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Brezje - Ključ

Starting point: Brezje (337 m)
Destination: Ključ (623 m)
Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 286 m
Altitude difference po putu: 286 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 11.784
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 8
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
From Dobrova, drive to Horjul or vice versa. When you get to the village of Brezje pri Dobrova, you will see the signs for the Ključ home on the right side of the road (from the route of Dobrova). Take this road and follow it through the village until it turns into a macadam road. The sign ahead informs you to continue driving at your own risk. Follow this road, which is quite steep, to one of the roadside car parks. There are no parking spaces in the village below.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road along which you parked. The deteriorating road then soon leads us to a fork in the road, where we have two options for continuing. Turn left on the steep footpath, which takes you through the forest in 20 minutes to the house at Ključ (if you continue straight ahead, the path is slightly longer but less steep).
From the home, continue on the left-hand side along the path, which climbs moderately along a forested, undistinguished summit ridge and, after a 15-minute climb from the home, leads to a registration box at the top of Ključ.
zemljovid puta - Ključ
On the way: Partizanski dom na Ključu mountain hut (550m)
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Discussion about the trail Brezje - Ključ
andrejjerina10. 01. 2010
Že ničkolikokrat prehojena pot iz Brezovice preko Brezoviškega vrha v Brezje, na Ključ in nazaj, je danes bila z moje in Francijeve strani tudi prehojena/presmučana v turnosmučarskem slogu. Čeprav nama je do sončka in lepih pogledov manjkalo kakšnih 50 višinskih metrov, pa je bila ta 5 urna pot zelo dobra za kondicijo. Sneg na poti je bil zelo moker in težak, predvsem pa počasen, vendar se je splačalo. Na celi turi nama je uspelo narediti kakšnih dvajset zavojev, vendar kakor pravi Franci:" Turno smučanje je gibanje v naravi!". Se strinjam. LP Andrej
caretaker25. 04. 2023 18:25:10
Cesta naprej od znaka "Uporaba na lastno odgovornost" ni več prevozna za navadna avtomobile posebaj še v mokrem in ko je na cesti listje. Jarki čez cesto so precej globoki. Z 4xWD in traktorj se pride še. Lotos so obtičala že vsaj dva vozila.
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