Ambrož pod Krvavcem - Dom na Krvavcu
Starting point: Ambrož pod Krvavcem (1084 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2755°N 14,5279°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 600 m
Altitude difference po putu: 600 m
Map: Grintovec 1 : 25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
On 11. 11. 2007 I went to KRVAVEC from the village of AMBROŽ POD KRVAVCEM. Let's look at the whole route by car from the route of Ljubljana. We are driving on the highway from Ljubljana towards Gorenjska. At the exit VODICE we leave the motorway (from here on I measure the distance) and at the end of the exit at the crossroads we turn right towards Vodice. Then you will reach a semaphorised junction (600 metres from the motorway exit) and at this junction turn left for the route CERKLJE, BRNIK. Pass through Vodice and arrive in SPODNJI BRNIK, where you reach a crossroads again (5. 7 km from the exit from the AC), where you turn left in the route KRANJ, KRVAVEC and after 100 metres turn right in the route CERKLJE, KRVAVEC (5. 8 km from the exit from the AC). Follow the main road through SPODNJI BRNIK and arrive in CERKLJE. Follow the main road through SPODNJI BRNIK. In this village you will come to a crossroads again, where you will have to follow the route KRVAVEC (9,1 km from the exit from the AC). This will take you to the village GRAD, where at the end of the village you will have to turn right off the main road and uphill for the route AMBROŽ POD KRVAVCEM, ŠENTURŠKA GORA (10,3 km from the exit from the AC). Go uphill for 2 km and you will come to a crossroads where you turn left from the main road for the route AMBROŽ POD KRVAVCEM, STIŠKA VAS (12,3 km from the AC exit). From this junction, drive uphill on the main road and after 6 kilometres you will reach the Tourist Farm Pr' Ambružarju (18. 4 km from the AC exit). Here you will see a blue signpost indicating the parking area and underneath it is the inscription "For the guests of the Tourist Farm Pr' Ambružarju" ("For the guests of the Tourist Farm Pr' Ambružarju"). I parked in their parking lot anyway, as there was only one vehicle parked there. I went around the house a little to ask for a parking permit, but I did not find anyone.
Let's skip the walk to Krvavec and back, and let me say that on my way back to the parking lot I saw even more parked vehicles. I loked for the owner, Simona (go to the balcony on the first flor and open the first balcony dor; there is a bar). I ordered a beer from the owner, which cost EUR 1,70, and I left EUR 2 with her, explaining that she should count it as a parking fee. I then asked the owner if they were angry because mountain climbers were parking in their parking lot. The owner said that they were not and that they mostly come to ask for permission and also to have a drink. The problem is only in winter when they have more guests and so there are not enough parking spaces. My advice; when you park, go and find the owner and ask her for advice. The problem could arise if perhaps on the day you park, a large group of guests arrive at the farm and then they don't have a parking space.
Path description:
From the parking lot at the tourist farm, walk back to the main road and then follow the main road uphill for 20 metres and, directly above the parking lot, turn steeply into the forest. If you want to avoid the slope at the start of the walk, continue on the tarmac uphill, you will come to a sharp bend to the left and so continue on the tarmac again and you will soon see a "crossroads" with the mountain path I took.
I went directly uphill above the tourist farm into the wods and after 15 minutes I came to the tarmac road again. I crossed it and continued in the same direction (north) into the forest and up the hill. Here I started to face the problem of a very poorly or not at all marked trail (there were hardly any mountain markings, so I couldn't help myself; you will only see some yellow/white markings). So a little sense of orientation and you will make it. You will, however, come across a lot of yellow "HIKE" slips on this part of the trail, which someone has stuck on trees. Follow these signs as they are reliable all the way to the mountain pasture LAKE. I walked for a good five minutes from the first crossing of the tarmac road and arrived at the tarmac road again, crossed it again and re-entered the wods. After about 10 minutes of walking, I met the asphalt road again (the third crossing). Here I was in for a "surprise" as I saw an asphalt branch uphill ahead of me, which is not shown on the map. As I approached it, I realised that it was a newly built off-ramp, which was in fact the access road to a newly built house above the tarmac road. Here I was greeted by sheep and a sign saying "NO CROSSING". Don't panic, a few metres in front of this sign is a wooden direction sign with the inscription "PLANINA JEZERCA", which seems to have been erected by the owner of the house, who also erected the "NO CROSSING" sign, and not by PD Komenda. So I followed the route suggested by the route sign and after 10 minutes of walking I arrived at PLANINA JEZERCA. Anyone who wants to avoid walking between my starting point and the mountain pasture of Jezerca can reach this mountain pasture by driving along the road that I crossed several times. At mountain pasture Jezerca there is a fairly large parking lot, which can accommodate more than 20 cars, and you will also find an information board and several direction signs.
From the mountain pasture LAKE I continued uphill and northwards. After a few minutes the hill flattened out and I continued along the "road". Walking along this road, you will see the RTV Slovenia tower on Krvavec in front of you at all times, which should serve as a signpost. In the immediate vicinity of the tower is the Krvavec home, which I climbed on this route. From mountain pasture JEZERCE I walked for another 20 minutes and arrived at KRIŠKA PLANINA, where you will see a large number of "tourist" houses and two cable cars. Here again I had problems finding my way to my home on Krvavec. From this starting point, go uphill towards the RTV transmitter, past the house on the far right. There you will also find a monument with the inscription "FOR FREEDOM TO THE FALLEN PARTIZANS ON KRVAVC, TO THE HOMELANDERS AND FRIENDS OF THESE MOUNTAINS". Walking up the hill, after a few steps you will again reach the mountain path, which will direct you in the direction of the cable car. Walking along it, you will pass under the cable car and soon you will see the home on Krvavec. It took me 20 minutes to get from KRIŠKA PLANINA to Dom na Krvavcu. The lodge was open, and I decided to continue westwards towards the hotel on the ski slope (I don't know the name, but I think it is run by AS). At the beginning I walked along the road, and then I went directly down the steep ski slope towards this hotel. It took me 10 minutes to get from my home in Krvavec to the hotel. Here again I was disappointed by the mountain signs, as the sign for the direction 'KRIŽNA PLANINA' was broken on the ground by the information board.
From the hotel I continued down the road (here you will see the yellow/white mountain markings again) and after 15 minutes I arrived at my home in Gospinac. Surprise again! The hut was closed, and on the front dor there was a sticky note with the message "Dear Visitors. We are loking forward to welcoming you again at the start of the ski season". All this gave me the impression that PD Kranj, which manages the lodge, does not consider mountaineers as their primary visitors, even though the lodge was built in 1977 specifically for mountaineers. Just how many mountaineers will come to this hut during the ski season? Sad, but true. Another problem is that there is a mountain signpost located at the information board at mountain pasture JEZERCA, which clearly and misleadingly reads 'The mountain hut at Gospinci, at the top station of the cable car, is OPEN. PD Kranj".
From my home in Gospinac I continued along the macadam road (the road leading from Ambrož pod Krvavcem past mountain pasture JEZERCA all the way to the upper station of the cable car in Krvavec or to my home in Gospinac) all the way to mountain pasture JEZERCA, where I "tied a sausage" at the information board and returned to the starting point along the arrival route. It took me 25 minutes from my home in Gospinec to mountain pasture JEZERCE, and another 25 minutes from mountain pasture JEZERCE to the starting point.
At the end of this description, I would like to say once again that I was very disappointed with the route I walked, from the perspective of the lack of mountain markings and similar signs and the closure of the home at Gospinec. I hope that this criticism will reach those responsible at PD Komenda and PD Kranj and that they will take it as an idea for improvement and not as an attack on their activities. When (if) you restore the markings, please write it down under comments.
God luck.

Discussion about the trail Ambrož pod Krvavcem - Dom na Krvavcu
Guest21. 11. 2007 |
 , vse je res, tudi sam sem po prihodi iz Stahovice na Križko planino doživljal isto
navrhu19. 01. 2008 |
Dne 15.1.2008 sem ponovno obiskal Dom na Gospincu kot smučar in spet bil neprijetno presenečen nad politiko tega doma in verjetno tudi tega planinskega društva. Na vratih in stenah sem lahko videl napis: "PROSIMO GOSTE, DA V DOMU NE JEDO S SEBOJ PRINEŠENE HRANE". Vsi, ki hodimo v hribe, vemo, da je popolnoma normalno, prinesti s seboj kakšen sendvič, kruh in salamo ali podobno v planinski dom in to tam tudi pojesti. Nato je bil tu še napis "UPORABA SANITARIJ DOVOLJENA LE GOSTOM". Torej, če boste kot planinec prišli na Krvavec in boste tako šli mimo Doma na Gospincu, pri tem pa boste začutili nujo, da greste na veliko potrebo, je edina rešitev za vas, da greste za smreko (razen če si pred vstopom na stranišče naročite še čaj). Je pa zanimivo, da imajo nad točilnim pultom napis "STREŽEMO LE PRI TOČILNEM PULTU", kar pa verjetno ni normalno za sodobne gostinske lokale, kakršni bi oni radi bili, sodeč na predhodna dva napisa. Skratka, dom je poln zapovedi in je najbolje, da spremeni ime, da bomo planinci vedeli, da tam nismo ravno dobrodošli. P.S.: Pa še čaj z rumom je bil zelo slabega okusa; praktično nič veliko okusa in vonja po rumu ni prihajalo iz čaja.
velkavrh2. 07. 2008 |
Bil tu 26.06.2008-mimohod pri poti na Veliki Zvoh.Naj omenim da je pod domom arheološko najdišče pastirjev iz 10 .stoletja,sedaj pa se vršijo izkopavanja iz 11.-do 12. stoletja. Naj pohvalim ,da se na vrhu Krvavca spet nahaja žig in vpisna knjiga.Pohvala velja za operaterja.Morda naj bi imel Krvavec samostojen portal.
pohodnica5322. 02. 2009 |
21.2.2009 - kaj je lepšega kot pobeljeni hribi in planine, modro nebo in obilo toplih sončnih žarkov, ki že prinašajo vonj po prebujajoči pomladi - nenazadnje pa še začinjeno s pustim časom in - prava kombinacija za obisk že v spominu rahlo zamegljenega Krvavca; bilo je res krasno   , žal brez mask (pred leti so bile kar živahne), za "lušte" pa malo sličic (upam, da mi bo ratalo kot ste me učili); kot obvestilo naj dodam, da tudi v Domu na Krvavcu ne dovolijo, da bi se planinec podkrepil s kakšnim svojim sendvičem; bognedaj, lahko zunaj (kjer je žal precej mrzlo pihalo); smo se pa podložili pri sosedih, malo nižje, brez problemov
pohodnica5322. 02. 2009 |
Nič ne bo s slikami, ni priponke za objavo slike;  ; prosim za pomoč
geppo23. 02. 2009 |
Tukaj se samo komentirajo izleti - dodajanje slik je pod obcijo TRENUTNE RAZMERE! Lp
pegas4324. 02. 2009 |
Zdravo . Sicer malo pozno , ampak z veseljem sem pogledal te slike . In na sliki št.22425 menim da je Triglav . LP Franci
potpodnoge5. 01. 2020 |
Ahh, saj sem vedel. Bo pač treba pomladi še enkrat na Krvavec ampak iz Kokre, da se zapiše še ta pot. Sicer je bolj zaprto glede na razgled ampak pot je čisto v redu. Šel pred leti, ko še nisem imel fotoaparata, ampak na pomlad, ko bo že vse ozelenelo, ker se meni zdi v tem času najlepša narava, bo pot kar zanimiva.