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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Velika Raduha / Bistra - Velika Raduha

Bistra - Velika Raduha

Starting point: Bistra (808 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4444°N 14,8072°E
Time of walking: 4 h 55 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1254 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1525 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 13.044
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 74
Number of comments: 5
Access to the starting point:
First, drive to Črna na Koroškem (you can get here from Mežica or from Šoštanj and Velenje via the Spodnje Sleme pass), then continue to Logarska dolina, Solčava, Pristava and Podpeci. At Pristava, turn left and continue driving towards the scattered settlement of Bistra. After a good 3 km drive from Pristava, you will see a chapel by the roadside, after which you will come to a small crossroads, at which you will see mountain direction signs for Raduha. Park in a suitable place at the crossroads.
Path description:
From the starting point, take the ascending and initially still asphalted road in the direction of Koča na Loki and Raduha. The asphalt ends after a few steps, and we continue on the macadam road, which we follow to a small crossroads, where a narrower road branches off slightly to the right, over a pasture fence. Continue along the right-hand road, which immediately after a small wooden hut turns into a cart track road, which leads to the edge of the forest.
Here, signs direct you into the wods on a footpath which climbs moderately along cart track. Higher up, the path leads us out of the forest to a larger clearing, where we pass another hut on the left-hand side. The way ahead returns to the forest, crosses a forest road and then climbs along a stream. After a few minutes' walk along the stream, the path turns to the right and gradually moves away from the stream bed. Higher up, the path turns slightly more to the right, crosses a few short viewpoints and then turns left, where after a few minutes of further walking it leads to a forest road.
Continue in the direction of Raduha and follow the gently sloping and deteriorating forest road. The road continues for some time and then leads to Knezova planina (also mountain pasture Bela peč), at the edge of which you come to a marked crossroads.
At the crossroads, continue right (left Koča na Travniku, Travnik, Komen and Smrekovec) in the direction of Koča na Loki and continue past a small sign into the forest. The way ahead climbs moderately through the lane of the compacted forest and quickly leads to Prelaz Bela peč, where you enter the Styrian side through a pasture fence. Continue on the marked path, which gradually starts to descend and after a short descent leads to mountain pasture Vodol, where you step onto a macadam road. Follow the road to the right, and we walk along it for only a few metres, as the signs for Kočo na Loki then direct us left onto a footpath which ascends crosswise along the upper edge of mountain pasture. The path continues into the wods, where it then climbs crosswise for some time. Higher up, out of the forest, the path quickly leads to the shepherd's huts at mountain pasture Javorje.
On the other side of mountain pasture, we enter a less good forest road, which we start to descend more visibly. After a short descent, you will notice markings pointing right into the forest, through which, in a few minutes of further descent, you will reach the hut at Loka pod Raduho. From the hut, continue along the marked path in the direction of Raduha, which splits into two parts after only a few 10 steps. Continue slightly left (slightly right Durce) along the path, which climbs gently along the left edge of the valley. The path soon turns left and climbs steeply through a belt of sparse forest. The steepness soon eases and the path leads through some small meadows into the dwarf pines zone, where it continues to climb moderately to occasionally steeply. After about an hour's walk from the Hut on the Loka, the path from Durce joins us from the right, and we continue left along the cross path in the direction of Raduha. The increasingly scenic route, on the south side, bypasses the summit of Mala Raduha, and then leads us to the main ridge, from which we have a beautiful view of the north side.
Continue along the marked path, which is soon joined on the right by a climbing route from the Hut na Grohatu. The way forward again starts to climb steeply and then, after a few minutes of further walking, leads us to the 2062 m high summit.
zemljovid puta - Velika Raduha
On the way: Knezova planina (Planina Bela peč) (1350m), Prelaz Bela peč (1353m), Planina Vodol (1324m), Planina Javorje (1594m), Koča na Loki pod Raduho mountain hut (1534m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Bistra - Velika Raduha
petruša3. 06. 2010
Mi prosim lahko kdo pove kakšna je pot od koče na Loki do koče pri Grohatu, in če je pot označena. Ker na tabli vidim, po slikah, da piše eno uro in pol, samo nevem in nikjer ne najdem poti napisane. Ker mi bi šli do koče na Loki, nato proti Grohatu in gor na Raduho, dol pa kar proti Loki. Če mi lahko kdo čim prej pove. lp
petruša3. 06. 2010
Za te poti vem, hvala ti. Mene zanima če je kakšna krožna pot prvo npr. do koče na Grohatu, nato na raduho in nazaj mimo koče na Loki.Če bi se dalo parkirati pri kmetiji Rogovilec in opraviti to krožno pot.lp
JTrogar11. 06. 2010
Poglej si moj opis z dne 7.9.2009, mogoče ti pa bo v pomoč:
Lep pozdrav izpod lepe Mozirske planine, Janez.
simonmanutd16. 04. 2014
KAko je pa z snegom? se ga je precej?
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