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Dvor - Mala Grmada

Starting point: Dvor (345 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,0659°N 14,3479°E
Destination: Mala Grmada (853 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 508 m
Altitude difference po putu: 530 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 6.721
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 38
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
First, we drive to Dobrova near Ljubljana, and then we continue our drive towards Polhov Gradec. Just after the village Belica we will reach the village Dvor, which is the starting point of our tour. The large parking lot at the beginning of the village (as seen from Ljubljana) is reserved for guests of the nearby cafeteria (by arrangement with the cafeteria staff, it is also possible to leave your car in the parking lot). There are also some parking spaces at the end of the village.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the main road towards Polhovo Gradec, and then, a few 10 m before the old Gothic church of St Peter, you will see a water trough by the roadside and, next to it, mountain direction signs for Grmada, which direct you to the right onto a narrower, but still asphalted road. After a short climb, the road curves slightly to the left, and we find a small path at this very spot, which turns sharp right off the road (the turn-off is not marked). As we enter the forest, the path turns left and continues to climb cross-country. After a few minutes, you will reach cart track, where you will get on a marked path leading from the church mentioned above (you can also get here by passing the church).
Continue ascending cart track, which turns into a steep footpath higher up. The path continues up a relatively steep ridge, which is slightly to the left as you get higher up. When we leave the ridge, the path is laid, and it leads us on across a meadow with a view, at the edge of which we see a hunting observation post. The way ahead leads us to the folded cart track, which is joined just a little further on the left by the path from Polhov Gradec (the path via Ravnek). Continue on the cart track, which quickly leads to a hunting lodge, near which there is a marked crossroads.
Continue along the right-hand side of the hut, following the path which, immediately after the hut, begins to climb very steeply. Higher up, the path gently lays and leads us to the top of Mala Grmada, from which we have a beautiful view.
zemljovid puta - Mala Grmada
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Polhograjska Grmada ( 15 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Dvor - Mala Grmada
orchigu24. 07. 2021 11:47:10
Prehodila 20.7.2021. Res cudovita pot, dobrsen del poti tudi skozi gozd po senci. Sama sem na poti srecala gospoda, gorskega vodnika, ki mi je na razcepu pri lovski koci predlagal, da grem krozno varianto najprej desno na Polhograjsko grmado in potem nazaj cez Malo grmado. To je bila super odlocitev, pot fenomenalna, pa ce smo tako blizu Polhograjske grmade, se res splaca povzpet tja za razglede, ki jih Mala grmada ne ponuja toliko.
Edit: pri vodnjaku ob mojem obisku table, ki nas usmeri na zacetek poti ni bilo, ampak se ni problem znajt nasmeh
Glede parkirisca: med tednom so mi brez problema dovolili parkirat pri gostiscu, je pa rekla gospa, da je za vikend to precejsen problem. Ta parking na koncu vasi je pa tko... malo makadama nasproti ene hise, mogoce za par avtomobilov.
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