Dom na Menini planini - Vivodnik
Starting point: Dom na Menini planini (1453 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2627°N 14,8183°E |
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Time of walking: 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 55 m
Altitude difference po putu: 70 m
Map: Zgornja Savinjska dolina 1 : 50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
From Kamnik or Vransko we drive to the Tuhinj valley. Shortly after the village of Zgornji Tuhinj (and a little before from Vransko), the road to the village of Češnjice turns off at a petrol station to the left (and to the right from Vransko). Continue through the village Češnjice on the road which soon after becomes macadam and above the village leads to a small crossroads where you continue right in the direction of Menina mountain pasture. Follow the road, which mostly climbs, to mountain pasture Biba and on to Dom na Menini planini, where we park in the parking lot.
From Mozirje or Gornji Grad, drive into the Zadrečko valley, and there in Bočna you will see signs for Menino mountain pasture, which direct you to the ascending road. Follow this road to the parking area near the mountain home on Menina mountain pasture.
Path description:
From the parking lot, first walk to the mountain lodge, and from there continue along the marked trail towards Vivodnik. After a few 10 steps of easy walking, the path climbs steeply for a short time, and then lays down and leads us to a larger grassy slope, where we encounter a direction sign with the inscription "Vivodnik - circular path". Continue slightly to the left (we can return to the right path) along a relatively gently sloping path, which quickly leads us into a short lane of wodland. Here the path climbs again for a short time and then leads out of the forest, where we can already see the lookout tower at Vivodnik in front of us, which is reached after a few steps of further walking.
Discussion about the trail Dom na Menini planini - Vivodnik
andrej jerina28. 09. 2008 |
Vsekakor lepa popestritev izleta na Menino planino. Zelo lepi razgledi, pot pa zelo lahka. LP Andrej
storžič6. 11. 2008 |
Na stolpu so res fenomenalni razgledi ob lepem vremenu. Se splača
Pohodnica5623. 01. 2011 |
Včeraj iz Češnice ob prekrasnem vremenu, ne glede na veter in nizke temperature, čeprav je bil prvotni namen samo do Menine, sem prigazila na Vivodnik. Na križišču, kjer so smerne table za Bibo planino in Menino po cesti, sem se odločila, da grem tokrat levo. Markirano dobro, to ne smem kritizirat. Vedar tistih par rdečih puščic ni imelo nobenega napisa, tako da sem šla samo po občutku in "ženski" orientaciji, seveda po markirani poti. Proti Vivodniku je bil celc. Na vrhu na žalost nobene oznake po kateri poti dol za dom na Menini. če pride človek iz druge smeri in recimo prvič, je res malo nerodno. Pravzaprav, od začetka poti do vrha je samo na enem križišču par tablic, od katerih so tri neuporabne, na dveh se da razbrati, a še ti dve se v v vetru obračata . Vendar dan je bil vseeno krasen.
jprim23. 01. 2011 |
Včasih je pa prav zanimivo, če ne veš kje hodiš. LP!
Pohodnica5624. 01. 2011 |
Se strinjam, da je zanimivo, s povdarkom na včasih. Bil je vseeno super dan. Prav zanimivo, da me še nihče ni "popljival", češ babnica nora
CarpeDiem24718. 09. 2021 20:56:59 |
Bom poskusil prilepit fotko; sončni zahod nocoj, pot pa primerna res za vsakega
garmont18. 09. 2021 22:03:58 |
V rubriko “Komentirani izleti” ne moreš dodajati slik.