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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Rovt Vrse / Brinje - Rovt Vrse

Brinje - Rovt Vrse

Starting point: Brinje (1040 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4749°N 13,9566°E
Destination: Rovt Vrse (1200 m)
Time of walking: 40 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 160 m
Altitude difference po putu: 160 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 4.234
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Number of pictures: 14
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at exit Jesenice - West (Hrušica) and continue to Kranjska Gora. After about 5 km drive from the town, when we have left the motorway, the signs for Dovje direct us to the right. Drive into the above-mentioned town, through which follow the signs for Kepa and Dovško Baba. Shortly above Dovje, the asphalt ends, and the road leads us only about 100 m further to a marked crossroads, where the signs for Kepa direct us to a sharp left (straight Dovška Baba). Continue for some time, "overloking" all the smaller crossroads. Higher up, you will come to a slightly larger junction where the road to Vrse rovt branches off to the left, and the road to Erjavčev rovt continues straight ahead (signs by the road to Kepa). Park at the parking lot by the junction, but you can also continue driving along the road to the left for a while.
Path description:
From the parking lot, take the road to the left, which begins to climb moderately, then completely lays down and crosses the slopes to the left. The road, which occasionally offers beautiful views of Julian Alps, leads after about 15 to 20 minutes to a place where you will see a small cairn on the right hand side, where a path branches off and leads to Borovje (Borovje on the ridge).
Continue straight ahead and follow the road for a few minutes, then just about 100 m above a sharp right turn, you will see a wide cart track heading off the road to the right. Take the aforementioned cart track, which is also the route of an arrow on a nearby tree. The way ahead leads us quickly out of the forest, and we, along the edge of the forest, climb up to the huts on the Vrse rovt.
zemljovid puta - Rovt Vrse
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Borovje ( 45 min), Planica
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