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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Planina Zaprikraj / Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj (by road)

Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj (by road)

Starting point: Drežniške Ravne (750 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2729°N 13,6147°E
Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 458 m
Altitude difference po putu: 458 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 18.372
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 8
Number of comments: 4
Access to the starting point:
From Tolmin or Bovec, take the road to Kobarid, and from there follow the road towards Drežnica (the road branches off from the Kobarid bypass). Continue over the bridge over the Soča River and immediately after the bridge turn left in the direction of Drežnice. In Drežnica we reach a crossroads where the road to the village Magozd turns left, and we continue a little further to the next crossroads, where we turn left in the direction of Drežniške Raven. The road then leads to a crossroads in Drežniške Ravne, where you turn right up towards Krasje vrh. At the next junction turn right again and follow the road to the water trough where the asphalt ends. There is a small parking area here, where you park.
Path description:
From the parking lot we continue along a less good macadam road, which climbs partly through the forest and partly over grassy slopes. After a good hour's walk, the road, which makes quite a few turns, leads us to mountain pasture Zapleč, where we see a sign for the TNP. The road continues almost horizontally through pastures with beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. The road then leads to a crossroads where we turn left towards the houses at mountain pasture Zaprikraj, which we reach after a few steps of further walking.
zemljovid puta - Planina Zaprikraj
On the way: Planina zapleč (1201m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Krasji vrh, Lopatnik (1 h 45 min), Krnčica
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj1
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj2
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj3
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj4
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj5
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj6
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj7
Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj8
Discussion about the trail Drežniške Ravne - Planina Zaprikraj (by road)
ales504. 10. 2011
zanima me ,kdo ve mogoče kje se nahajajo strelski jarki italijanske bojne črte na planini zaprikraj,nameravam v četrtek gor,lp
Lj4. 10. 2011
Muzej na prostem z informativno tablo je ob makadamski cesti med planinama Zaprikraj in Predolina. To je cesta, po kateri se iz Drežniških Raven povzpneš na planini Zapleč in Zaprikraj in gre nato v glavnem po ravnem naprej proti Predolini. Ne spomnim se točno, koliko smo hodili do muzeja, se mi je pa čudno zdelo, da se imenuje muzej Zaprikraj, ker je bliže planini Predolina. Lep dan želim!
ales505. 10. 2011
jutri bi šel sm gor,pa ne vem koliko časa bi potreboval do gor in nazaj,da se vrnem do 15 v lj,ker mam sestanek
Lj5. 10. 2011
V opisu zgoraj piše dobro uro do planine Zaprikraj pa dodaj še kake pol ure, pa še čas za ogled muzeja na prostem in povratek. Če imaš terenca se lahko tudi zapelješ od opisanega izhodišča pri vodnem koritu do planine Zapleč in nato še sprehodiš do strelskih jarkov. Kot vidiš na 5. fotki se da tudi z običajnim avtom ampak se ti ne smilt mrk pogled
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