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Mountain ranges / Prekmurje / Border stone A 115 / Budinci (border crossing) - Border stone A 115 (po državni meji)

Budinci (border crossing) - Border stone A 115 (po državni meji)

Starting point: Budinci (border crossing) (335 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,87243°N 16,25978°E
Name of path: po državni meji
Time of walking: 35 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 18 m
Altitude difference po putu: 40 m
Map: Pomurje 1:40.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 312
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 14
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From the road Murska Sobota - Hodoš, in Šalovci, a little after the Ina petrol station, turn left in the direction of Budinci and Dolenciv. When you arrive in Dolenice, turn left at the crossroads and then right at the bus station onto a side road. There is a downhill, then after the transformers cross the Dolenski potok from the crossroads after the bridge and go left. Continue on the main road, passing the cross and the chapel, and then through the hamlet of Petešin Breg to the state border, where you park in a suitable place.
Path description:
From the border crossing, where you see the signs for the "Pout po dolaj pa bregaj" trail, turn left to the west and initially walk along the asphalt road, which opens up a beautiful view towards part of Budinci - the northernmost village in Slovenia. When the asphalt road turns left, go straight on to cart track, along which there are numerous boundary stones. The path continues along the national border, climbing gently for the most part, but also descending slightly here and there.
A little further on, on the left Slovenian side, we see an information board next to a former military guardhouse, of which only the foundations and a concrete slab remain, over which a new canopy has been built. Just a little further on, the path forks, and we continue along the path that continues along the national border. We follow this path, which continues through the forest, all the way to the A 115 border stone, which is located at the northernmost point of Slovenia.
During the no-crossing period, keep to the Slovenian side of the trail and, where necessary, take a few steps off the trail.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in March 2021.
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