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Mountain ranges / Lavanttal Alps / Schartnerkogel / Deutschfeistritz - Schartnerkogel (via Gamskogel)

Deutschfeistritz - Schartnerkogel (via Gamskogel)

Starting point: Deutschfeistritz (420 m)
Lat/Lon: 47,19908°N 15,33172°E
Name of path: via Gamskogel
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 511 m
Altitude difference po putu: 690 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: Glogo
Views: 164
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 58
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Maribor-Graz-Salzburg motorway (A9) after a few short tunnels outside Graz and continue right on the expressway towards Wien-Bruck/Muhr-Peggau.
Leave the expressway at the Peggau-Mitte exit and turn right towards Deutschfeistritz.
After about 800 m turn right again in the route Deutschfeistritz.
You arrive in Deutschfeitritz, cross the railway line and turn left at the next crossroads and then immediately right (signpost Tennishalle).
Follow the narrow street and turn right at the next fork (Tennishalle sign). You will come to a parking lot where you park.
Path description:
From the parking lot, walk in the direction of arrival back to the main road.
At the main road, go right. After about 450m turn right onto a side road which initially runs parallel to the main road.
After about 1 km you reach a fork where you see the first signpost at the bridge over the Königgrabenbach.
Go left over the bridge and then immediately right through the courtyard of the commercial building.
After the courtyard, the path leads into the forest. There are numerous forks and several crossings of the dirt road. At all crossroads, take the waymarked path.
Towards the top of hill Gamskogel the path becomes steeper and steeper. Near the top, the view of the valley opens up again, and then we reach the top of Gamskogl.
We descend from the top and soon reach the natural attraction of Bärenhöhle (Bear Cave), where we are greeted by a table and benches.
Then it's rugged terrain, walking up and down the ridge a little, with a view of one side or the other in between.
There is a steeper descent and some more ridge trail. Then leave the ridge and descend right down to the nearby forest road.
Continue straight ahead on the road to the signpost for Schartnerkogel, where you leave the road and go right up the track.
You will come to a road, which you follow only as far as it goes down the other side of the hill.
Leave the road at this point, turn right uphill and after 150m reach the top.
zemljovid puta - Schartnerkogel
On the way: Gamskogel (859m)
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