end of road on Pokljuka - Planina Konjščica
Starting point: end of road on Pokljuka (1340 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3386°N 13,9045°E |
| |
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 98 m
Altitude difference po putu: 98 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
a) Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the exit for Lesce, then follow the signs for Bled and Pokljuka. Continue through Gorje and past the ski resort Zatrnik to Rudni Polje on Pokljuka, where there is a large pay parking lot and a military barracks and shooting range nearby. From here, continue straight along the macadam road, which leads us a little further to a crossroads, where we continue to the right (Uskovnica on the left). Follow this road to the former parking lot Za Ribnico, which is at the end of the road (there are mountain signs for mountain pasture Konjščico).
After the new parking at the end of the road is forbidden, so we park already at Rudne polje, which lengthens the route by about 40 minutes, but it is more convenient to choose the marked trail, which starts already at Rudne polje.
b) From Železniki or Podbrdo, take the road to Bohinjska Bistrica and then continue in the direction of Bled. Shortly after the Petrol station, which is located just after Bohinjska Bistrica, turn left in the direction of Pokljuka and Jereka. The road climbs steeply at first, then gradually flattens out behind Koriti, leading to a junction by the bus station, where you continue right in the direction of Pokljuka, Koprivnik and Jereka (straight ahead Srednja vas). Just after the crossroads we arrive at Jereka, and from the crossroads in front of the church we continue straight on towards Pokljuka (left Podjelje). After Jereka the road starts to climb steeply again, and higher up it levels off and continues along the Mrzle potok. When you join the road from Bled, go left and drive to Rudno Polje, where there is a large pay parking lot, and also a military barracks and a shooting range nearby. From here, continue straight along the macadam road, which leads us a little further to a crossroads, where we continue to the right (Uskovnica on the left). Follow this road to the former parking lot Za Ribnico, which is at the end of the road (there are mountain signs for mountain pasture Konjščico).
After the new parking at the end of the road is forbidden, so we park already at Rudne polje, which lengthens the route by about 40 minutes, but it is more convenient to choose the marked trail, which starts already at Rudne polje.
Path description:
From the former parking lot at the end of the road, follow the wide and initially ascending cart track towards mountain pasture of Konjščice. The cart track, which goes immediately into the dense forest, is quickly laid and after a few minutes of easy walking turns into a footpath which continues along the left bank of the Ribnica stream. When the path is quite close to the stream, it turns slightly to the right and climbs steeply. Higher up, the path lays down and leads out of the forest to the lower edge of the vast Konjščice River. Here the path turns slightly to the left, crosses a small stream and, after a few further steps, leads us to the cheese cottage at mountain pasture Konjščica.

We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Planina pod Mišelj vrhom (3 h 15 min),
Velo polje (2 h 45 min),
Vodnikov dom na Velem polju (2 h 30 min),
Studorski preval (1 h 30 min),
Ablanca (1 h 50 min),
Jezerski Stog (4 h 30 min),
Prevalski Stog (4 h 30 min),
Mali Draški vrh (2 h 5 min),
Koča na Doliču (4 h 30 min),
Vernar (3 h 45 min),
Veliki Draški vrh,
Tosc (3 h 15 min),
Vrh Snežne konte (4 h 15 min),
Šmarjetna glava (5 h 10 min),
Dom Planika pod Triglavom (4 h),
Visoka Vrbanova špica (5 h 40 min),
Begunjski vrh (6 h),
Triglavski dom na Kredarici (4 h 30 min),
Rjavina (7 h),
Discussion about the trail end of road on Pokljuka - Planina Konjščica
Lj5. 01. 2010 |
V nedeljo smo se potepali po Pokljuki in si ogledali tudi novi biatlonski center. Opazili smo, da je sedaj gozdna cesta, po kateri se pride na Uskovnico ali pa do omenjenega parkirišča pod Konjščico, zaprta - območje streljanja!  Prav tako moraš direktno po tekaških progah, če želiš po pešpoti, ki gre mimo planine Praprotnice na Uskovnico. Ker so tekaške proge asfaltirane,predvidevam, da bodo tudi v kopni sezoni tekli in streljali? Ima morda kdo informacijo, kako bo v prihodnje s tem dostopom do Uskovnice oz. Konjščice? Je sploh kakšna možnost, da bo uporaba te ceste in pešpoti še možna?
lukapet5. 01. 2010 |
Letošnjo poletno sezono je bila cesta normalno prevozna, najbrž bo tudi letos tako, sej v poletni sezoni ni intezivnih treningov. V zimskem času, pa je cesta vsa leta zaprta, vsaj uradno, ker po cesti poteka proga in jo seveda ne plužijo, sploh pa ne do parkirišča pod planino Konjščica.
Lj6. 01. 2010 |
Hvala za vzpodbudno informacijo in lp! 
zatrepar6. 01. 2010 |
Ko bo cesta splužena, se bo dalo peljat proti Praprotnici in naprej. Samo malo bo treba pazit, ker je treba pri športnem centru 2x prečkat rolkarsko stezo.
velkavrh2. 08. 2010 |
Danes sem nehote obiskal to pašno planino. Nazaj grede k avtu na Rudno polje sem na križišču nad planino nevede zavil na planino. Ko sem to napako ugotovil sem nadaljeval na planino. Pri koči ti lahko skuhajo celo žgance z ocvirki, samo z brezalkoholnimi pijačami ni bilo nič. Za nazaj pa je kriza, ker ni nič označeno, niti ni nobene table. Če hočeš priti nazaj na pot za zgornje parkirišče na Rudnem polju je treba iti v breg nad planino in kmalu vidimo potko.Ko se ta potka priključi na pot za parkirišče pa je izredno slabo označena pot za na planino. Nekaj sicer piše na eni skali, vendar se več ne vidi. Za promocijo Bohinjskih pašnih planin bi bilo treba res storiti nekaj več.
ajam8. 07. 2013 |
Ima kdo mogoče kontakt "pastirjev" oziroma sirarjev na planini Konjščica?!? Hvala za info že vnaprej.
jana19668. 07. 2013 |
Na planini sem nabavila mazilo DAKAL in je izdelek sirarja oz.oskrbnika,na izdelku pa je tel.031 385 215,če lahko kako pomagam!
ViLa2. 09. 2013 |
Ima kdi info, če je koča odprta vsak dan?
Daaam2. 09. 2013 |
Dokler se še kravce pasejo je odprta.. ..Ni pa to planinska koča, da ne bo kšnih nesporazumov 
ViLa2. 09. 2013 |
Hvala 
lucylucy6. 07. 2015 |
Obiskala sem to planino,sama pot je lahka in primerna tudi za najmlajše.Osebje je prijazno.Na to planino se zagotovo še vrnem. 
trdi10. 09. 2018 |
V soboto je bila zaprta, na znaku celo piše, da je vožnja smrtno nevarna, vendar se pride do parkirišča brez težav, še celo polno parkirišče je bilo. Očitno potekajo kakšna gozdarska opravila, ker je na cesti vse blatno in polno vejevja. Med tednom zna biti cesta neprevozna.
francimedved11. 09. 2018 |
Ta cesta je uradno zaprta zaradi spravila lesa že od spomladi, toda do parkirnega prostora se da priti z avtom tudi med tednom. Če slučajno ob vašem obisku nakladajo les se pa malo počaka. Jaz sem šel kar peš, saj ni tako daleč.
matej19. 08. 2022 10:54:21 |
Koča je odprta do konca poletja, menda pa bo odprta tudi za vikende do pozne jeseni.
Loni7. 11. 2022 12:41:51 |
Koča bo ob vikendih odprta v primeru lepega vremena dokler ne zmrzne voda, vsaj tako je rekel oskrbnik.