Celje - Old Castle of Celje
Starting point: Celje (241 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2207°N 15,2671°E |
| |
Time of walking: 20 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 166 m
Altitude difference po putu: 166 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Maribor take the exit Celje and follow the road towards Laško. Shortly after Celje (before Laško), the road to Celjska Koča turns left (at the traffic lights) over a bridge. On the other side of the bridge over the Savinja River, continue left (right Hotel Celjska koča) and follow the road through the underpass under the railway line and then park immediately after the underpass in the parking lot on the right side of the road.
Path description:
From the parking lot under Castle Hill, follow the footpath towards the Old Castle. The wide and initially winding path, which leads us through the wods throughout the ascent, climbs a little bit more just below the summit and quickly leads us under the walls of the Old Castle. The marked path leads us through the walls to the Old Castle.
Discussion about the trail Celje - Old Castle of Celje
bruny1. 12. 2013 |
Po opisani poti danes sestopil v eni vezni kombinaciji. Seveda pot ni nek presežek v planinskem oziroma pohodniškem smislu. Marsikdo, verjetno tudi kdo iz furuma jo je ohranil v  zanimivem in lepem spominu...kot recimo prvošolski zaključni izlet že morda desetletja nazaj. Je pa seveda tudi osnovna točka vstopa na Celjsko planinsko pot...Lp