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Mountain ranges / Pohorje, Dravinjske gorice and Haloze / Posestvo Šumik / Dom na Osankarici - Posestvo Šumik (via Črno jezero)

Dom na Osankarici - Posestvo Šumik (via Črno jezero)

Starting point: Dom na Osankarici (1193 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,449°N 15,4196°E
Name of path: via Črno jezero
Time of walking: 1 h 55 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: -93 m
Altitude difference po putu: 150 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 303
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Number of pictures: 44
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Access to the starting point:
a) Take the Oplotnica exit (to get here from the Štajerska motorway, take the Slovenske Konjice or Slovenska Bistrica - south), then follow the signs for Osankarica. After about 12 km of ascent from the centre of Oplotnica, you will arrive at the parking lot near the Doma na Osankarici.
b) First drive to Lovrenc na Pohorju (to get here from the road Maribor - Dravograd), then continue driving towards Rogla and Koča na Pesku. From Koča na Pesku follow the signs for Osankarica, where you park in the parking lot under Dom na Osankarici. From the centre of Lovrenec on Pohorje to the starting point is about 26 km of mostly dirt road.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the marked path towards the Black Lake. First climb the stairs, then follow the cobbled wooden path. At a higher level, the path is laid and then descends a little further along the cobbled path to the Black Lake.
Continue along the lakeside for a short distance before the path splits.
Continue left in the direction of Sv. Treh kraljev (slightly right Oplotnica - the path past Kos) and continue climbing moderately through the forest. Higher up, you reach the indistinct northern ridge of Veliki vrh, where there is a marked crossroads.
Continue left in the direction of Šumik waterfall and Ruš (St. Three Kings on the right).
Continue along the gently sloping path through the forest, which leads across the Sandy Flat, and after the unmarked peak of Trije studenci, the path gradually begins to descend. A little lower down, the forest thins out and the path, which gradually stops descending, has several crossroads where you can follow the markings. After a short slight ascent, we start descending again and lower down we reach a macadam road leading from Areh towards Osankarice, but we just cross it and continue descending to the next road, which we follow to the left (right Ruška koča na Arehu), and quickly reach the starting point Bajgot na Šumiku, where one of the paths to Rušy (the Holcarska path through the valley Lobnica) branches off to the right.
From here, continue along the road for a few steps, then turn right onto the marked path towards Pesek and Klopni vrh, which leads over a small bridge over the Lobnice River. A short climb follows and we return to the macadam road, where the road continues on a slightly shorter but unmarked path towards the Šumik estate, while we continue across the road and continue our climb on the marked path. A little further on, we leave the forest and then climb up a slightly overgrown slope to a macadam road where there is a marked crossroads.
Continue to the right in the direction of the Forestry Home at Šumik (left Pohorje Battalion camp, Tiho jezero and Koča na Pesku, straight up Koča na Klopnem vrhu and Koča na Pesku) and follow the dirt road. Go straight ahead at the nearby crossroads (sharp left Koča na Klopnem vrhu), and continue on the road for a short distance, as the signs for the cottage point us right downhill (straight along the Ruše road). After a short descent, return to the road, and you will see Koča na Šumiku ahead, which is still a one-minute walk away.
Osankarica - Black Lake 0:20, Black Lake - Koča na Šumiku 1:35.
Description and figures refer to the situation in May and June 2022.
zemljovid puta - Posestvo Šumik
On the way: Črno jezero on Pohorje (1196m)
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