Dom pod Storžičem - Velika Poljana (by road)
Starting point: Dom pod Storžičem (1123 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3586°N 14,3906°E |
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Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 287 m
Altitude difference po putu: 350 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 13.609
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Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Ljubelj exit (Tržič) and then continue towards Ljubelj. Just before the petrol station in Bistrica pri Tržiču, leave the main road and turn right towards Tržiča. Continue through Tržič in the direction of Dolžanove gorge, then turn right at the end of the town in the direction of Lom pod Storžičem and Grahovš. At the end of the village Grahovše the asphalt ends and we continue on the dirt road in the direction of Doma pod Storžičem. Follow the steeper dirt road in the upper part of the road to the parking lot near the Doma pod Storžičem.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road that continues along the right-hand side of the nearby mountain pasture Jesenja. The road soon turns to the right and starts to climb gently. A little higher up, cross a landslide slope and then reach a crossroads where you take the road on the left in the direction of Poljane. The way forward again begins to climb gently on the macadam road, which leads to the next crossroads, where we continue on the right road (direction Mala Poljana). The road gets worse as it goes on and gradually leads to a small stream in the middle of the forest. After the stream, turn left onto cart track and start climbing steeply. After about 20 minutes on cart track, you will emerge from the forest and reach Mala Poljana, from where you will have a fine view to the south.
From here continue left after the Velika Poljana markers. Continue along the wide path, initially through the forest, which narrows slightly just before mountain pasture and becomes a steep clearing. There is a risk of avalanches in winter. After this, the path climbs again for a few steps and leads to mountain pasture. To get to the hut, you have to go down the mountain pasture for a few metres.
![zemljovid puta - Velika Poljana](/slike/Zemljevid.gif)
Discussion about the trail Dom pod Storžičem - Velika Poljana (by road)
Guest13. 09. 2007 |
Brane V.-danes bil tu ,ko sem šel na Storžič-te poti ni opisane.Z avtom se zapelje v vas Gojzd nad Križami.Pri cerkvi v vasi se pusti vozilo .Nad vasjo nas kažipot usmeri na Veliko Poljano.Hodimo dve uri.Gremo prek takoimenovane Ježe.Nekoliko izpostavljena mesta premostimo s tremi jeklenicami.To pot pohodniki veliko uporabljajo.Primerno za vsako dopoldne ali popoldne.
počasni8. 06. 2008 |
Od doma pod Storžičem sta dve poti na Veliko Poljano. Če se postaviš pred vrata doma in pogledaš naprej, vidiš na drevesu dve tabli, ki kažeta dve poti: ena desno po cesti, leva pa pripelje mimo vikenda, od koder je na začetku strmo, nato pa se umiri. Ko kolovoz zavije strmo levo navzgor, moramo biti pozorni na markacije, ki kažejo desno navzdol. Rahlo se spustimo, nato pa nadaljujemo za oznakami skozi gozd do Male Poljane, od koder ni več daleč dop Velike Poljane. Koča na vrhu je odprta za vikende, tudi pozimi, mi je povedala prijazna oskrbnica.
Kriška8. 06. 2008 |
Mogoče samo še tole obvestilo za vse, ki se boste oglasili v domu pod Storžičem: Od začetka maja je tam nov oskrbnik, cela ekipa (družinska zasedba) je zelo prijetna, prijazna, hrana raznolika in zelo okusna! Skupina 16 ljudi se nas je tam ustavila prejšnji teden in smo bili nadvse prijetno presenečeni nad veliko pozitivno spremembo v tem domu. Priporočam!
Iguana11. 07. 2010 |
Dolgo ni nihče nič napisal. Po včerajšnem prav zoprnem vzponu na Dobrčo, seveda po najkrajši in najbolj strmi, se danes odločila za obisk Male in Velike Poljane, zgolj za pretegnit mišice pred jutrišnim 12 urnim delovnikom. Včasih prav paše malo na "izi" ubrati poti, vmes se najesti gozdnih jagod. V obeh kočah zelo prijazni oskrbniki. Tudi malo nižje je lepo.