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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Batognica / Dom v Lepeni - Batognica (via Krnska škrbina)

Dom v Lepeni - Batognica (via Krnska škrbina)

Starting point: Dom v Lepeni (700 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3037°N 13,6814°E
Destination: Batognica (2164 m)
Name of path: via Krnska škrbina
Time of walking: 4 h 50 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 1464 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1464 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 16.505
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 85
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
Between Trenta and Bovec, the road to Lepena branches off at the village of Soča. Follow this road, which is completely asphalted, to the parking lot of the house in Lepena.
Path description:
From the hut of Dr Klement Jug in Lepena, continue along the wide marked trail towards Krnske jezera. The wide and not to steep path splits into two parts after a few minutes of walking. The left one, which is a bit steeper, is normal, while the right one, which is flatter and a bit longer, is suitable for small children and the elderly. Both paths mostly climb through the forest to the top station of the cable car and cross a few times along the way. From the upper station of the cargo cableway, continue along the same path, which climbs gently along a wide transport road, which quickly leads to the snow depth measurement (every year in April). From here on, the road starts to descend and quickly leads us past the turnoff for Velika Baba to the next crossroads, where we leave the road and continue left down a footpath, which leads us in a few minutes to the house at Krnsko jezero (if we continue along the road, we bypass the mountain lodge). The road continues downhill for a few minutes.
From the house, continue straight on in the direction of Krno and Krnsko jezero along the gently sloping path, which is soon joined by a path that bypasses the mountain lodge. Continue past the shepherd's hut, past which you will reach the next crossroads, where you will again continue in the direction of Krno (to the left Bogatin, Mali Šmohor and the lodge at Komna).
After a few more minutes, the gently sloping path leads us to the pearl of the Krn mountains. In front of us we see Krnsko jezero and alongside it inviting meadows for a rest. The marked trail then leads us along the left side of the lake at the foot of the Malá Šmohorja scree. On the other side of the lake, the path turns slightly to the left and then climbs up a slightly steeper slope, where we join the unmarked (upper) path a little higher up, which crosses the scree above Krnsko jezero (this path is slightly shorter, but exposed to falling rocks). The path then turns slightly right and leads to extensive deposits of torrential gravel, ending at mountain pasture on Polje.
With magnificent views of the surrounding peaks, cross the grassy mountain pasture at Polje (you will see a hunting lodge on the right-hand side, a little way off the waymarked trail) and start climbing up the small valley behind it. The path then climbs a little more and soon leads to an unmarked crossroads. The marked path leading to Krnska škrbina turns right here (straight unmarked path towards the Prag saddle (2068m) and starts to climb steeper. The trail then switches to steep slopes, over which it ascends in a traverse to Krnska škrbina (snowfields may be encountered in this section in early summer). From Škrbina continue left (sharp left over the threshold pass, straight down mountain pasture Kuhinja and right Krn) along the path that starts to climb steeply on the south side of Batognica. The path, which becomes technically demanding, leads over an exposed part, which is ascended by means of relatively narrow steps. In wet conditions or snow there is a high risk of slipping. Higher up, the path flattens out and leads to the top without any major problems.
Home in Lepena - Krnsko jezero 2:15, Krnsko jezero - Batognica 2:35.
zemljovid puta - Batognica
On the way: Dom pri Krnskih jezerih mountain hut (1385m), The lake Krnsko jezero (1391m), Planina na Polju (1530m), Krnska škrbina (2058m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Krn
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Dom v Lepeni - Batognica (via Krnska škrbina)
ROBERT18. 08. 2006
Stopnice so super, samo na vrhu manjka žig!!! Rad bi vedel kdo je odgovoren za to!! ps.vreme je bilo odlično.
kamchatka30. 06. 2010
Zdravo,a se lahk vprasam ce kdo sel na Bogatnico iz Doma v Lepinji cez sedlo Prehodci in vrh Malen (1758 m)? Rada bi se vprasala kaksna je ta pot in kolk casa lahko traja..hotela bi narediti obkrozno pot, ampak ni sem sigurna ce ni predolga na en dan..Hvala! K.
ales502. 09. 2011
sm šel na batognico od doma na lepeni,ne na lepinji,ker lepinja ti ne pomaga do vrha,nasmeh,pot je zahtevna celo za najboljše planince,vse je pa odvisno od kondicije,za tako pot je en dan premalo,rajši prespi v gomiščkovem zavetišču,ker drugje ne moreš,na batognici se ne sme,pa tudi nimaš kje,tko,da z glavo na pot,lp
EUGEN12. 09. 2011
Prilegla bi se kakšna lepinja med potjo,tudi jaz sem včeraj prehodil to pot.Vendar smola na vru brez razgleda ,zamudil eno uro kajti po 12h je mnogokrat vrh v megli.
ales5012. 09. 2011
jest sm mel totalno smolo z vremenom gor,neurje kot,da sm sredi topniškega obstreljevanja,mešanica z dežjem in 130km na uro vetrom,moraš res ujet lepo vreme in pravi dan,vseeno sm pa naredil par fotografij
panda25. 07. 2014
Včeraj (24.07.) pri povratku iz Krna, obiskala še Batognico (spala v zavetišču). Vzpon je kar adrenalinski (začetni vstop in stopnice - predvsem nazaj moraš imeti hladno glavo). Razgled super, malce vetrovno.....povratek v Lepeno preko treh snežišč - dva kar obsežna, potrebna precejšnja mera previdnosti (zjutraj precej trdo - priporočljive dereze - dovolj navadne).nasmeh
Lazo14. 07. 2020
Zopet uspešno hribolazenje.
V tem posnetku je prikazana celotna delno zahtevna označena pot iz doma V Lepeni (Dom Dr. Klementa Juga) do Batognice in Krna. Pot je bila brez posebnosti. Primerna je za vsa starostna obdobja, edino potrebuje se malo več kondicije, če se želi vse opraviti v enem dnevu. Pot vsekakor priporočam, ker nas lepo nadgradi s številnimi razgledi in tudi z ostanki iz prve oziroma druge svetovne vojne.

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