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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Storžič / Dom pod Storžičem - Storžič (via Psica)

Dom pod Storžičem - Storžič (via Psica)

Starting point: Dom pod Storžičem (1123 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3586°N 14,3906°E
Destination: Storžič (2132 m)
Name of path: via Psica
Time of walking: 3 h 45 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1009 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1050 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 28.744
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 64
Number of comments: 8
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Ljubelj exit (Tržič) and then continue towards Ljubelj. Just before the petrol station in Bistrica pri Tržiču, leave the main road and turn right towards Tržiča. Continue through Tržič in the direction of Dolžanove gorge, then turn right at the end of the town in the direction of Lom pod Storžičem and Grahovš. At the end of the village Grahovše the asphalt ends and we continue on the dirt road in the direction of Doma pod Storžičem. Follow the steeper dirt road in the upper part of the road to the parking lot near the Doma pod Storžičem.
Path description:
From the starting point near Dom pod Storžičem, continue along the road for a short distance (direction Storžič), and then follow the parallel mountain path that climbs gently along the edge of the meadow. At the upper part of the meadow you will reach a small wooden hut where the path splits into two parts. We take the slightly right-hand path (left Storžič through Žrelo and over Škarjev rob), which continues along and along the relatively steep cart track. The path dips slightly higher up and turns right. It then climbs cross-climbing to the right for some time before reaching the edge of a steep gully, over which it climbs cross-climbing to the nearby wide cart track, which is reached just at its end. Leave the cart track immediately and continue slightly left into the forest. Continue through the forest for some time, following the path which descends gently for some time, and then reach a small crossroads, from where you continue in the route Mala Poljana.
From the crossroads onwards, the path starts to climb again, crossing the slopes to the right all the time. At a higher altitude you reach cart track, after which you quickly walk to the nearby Mala Poljane.
From Mala Poljana, where the path from Zalog joins, continue left in the route Velika Poljana. The path continues along cart track and quickly enters the forest, through which it then climbs crosswise. After a few minutes' walk, you will reach a viewing slope which offers a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains. Just a little further on, cart track turns to the right and after a short climb leads us to the upper edge of Velika Poljane, where there is a marked crossroads.
Continue left into the forest along the path in the direction of Storžiča over Psico (straight ahead to Koča na Velika Poljana). The path starts to climb quite steeply and then turns slightly to the right and the steepness eases slightly. This path soon leads us out of the forest and to a crossroads. Turn left on the path over the Psico, and right on the easier path to Storžič.
From the crossroads, the path initially follows grassy terrain with dwarf pines and sparse trees, then re-enters the woods and begins to climb steeply. In a few places the path is also somewhat exposed. It then climbs up a grassy slope along a rare dwarf pines to a view ridge. Climb along the increasingly exposed ridge for some time, then reach the undistinguished summit of Psica. Descend gently from the summit and then continue along the exposed ridge. The path climbs and descends along the ridge a few more times, and some fixed safety gear help us. Later, the path through the gully joins us from the left, and we continue along the path along the ridge. In the last part of the path we climb steeply a few more times, with some fixed safety gear to help us. Just below the summit, the easiest route to Storžič joins us from the right, leading via mountain pasture Maple Tree. There is only a short climb up the top slope of Storžič, the summit of which is reached in a few minutes.
zemljovid puta - Storžič
On the way: Mala Poljana (1325m), Velika Poljana (1410m)
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Discussion about the trail Dom pod Storžičem - Storžič (via Psica)
Potohodnik9. 07. 2013
Ali je skalovje krušljivo in je nevarno, da ti pade na glavo, če je kdo nad tabo? Ali je nujno samovarovanje s kompletom?
jax9. 07. 2013
Nevarnost padajocega kamenja seveda obstaja, vendar ni zelo velika - v osnovi gre za grebensko pot, pa se gnece obicajno ni. Samovarovalni komplet pa je po moje popolnoma nepotreben, na Psici je le ena zajla, pa se par po tem, ko se pot zdruzi z Zrelom, ampak nic problematicnega.
Pa se opravicujem, ker ni sumnikov, sem v tujini.
Potohodnik19. 07. 2013
hvala jax
Potohodnik13. 10. 2013
Na začetku se pot strmo vzpne, potem se malo spusti, potem pa polagoma vzpenja do Male Poljane. Do tja hodimo približno 1h, mogoče malo manj. Od male do Velike poljane hodimo približmo 15 min. Potem poiščemo pot po grebenu do vrha. Večkrat se vzpnemo in spustimo dokler ne pridemo do strmega spusta ob jekelnici. Nato nadaljujemo po grebenu, kjer se večkrat spustimo in dvignemo. Pot je manjkljivo varovana. Potem pridemo do majhne stene, kjer moramo malo plezati, zraven je tudi jeklenica. Potem je do vrha še približno 1/2h. Razgledi so čudoviti.
alyas3. 07. 2016
Prehojeno včeraj, markirano in označeno dobro, pot je tudi lepo sledljiva, zelo razgledna, greben čez Psico seveda ni začetnike, a nikjer ni nekih pretežkih mest, res priporočam.
Iz Storžiča smo sestopili čez Škarjeve peči in naredili lep krožni poldnevni izlet.
garmont3. 07. 2016
Meni najlepši markiran pristop na Storžič. nasmeh
Prefrigan28. 06. 2017
Po žrelu gor in čez psico nazaj - je to že kdo preveril v praksi? nasmeh
franca28. 06. 2017
je. Psica "navzdol" ni nič težja kot navzgor, v obe smeri plezaš gor pa dol.
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