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Mountain ranges / Škofjeloško, Cerkljansko hribovje and Jelovica / Mladi vrh / Črni Kal - Mladi vrh (via Koprivnik)

Črni Kal - Mladi vrh (via Koprivnik)

Starting point: Črni Kal (1103 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1724°N 14,1243°E
Destination: Mladi vrh (1374 m)
Name of path: via Koprivnik
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 271 m
Altitude difference po putu: 550 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 6.711
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 39
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
From Škofja Loka we drive towards Gorenjska vas, but only as far as the village Poljane above Škofja Loka. Here we continue to the right in the direction of the village of Javorje, following the ascending road, which leads us higher into the above-mentioned village. In the said village, from where we also join the road with Zapreval, we continue to the left in the direction of Blegoš (the crossroads are well marked). The road, which further crosses a few hamlets, leads us higher to a crossroads of several roads (Črni Kal), where there is also a slightly larger parking lot. At the parking lot we see direction signs for Blegoš and Koprivnik.
Path description:
From the parking lot, take the route cart track in the route Koprivnik. After a few 10 steps, you will notice direction signs along the way, which direct you to the right (straight Martinj vrh) to an initially less visible path that climbs steeply up a rather overgrown slope. The way forward becomes more distinct and quickly leads us to the western ridge of Romovec. The path then climbs steeper, then lays down and quickly leads us to the overgrown top of Romovec.
A short descent follows and the path, which runs through the forest the whole time, leads us to a pleasant bench by which we notice a registration box. Continue straight along the gently sloping path, which joins the wide cart track just a little further on. Follow Cart track in the direction of Koprivnik (right down Žetina), which gradually starts to climb more steeply. At the point where cart track begins to overgrow tall grass, you will see an initially less visible but marked path on the right, which branches off to the right with cart track. Next, we climb through the initially very dense forest, along a path which leads us higher up on partly scenic slopes, from which we have a view of the nearby Blegoš. A little further on, the steepness eases and the path quickly leads us over a blueberry patch to the top of Koprivnik.
From the top, descend to the other side along the marked path, which quickly leads us to cart track, after which we descend to the forest road in 20 minutes. Follow the above-mentioned road to the left (Črni Kal to the right, possibility of descent), which descends slightly further. After a few minutes' walk along the road, you will notice markings on the right-hand side directing you right to the ascending cart track. From the above-mentioned cart track, a well-marked footpath soon branches off to the left, which climbs steeply for a short time, then even descends slightly and leads to a larger clearing. The path crosses the clearing and joins the wide cart track on the other side. Follow Cart track to the left (direction Mladi vrh) and follow it up through the dense forest. Higher up, cart track turns into a footpath, which quickly leads to Mladi vrh.
zemljovid puta - Mladi vrh
On the way: Romovec (1247m), Koprivnik (1393m), Brdo (1144m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Črni Kal - Mladi vrh (via Koprivnik)
nejcf18. 08. 2019
Danes sva se po tej poti vzpela na Mladi vrh in nadaljevala naprej na Stari vrh. Okoli Koprivnika je nekaj zaraščenih predelov, drugače pa lepo prehoden in označen izlet.
danope2. 06. 2021 12:27:49
Včeraj po tej poti. Cesto do Črnega Kala še urejajo, a je vozna.

Vreme super, prijetna pot. Malce je le zaraščena na prvem delu do Koprivnika, sicer je pa trenutno še vredu. Na celi poti sem srečal le eno osebo.
G3419. 11. 2022 19:37:30
Zakaj ima ta vrh sploh tako imevelik nasmehzmedenvelik nasmehzmeden
BorStenar20. 11. 2022 11:08:39
Mogoče ima tako malo obiskovalcev kot letvelik nasmeh
matej7124. 12. 2022 18:35:45
Zraven je Stari vrh, ki je bolj puklast, ta je pa Mladi ker se malo lepše drži. velik nasmehvelik nasmehvelik nasmeh
G3428. 01. 2023 19:49:58
Hvala matej712.
di1. 10. 2024 18:16:38
- Če upoštevaš sliko 2: Pot gre (strmo v hrib) in ne v meri kažipota (verjetno pa je možno tudi levo okrog - tako kot se pride desno okrog, pod vrhom).
- Romovec: digitalni zemljevid kaže, da je vrh predvrh
- Nadaljevanje poti na Koprivnik: markiranje ni optimalno, pot ponekod še ni shojena
- Tudi nadaljevanje v smeri Mladi vrh ni ok označeno, več je razcepov (in iščeš pravega).
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