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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Bivak na Črniku / Drežnica - Bivak na Črniku

Drežnica - Bivak na Črniku

Starting point: Drežnica (553 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2555°N 13,617°E
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 607 m
Altitude difference po putu: 607 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 7.700
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 18
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
From Tolmin or Bovec, take the road to Kobarid, and from there follow the road towards Drežnica (the road branches off from the Kobarid bypass). Continue over the bridge over the Soča River and immediately after the bridge turn left in the direction of Drežnica. Follow this mostly ascending road to the centre of Drežnica, where turn right and continue to the primary school, which is the starting point of our route.
Path description:
From the parking lot, head past the chapel and the primary school on the marked path to Krn. The trail continues through the forest and then along the pasture to the Triglav National Park sign. Here we join the road (the road from Drežnica) and we continue on the marked trail, which crosses the Ročica stream a little higher, and we arrive at a marked crossroads, where we continue left in the direction of the bivouac and the very difficult trail to Krn (to the right, the easier trail to Krn).
The path continues into a dense forest, through which it climbs moderately along the Ročica brok. The path then turns slightly to the right and leads to the Bivouac on Črniku.
zemljovid puta - Bivak na Črniku
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Gomiščkovo zavetišče na Krnu (3 h 5 min), Krn (3 h 15 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips
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Discussion about the trail Drežnica - Bivak na Črniku
grega_p30. 05. 2010
V petek 28.5. sva s kolegico prespala v bivaku in je bilo kar strašljivo. Polno miši, ki škrebljajo celo noč in bolh, ki ti prikrajšajo spanec ob nenehnem praskanju. Sicer je rana ura zlata ura, ampak tokrat je bila bolj prisilne narave..

Predlagam da fajn pretresete odeje (koce) in nastavite koščke hrane nekje zunaj, malce stran od bivaka..

Je blo pa zastonjnasmeh
Virenque1. 06. 2010
Spanec ja, dvomim da sta vidva kaj dosti spala. Raje povej, da sta se šla v ta bivak med rjuhe valjat, drugače ne vidim razloga,da bi v bivaku na 1160 metrih, manj kot 2 uri oddaljenem od Drežnice, kdo prespal....velik nasmeh
grega_p1. 06. 2010
Če je napoved slaba za naslednji dan popoldne, potem moraš prespati nekje višje, da si zgoden v steni. In izkazalo se je po 6h hoje na Krn in dol za edino pravilno, saj se je pol ure zatem ulilo kot iz škafa.
V bivaku sem že spal (sicer 5 let nazaj) in je bilo povsem OK. Če pa misliš, da je užitek se valjati med rjuhami (ki jih mimogrede ni) ter ob miših 1 meter stran in ob bolhah, ki izvajajo salte na tvoji glavi...

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