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Gočova - Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah

Starting point: Gočova (229 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,54727°N 15,8678°E
Time of walking: 1 h 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 141 m
Altitude difference po putu: 200 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 1.700
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 39
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
a) Leave the Pomurje motorway at the Sveta Trojica exit, then follow the signs for Ptuj. Shortly after leaving the motorway, you will arrive in the village of Gočova, where the route described above starts near the bus station, at the junction with the mountain direction signs. There are no parking spaces at the beginning of the route.
b) Take the road to Ptuj and then follow the road to Lenart v Slovenskih goricah and Gornja Radgona. When you reach Gočova, near the bus station, at the junction with the mountain direction signs, the route described starts. There are no parking spaces at the beginning of the route.
Path description:
From the centre of Gočova, take the side road in the direction of Zavrh and Voličina. At first you pass a few houses, then start climbing moderately along the asphalt road, which turns into a forest higher up, and then you reach the next houses, where you follow the Pomurska planinska cesta markings at the crossroads. After a slight climb, leave the road at the homestead and turn right, then left immediately after the homestead buildings and then into the forest. Through the forest, descend gently on cart track, and at the hunting observation post, go right downhill. After a descent of some 10 paces, leave cart track and continue left, where the signs direct you. After the field, the path turns left and climbs between the field (the fact that you are not walking across the field made it necessary to descend from the hunting observation post) and the woods to a nearby fence, where you go right. Go a little further to the right (not along the fence to the road) and after the gently sloping cart track in a few minutes you will reach a nearby house, where you will step onto the road and follow it up to a slightly wider road, which you will follow to the right in the direction of the Pomurska mountain trail. Follow the road, which leads us along a scenic ridge, and you will quickly arrive in the village of Gradenšak. When the road starts to climb again, you reach a crossroads where you go left into the village of Zavrh (to the right, past the chapel, the Pomurska planinska cesta continues, which is slightly longer and has no signs). After a few minutes of scenic climbing, you reach a crossroads by the vineyard museum, where the two paths merge.
Continue in the direction of the hiking trail to Zavrh and, after a few minutes of walking between houses, you will reach the place where the stamp is located, and the Rudolf Maister lookout tower is located a minute further on.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in January 2021.
zemljovid puta - Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah
On the way: Gradenščak (306m)
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Discussion about the trail Gočova - Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah
Lisica16. 06. 2021 21:03:59
Tejle poti bi dala oceno 1/10. Vecina je po cesti, kar je v gozdu je tezko sledljivo in slabo shojeno oz neociscena pot. Stolp je ob njivi, na drugem mestu kot na slikah (16), za stolpom te pricakajo metrske koprive in potok gnojnice. Fuj. zavijanje z očmi Nazaj sem sla direkt po cesti, 45 min dolgcasa in grdih his. velik nasmeh

Pejte do vrha z avtom potem se pa raje zapeljite v Sv trojico v Slovenskih goricah in naredite en sprehod okrog jezera. Danes je bilo cudovito. nasmeh
AnitaD28. 12. 2021 21:11:40
Danes smo bili na opisanem izletu. Žal je bila megla, tako da ni bilo razgledov. Pot je prijetna, zelo dobro označena in primerna tudi za (majhne) otroke in pse. Res je precej po asfaltu, a tako pač je, če obiskuješ cilje, ki so v naseljih. Naj vas torej zgornji komentar nikar ne odvrne. nasmeh Poleg razglednega stolpa Rudolfa Maistra, zaradi katerega je cilj zares atraktiven, priporočam tudi obisk bifeja, ki je le nekaj korakov stran. Prijazna postrežba še dodatno polepša dan. Pa še en žig več je v knjižici Slovenska planinska pot. nasmeh
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