end of road on Pokljuka - Vodnikov dom
Starting point: end of road on Pokljuka (1340 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3386°N 13,9045°E |
| |
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 477 m
Altitude difference po putu: 650 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 93.885
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Access to the starting point:
a) Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the exit for Lesce, then follow the signs for Bled and Pokljuka. Continue through Gorje and past the ski resort Zatrnik to Rudni Polje on Pokljuka, where there is a large pay parking lot and a military barracks and shooting range nearby. From here, continue straight along the macadam road, which leads us a little further to a crossroads, where we continue to the right (Uskovnica on the left). Follow this road to the former parking lot Za Ribnico, which is at the end of the road (there are mountain signs for mountain pasture Konjščico).
After the new parking at the end of the road is forbidden, so we park already at Rudne polje, which lengthens the route by about 40 minutes, but it is more convenient to choose the marked trail, which starts already at Rudne polje.
b) From Železniki or Podbrdo, take the road to Bohinjska Bistrica and then continue in the direction of Bled. Shortly after the Petrol station, which is located just after Bohinjska Bistrica, turn left in the direction of Pokljuka and Jereka. The road climbs steeply at first, then gradually flattens out behind Koriti, leading to a junction by the bus station, where you continue right in the direction of Pokljuka, Koprivnik and Jereka (straight ahead Srednja vas). Just after the crossroads we arrive at Jereka, and from the crossroads in front of the church we continue straight on towards Pokljuka (left Podjelje). After Jereka the road starts to climb steeply again, and higher up it levels off and continues along the Mrzle potok. When you join the road from Bled, go left and drive to Rudno Polje, where there is a large pay parking lot, and also a military barracks and a shooting range nearby. From here, continue straight along the macadam road, which leads us a little further to a crossroads, where we continue to the right (Uskovnica on the left). Follow this road to the former parking lot Za Ribnico, which is at the end of the road (there are mountain signs for mountain pasture Konjščico).
After the new parking at the end of the road is forbidden, so we park already at Rudne polje, which lengthens the route by about 40 minutes, but it is more convenient to choose the marked trail, which starts already at Rudne polje.
Path description:
From the former parking lot at the end of the road, follow the wide and initially ascending cart track towards mountain pasture of Konjščice. The cart track, which goes immediately into the dense forest, is quickly laid and after a few minutes of easy walking turns into a footpath which continues along the left bank of the Ribnica stream. When the path is quite close to the stream, it turns slightly to the right and climbs steeply. Higher up, the path lays down and leads out of the forest to the lower edge of the vast Konjščice River. Here the path turns slightly to the left, crosses a small stream and, after a few further steps, leads us to the cheese cottage at mountain pasture Konjščica.
From the cheese cottage, continue along a pleasant path which, after a few minutes of gentle ascent, leads to the upper edge of mountain pasture. Here the path goes into lane of dwarf pines and scrub and gradually starts to climb more steeply. In the upper part of the ascent towards Jezerce, the path from Rudno Polje joins us from the right, and we continue straight on the moderately steep path, which leads us within a few minutes of further walking to Jezerce, where the path is laid and turns to the left.
An easy walk follows to a signpost marking the central area of the TNP, and then the path starts to climb moderately along the torrent (initially a small spring). The path goes higher up to the right side of the torrent (as seen from the route of ascent) and then climbs crosswise to Studorski Prevala.
From the prevala, from where a beautiful view of the Bohinj side opens up, continue straight ahead (left Ablanca, right Veliki Draški vrh and sharp right Srenjski preval) along the path, which begins to descend and after a few steps turns to the right. There is a short descent, and then the path continues to cross, first the slopes below Veliki Draški vrh and later Tosc. When we reach the unmarked southern slopes of Tosc, we will come to a small crossroads where the unmarked path to Tosc branches off to the right (the branch is marked). Just a few steps further on, the path from Uskovnica almost imperceptibly joins us from the left.
Continue straight ahead along the scenic route, which begins to turn increasingly to the right, passing onto the increasingly steep slopes of Tosc. Further on, you reach an artificially carved rock ledge, over which a wide path leads, exposed to falling rocks (beware - an active boulder!). Cross the ledge in a gentle descent, then turn left and climb briefly on a slightly narrower path. Further on, the path flattens out and switches to less steep slopes. Just a little further on, we come to a marked crossroads where the path from the Voje valley joins us from the left. Continue straight ahead in the route Vodnikov dom (slightly left Velo polje) along the gently sloping path, which soon opens up a beautiful view of Triglav. The way ahead returns to the slopes of Tosc and, crossing the scree, leads us in a few minutes to Vodnikov dom on Velo Polje. Starting point - Konjščica 30 minutes, Konjščica - Studorski preval 1:30, Studorski preval - Vodnikov dom 1:00.

We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Cesar,
Koča na Doliču,
Vernar (1 h 15 min),
Dom Valentina Staniča pod Triglavom (3 h),
Vrh Snežne konte (1 h 45 min),
Šmarjetna glava,
Dom Planika pod Triglavom (1 h 30 min),
Visoka Vrbanova špica (3 h 10 min),
Begunjski vrh (3 h 30 min),
Triglavski dom na Kredarici,
Rjavina (4 h 30 min),
Discussion about the trail end of road on Pokljuka - Vodnikov dom
velkavrh29. 07. 2009 |
Prijetna tura.Pot na novo urejena z bruni skoraj celo pot.Izredno pohvalno.Tako je treba skrbeti za planinske poti.Podor je malo grozen za pogledat,vendar je na steni opozorilo za nevarnost.V koči je izrendno prijetna atmosfera.Gostov veliko,veliko tujcev,kar posebej veseli.Nazaj grede smo v travnatem zatrepu Jezerce zagledali poroko.V ospredju duhovnik v belem,po travi sedeči svatje.Veličasten in nenavaden dogodek.
_mitja_29. 08. 2009 |
Prosim za pomoč. Ker bi rad opravil krožno turo po Julijcih, za izhodišče pa bi vzel Pokljuko, me zanima, če tja sploh vozi avtobus. Prebrskal sem cel (morda pa ne?) internet in našel - nič. Kot, da AP Pokljuka ne obstaja več. . . Hvala.
heinz30. 08. 2009 |
Kot mi je znano vozi sami t.i. "ski bus" iz Bleda v času smučarske sezone oz zimskih počitnic. Redne avtobusne linije pa tu ni (več). LP Heinz!
Iguana17. 07. 2010 |
Res pohvalno za urejeno pot proti Studorskemu prevalu. Danes je bilo vroče, kot v peklu, čeprav sem šla zelo zgodaj. Priporočam pa čelado na tistem delu kjer je bil podor ali vsaj zelo previdno hojo Tik pred menoj sta bila dva planinca in komaj ušla padajočemu kamenju.
velkavrh2. 08. 2010 |
Danes sem spet ponovil to turo, ki mi je tako ljuba.Nazaj grede pa sem jo mahnil še na Tošc, kar je prijeten zaključek ture. Ni vse le Triglav, danes je bila po pripovedovanju pohodnikov velika gneča. Planinci pač izkoristijo vsak lep dan, kar je danes nedvomno bil.
ribnik23. 08. 2010 |
Super tura, le opisovalca poti bi rad opozoril, da je od Studorskega prevala do Vodnikovega doma 1uro in pol hoje in ne 1 uro kot je opisano, kar je razvidno tudi na smerokazu na Studorskem prevalu. Priporočam vsem, ki se radi hodite po planinah brez prehudega napora. Skupna hoja torej 3 ure in pol v eno smer.
maateja17. 06. 2011 |
Zanima me, ali je kdo hodil te dni okoli Vodnikovega doma in morda ve, ali je že odprt. Gledam stran planinske zveze in tam piše, da je še zaprt (a splošni podatki govororijo, da se odpira sredi junija), vendar tako piše tudi za kakšno drugo kočo, kjer na kakšni drugi strani piše, da je že odprta; tako ne vem, kateri podatek je resničen. Tudi Planika me zanima. Že vnaprej hvala za podatke, ki jih potrebujem za začetek naslednjega tedna.
velkavrh18. 06. 2011 |
Ja, tudi jaz se odpravljam konec meseca sem gor, predusem zato , da si ogledam naravni argoretum gorskega rastja , ki je pod kočo na Velem polju. Upam, da bo takrat koča že odprta.
francimedved18. 06. 2011 |
Vodnikov dom in Planiko so odprli včeraj 17.6.
sinek33320. 06. 2011 |
Sve je dogovoreno na Planiki kontaktirao sam gospođu oskrbnicu planinske koče. Hala puno francimedved pa se vidimo 22. i 23. na Triglavu! Izvještaj i slikice po izletu i povratku u Varaždin. Sinek LP Picasaweb
anamarija22. 07. 2012 |
Ima kdo idejo za 3.dnevno turo pa da ni ravno Triglav? Eno noč bi prespala na Vodnikovem domu, drugi dan osvojila Tosc, potem bi pa nadaljevala pot še do ene koče,da bi prespala tam? Idejo rabim za 3.dnevno turo,ne preveč težko  , da se tretji dan vrnem šele do ceste na pokljuki
jax23. 07. 2012 |
Khm ... morda oba Tosc-oba Draška vrhova-Lipanca-Debela peč? To bi bilo čisto simpatično, čeprav mislim da ravno ni za tri dni. Ali pa kako lutanje po fužinskih planinah s prenočevanjem na Pri jezeru, Prehodavcih ali Doliču (bolj naporno, manj lepih vrhov, gotovo ne tura za moj okus, ne vem kaj preferiraš ti).
jax23. 07. 2012 |
Popravljam: seveda samo eden Tosc, ne oba 
11235827. 08. 2013 |
Zanima me kakšne izkušnje imate s puščanjem avtomobila na Pokljuki? A je varno? 
nejka4027. 08. 2013 |
po mojih izkušnjah je varno, sama sem pustila tam avto tri dni in je bilo vse vredu. načeloma ne slišim, da bi vdirali v avtomobile, nikoli se pa ne ve, srečno, pa kakorkoli že 
AdryBK23. 09. 2013 |
Zdravo, morda kdo ve, do kdaj je se odprt Vodnikov dom...september, oktober? Hvala in lp
AdryBK23. 09. 2013 |
Hvala za info 
Pelca29. 08. 2016 |
Je res ob vikendih tu velika gneča?
Emiljano3. 08. 2022 23:18:48 |
Zanima me pot od Vodnikovega doma do Blejske koče. A gre za zahtevno pot? Koliko ur naj planiram? Hvala za odgovor vsem pohodnikom!
docepe24. 08. 2022 04:40:00 |
Prehodil v ponedeljek. Planiraj 5 h. Med Studorskim in Srenjskim prevalom imaš dve možnosti. 1. Brez izgube višine je pot proti Srenjskim prevalom cca 15 minut po skalnih policah, kjer so jeklenice. Ta del je zahteven. 2. Da se iz Studorskega preval spustiš na Jezerca in povzpneš na Srenjski preval se pa spustiš cca. 200 m višincev in povzpneš nazaj 250 m višincev. Ostali del poti je pa en lep sprehod.
ucakakla5. 08. 2023 16:30:50 |
Zdravo, mi lahko poveste, če se z Vodnikovega doma lahko vzpne na Tosc (brez vračanja na Studorski preval), ali pa obratno - če se je možno s Tosca spustit direktno do Vodnikovega doma? Hvala!
jax5. 08. 2023 16:43:21 |
Se da, z Bohinjskih vratc. Je kar precej strmo in terja nekaj lažjega plezanja, ampak če najdeš pravi prehod, spet ni tako hudih težav. Glej opis v Habjanovih Brezpotjih.
turbo6. 08. 2023 12:02:55 |
Če najdeš prav in če imaš izkušnje s težjim, zahtevnejšim brezpotjem, spodnja dvojka ti mora biti domača in razved v zahtevnem svetu nič manj, če ne, si hitro v precejšnjih težavah.
simonnas8. 08. 2023 21:50:17 |
Zanima me, če se da z avtom peljati do konca ceste, da bi odložil pohodnike in se potem vrniti na parkirišče? Ali je tudi cesta zaprta? Hvala!
Enka8. 08. 2023 23:44:28 |
Cesta ni zaprta, prepovedano je samo parkiranje.