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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Ojstrica / Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica (Kopinškova pot)

Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica (Kopinškova pot)

Starting point: Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini (837 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3836°N 14,6216°E
Destination: Ojstrica (2350 m)
Name of path: Kopinškova pot
Time of walking: 4 h 5 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Ferata: B
Altitude difference: 1513 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1513 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Views: 43.184
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 52
Number of comments: 13
Access to the starting point:
a) Via the Volovljek Pass (Kranjski Rak) or from Mozirje, drive to Luce, and from there continue towards the Logar Valley. A few kilometres after Solčava, you will reach a crossroads where you turn left towards Logarska dolina (toll). Continue along Logarska dolina, and we will drive to Dom planincev v Logarska dolina. Park in the parking lot on the left side of the road. The parking lot on the right side is for the guests of the Planincev Dom Planincev.
b) Via Border crossing Jezerski vrh (Jezerski vrh) drive into Austria, and there in the Bela Valley / Vellach turn right in the direction of Border crossing Pavličev vrh (Pavličevo sedlo) / Paulitchsattel. When you reach the Slovenian side, first descend to the valley, then turn right at the junction a little before Solčava towards the Logar valley (toll). Continue along the Logar valley, and we drive to the Home of the Mountaineers in the Logar valley. Park in the parking lot on the left side of the road. The parking lot on the right side is for the guests of the Planincev Dom Planincev.
c) We drive to Črna na Koroškem (to get here from Raven na Koroškem or from Šoštanj via the Spodnje Sleme pass) and then continue driving to Luče. Initially still an asphalt road, higher up it becomes macadam and leads to a crossroads of several roads at Spodnje Sleme Pass. Continue along the main road, which begins to descend crosswise towards the settlement of Podolševa. At the crossroads below, turn sharp left (Solčava Panorama Road to the right - you can also reach the starting point by this road, in which case join the road over the Pavličev Vrh Pass) in the direction of Solčava. When you reach Solčava, continue right at the junction where you join the main road. A few kilometres after Solčava you will come to a crossroads where you turn left in the direction of the Logarska dolina (toll). Continue along the Logarska dolina, and we will drive to the Home of the Mountaineers in the Logarska dolina. Park in the parking lot on the left side of the road. The parking lot on the right side is for the guests of the Planincev Dom Planincev.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the main road, which leads us over the bridge, and after the bridge, signs for Klemenča Cave direct us left to the forest road, which we continue along the path, which leads us in a few minutes to the crossroads, where we continue to the right in the direction of Klemenča Cave. From the crossroads, walk along the road for only a short time, as you then continue left along the initially wide and gently sloping mountain path. Only a few steps further on, the path passes onto a slope and gradually starts to climb steeper and steeper. The steep path continues up the steep slope, then crosses a torrential ravine and, a little further on, a small stream. After the stream, the path becomes even steeper and climbs up a very steep slope, which is particularly dangerous for slipping in wet conditions. After less than an hour's walk from the starting point, you reach a bench by a small well and just a little further on to a crossroads, where you join the trail from the starting point at the crossroads.
Here the steepness eases, and we continue slightly up the wide path, which soon leads us out of the forest. From here it is just a short climb up a grassy slope to Koča na Klemenči jami below Ojstrica.
From the hut at which the crossroads is marked, continue straight on in the direction of Ojstrica (Strelovec and Krofička on the left) along the path, which goes into the forest after a few 10 metres. Through the forest we climb moderately to steeply, and the path leads us higher under the rocky cliffs, which are not too crumbly. The path soon gives way to the cliffs to the right and leads to a crossroads, where we continue left in the direction of Ojstrica along the Kopinškovi path (to the right Ojstrica, Planjava and Korošica over Škarje).
Further on, we pass out of the forest onto the dwarf pines covered slopes, which offer a beautiful view towards the north face of Ojstrica and Rjavčků Peak. The way forward leads us past a branch of the unmarked hunting trail to Krofička, above which we quickly reach the other side of the ridge or to the Stump 1800 m.
At the notch, from where there is a fine view of the neighbouring Krofička, the path turns right and, crossing the steep slopes above Robanov Kot, leads us to the first fixed safety gear, where the path climbs relatively steeply along the steel cable, then lays down and crosses a grassy slope. There is some easy scrambling with the aid of pegs, and then a short vertical section is reached, over which the climb is ascended with the aid of crampons and a pulley. The route continues to climb very steeply for some time, and most of the time we are helped by fixed safety gear, mainly by chocks and pitons. Higher up, we reach a small notch where the path turns right. From here onwards, with easier climbing and some steep traverses, we climb westwards, where we get higher up on the ridge. On the ridge, the view opens up again towards the Logar valley and the mountains above it. Continue slightly left along the exposed ridge, where the path climbs steeply again along the steel cable. The path continues to climb up the right (north) side of the ridge above the precipitous walls. Then cross a steep scree slope, where snow can still linger in early summer (the snowfield can only be crossed safely with the use of a snowshoe and ice-hoes, as the scree slope ends with a precipice). Above the scree, the path turns left and ascends along a glacier. There is some easy climbing and at the
zemljovid puta - Ojstrica
On the way: Koča na Klemenči jami (1208m), Škrbina (1800m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica12
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica13
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica14
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica15
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica16
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica17
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica18
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica19
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica20
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica21
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica22
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica23
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica24
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica25
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica26
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica27
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica28
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica29
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica30
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica31
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica32
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica33
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica34
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica35
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica36
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica37
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica38
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica39
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica40
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica41
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica42
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica43
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica44
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica45
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica46
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica47
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica48
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica49
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica50
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica51
Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica52
Discussion about the trail Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Ojstrica (Kopinškova pot)
katja8716. 10. 2014
V nedeljo (12.10.2014) smo bili na Ojstrici in Rjavčkem vrhu. Naredili smo krožno turo: Dom Planincev - Koča na Klemenči jami - Ojstrica po Kopinškovi poti - sedlo Škarje - Rjavčki vrh - Koča na Klemenči jami - Dom Planincev.

Ker smo bili zadosti zgodnji, smo na vrhu uživali v sončku in imeli lepe razglede. Le Ojstrica in Mrzla gora sta dolgo vztrajali in nista bili zabasani, saj so bili okrog vsi vrhovi v oblakih, le tu in tam se je za kratek čas odprlo.

Več slik in opis ture je objavljen na spletni strani Planinskega društva Matica Murska Sobota:
zoranp6829. 06. 2015
28.06.2015 Krožna tura Dom planincev Logarska dolina,Koča na Klemenči jami,Kopinškova pot, Ojstrica, Škarje,Koča na Klemenči jami,Dom planincev Logarska dolina. Bilo je čudovito. Hvala vsem za lep dan. Zoran
neyo29. 06. 2015
Kakšne so razmere na Kopinškovi poti na Ojstrico. Predvsem me zanima snežišče pod vrhom. Se da mimo njega,ker derez vsaj takšnih ki so za takšno snežišče primerne nimam. Zaenkrat se izogibam takšni potem. Bil pa sem že pred leti, mislim da je tega že okrog 15 let. Takrat sem snežišče obšel na zgornjem delu. Ni bilo nobene potrebe da bi sploh stopil nanj. Tudi sedaj si želim če je le možno, da bi ga obšel. Hvala za odgovor
zoranp6829. 06. 2015
Živjo. Neyo včeraj smo prečkali to snežišče brez problemov. Sneg je mehak in stopinje globoke in utrjene. Mislim da derez in cempina ne rabiš. Srečno. Zoran
stropci9. 07. 2015
Oj kako je kaj s snegom na poti po kopinškovi ?

l.p. Stropci
zico109. 07. 2015
Ga skoraj ni vec. Pot pod noge...
pohodnik3822. 07. 2015
Pred dobrim tednom (12.7.) prehojena pot,sneg je že zdavnaj pobralo.Tako da jo je bilo pravi užitek prehoditi pa tudi pretirane gneče ni bilo.Super nasmeh

SLIKE in osebni vtisi z poti

Lp! Tone nasmeh
pohodnik385. 08. 2018
Včeraj opravil to pot snega nikjer več pot pa brez posebnosti.

Slike in osebni vtisi z poti

Lp! Tonenasmeh
green19. 06. 2020
Zdravo, kakšne do kaj razmere na Kopinškovi (varovala, sneg)? Hvala in srečno vsem mežikanje
biba19. 06. 2020
Tukaj poglej - Ojstrica
mirank15. 08. 2021 13:05:46
Na sliki 20 se lepo vidi da na tabli za Kopinškovo ni napisanega časa 3h 50min; kira mona je to dodala zavijanje z očmi. Ta napis je pripomogel, da je za mano klepet nadomestila mrtvaška tišinavelik nasmeh
primozg2. 08. 2022 07:02:47
V soboto 23.7. po tej poti. Varovala brezhibna pot pa zelo lepa. Opis in slike si lahko pogledate na
Chasethesun6. 07. 2024 11:24:57
kako je s snegom po tej poti? So se potrebne dereze&cepin?
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