov dom), but only to the point where the marked path turns left downhill. At this point you will see a slightly larger cairn a few metres off the marked path. Walk to cairn and then look at the direction of ascent. Due to the large number of large cracks and potholes, the initial part is a bit more difficult in terms of orientation, but not particularly difficult in good weather. Once through this maze, you reach the base of Gubný. After a few minutes of ascent, the slope flattens out and we move onto the top grassy slope of the mountain, which we then follow to the lookout point. Gate - bivouac at Dwarf pines 3:00, bivouac at Dwarf pines - Huhnerkogel 1:45.
Discussion about the trail Aljažev dom v Vratih - Gubno
ločanka23. 08. 2015 |
Čudim se, da v vsem tem obdobju od opisa dalje ni bilo napisanega nobenega mnenja. Res, prvovrsten izlet, prvovrsten cilj, izreden vrh, kjer se kar ne moreš dovolj naužiti prekrasnih razgledov, in pravo razkošje zelenic na vrhu. Vsekakor vrh vreden ponovitve! Le čas vzpona bi jaz malo skrajšala. Nisem hitra planinka, pa vendar sem potrebovala za vzpon 4 ure in 20 minut.
golica15. 08. 2019 |
Ločanka, vprašala bi,je tu kje pot izpostavljena,da ne bi bila ravno za tiste,ki imajo omotico,ne glede na to,da je lahka označena pot? Hvala
Daaam15. 08. 2019 |
Če nimate ravno ekstremne vrtoglavice potem ne bo problema. (sama pot ni izpostavljena, so pa občasno pač malo bolj globoki pogledi).Bi pa pripomnil da je od fotke 35 dalje brezpotje...sem ter tja kakšen možic.V lepem vremenu čisto lahko izvedljivo, v megli pa ne bi rinil na vrh če bi bil prvič tam. Lp
golica15. 08. 2019 |
hvala za info, glede brezpotja, bomo skupinica,tako,da menim,da ne bo težav.
tango21. 08. 2020 |
Krasen dan za obisk res odličnega razglednika. Jutranja gužva v Vratih naju je kar malo presenetila, ampak glavnina je šla proti Triglavu, nekaj tudi v smeri bivaka Na rušju, od bivaka naprej pa sva bila kar sama. Za pristop ni potrebno iti čisto do izstopa iz Kriške stene, ampak je bolj prikladno že prej, kakšni 50 višincev, ob možicu, zaviti z markirane poti desno proti vrhu. Priporočam!
magroman17. 10. 2022 12:41:48 |
Včerajšni obisk super razglednika. Parkirišče v Vratih je bilo polno, v smeri bivaka IV nas je šla samo peščica.Sam pristop na Gubno ni zapleten, držiš se bolj desno po travah, je pa polno postavljenih možicev tako da orientacija ni problematična. Seveda to velja v lepem vremenu. z Gubna še skok na sosednji Križ in sestop čez Sovatno v Vrata. lp, in srečno
kolosej8. 07. 2024 15:41:16 |
Gubno in njegov bratranec v Karavankah spadata med vrhove, za katere naši bližnji še niso slišali, kaj šele gor bili... Gubno 2403m je z markirane poti pred Kriško steno lahek brezpotnik na katerega pomagajo možici ob poti, v megli zadeva zlahka postane neobladljiva. Srečno