Starting point: Golice (575 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2194°N 14,7908°E |
| |
Time of walking: 2 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 933 m
Altitude difference po putu: 950 m
Map: Posavsko hribovje - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
a) First drive to Kamnik, then continue along the regional road through the Tuhinj valley. Just after the village Laze v Tuhinju, you will reach a petrol station, at which the road to the left turns off towards the villages Golice, Češnjice v Tuhinju and Okrog pri Motniku. Turn left here and park a few metres further on in a suitable space next to the bus stop.
b) From the motorway Maribor - Ljubljana, take the exit Vransko and then continue driving in the direction of Kamnik. Just after the Kozjak Pass (a pass between Gorenjska and Štajersko), you will come to a petrol station, at which the road turns off to the right towards the villages Golice, Češnjice v Tuhinju and Okrog pri Motniku. Turn right here and park a few metres further on in a suitable space next to the bus stop.
Path description:
From the crossroads near the starting point, take the road in the direction of the village Golice, where you can also see the mountain sign for Dom na Menini mountain pasture. The path initially leads us along an ascending asphalt road, and then it leads us to the aforementioned village. Here, after the second house in the village, the markings direct us to the right on a slightly steeper road, which ends after a few metres behind the aforementioned house. Continue along the marked cart track, which climbs alongside a courtyard, and then continue along a well-marked path which climbs through a number of pastures. Higher up, the trail passes into lane of a forest, and we follow it at all crossroads, following the Menin mountain pasture signs (mostly just signs with no inscription). The trail occasionally crosses a forest road, but otherwise it is mostly on tracks or tractor trains. After a while the path leads us to the NOB monument, next to which there is a water trough, and we continue here to the hard left, along a still relatively well-marked path. Higher up, the path leads us to a slightly wider forest road, which we just cross and continue our ascent towards Dom na Menini planini (Tuhinj on the left, Biba mountain pasture on the right). The way ahead becomes a little more difficult to follow, but if we follow the markings carefully, there are no major problems with orientation. Higher up, we reach the Menina mountain pasture grazing areas, and we continue along a noticeably less well-marked trail in a direction that is already familiar to us. A little further on, the path climbs steeply for a short time, then almost completely lays down and leads us on over pleasant, partly grassy slopes. After a few minutes of further walking, however, we arrive at a marked crossroads, where the signs for Vivodnik direct us to the right on a steep path, which takes us within two minutes to reach the summit, in the middle of which stands a small lookout tower.

Discussion about the trail Golice - Vivodnik
CarpeDiem2477. 09. 2011 |
Po tej poti sem šel že 4-krat na Menino oz. Vivodnik, vedno smo se zapeljali še kar nekaj km višje gor (mimo vasi, kasneje je gozdna pot) po poti, s čimer si prihraniš vsaj kakšno urico hoje. Priporočam tudi drugim, če se le pot ni preveč "skvarila" v zadnjih dveh letih, odkar nisem bil nič tam!
pohodnik3830. 04. 2012 |
V petek 27.aprila opravil tole pot in lahko rečem da je zelo lepa dobro markirana na vrhu pa lepi razgledi s stolpa.Pomlad pa v polnem zagonu na planoti saj je cela posejana z preprogami žafrančkov. Nekaj slik pa na tej povezavi
borutpovse4. 05. 2014 |
Živjo. Zanima me, ker snega verjetno ni več, a je planina v cvetočem stanju? Hvla za info. Lp
otiv4. 05. 2014 |
Če si mislil na žafran, je ta verjetno že odcvetel. 
monika899512. 10. 2020 |
Pot opravljena 10. 10. 2020 na jasen sončni dan brez vetra. Bilo je krasno. Pot je sicer v prvih treh četrtinah zelo strma in poteka večinoma po gozdu. Previdnost ni odveč predvsem pri sestopu, saj se lahko na strmih poteh hitro poškodujemo.
roksraka17. 10. 2020 |
Pot po mojem mnenju ni nikakor "zelo strma" (ji povsem paše status 'lahke označene poti'), je pa lahko vseeno precej spolzka in blatna. Na določenih mestih bi lahko bila bolje označena. Danes je bil na vrhu precej trd in lahko pohoden sneg (ca. 20cm, brez derez), nižje pa se je že precej topil, zato je bilo ponekod res blatno.
Jankolav25. 05. 2023 19:29:19 |
Danes sva s partnerko šla po omenjeni poti.Katastrofa,kako slabo je označena pot.Markacije so ali stare in komaj še vidne ali pa jih sploh ni.Na stičnih mestih,kjer bi pričakoval markacijo je potrebno vsaj 200 m po vsaki poti da najdeš pot. Table so,a ne veš kam kažejo,ker sploh niso označene,šele proti vrhu od spomenika NOB je malo bolje.Predlagam,da se pot malo uredi,saj je sicer lepa in vredna obiska.
jprim25. 05. 2023 21:14:53 |
Sem vesela, da še kdo drug pokritizira naše planinske poti. LP!
Trobec25. 05. 2023 21:20:52 |
Super, da je nekdo vesel negativizma... Sicer pa ja, katastrofa, kaj se grejo ti prostovoljci, da ne morejo porihtat poti. Saj se ve, da je njihov prosti čas namenjen urejanju poti, ne pa uživanju...ane... 
frover26. 05. 2023 06:47:58 |
Žalostno Jankolav, da tako kritizersko naskočiš urejanje poti. Tudi sam sem včasih razočaran, ampak vem, da se markacisti trudijo po najboljših močeh. Zavedam se, da to počno v svojem prostem času. Edino plačilo sta jim naša hvaležnost in razumevanje razmer v katerih delajo. Dober zemljevid in aplikacija na pametnem telefonu pomagata pri iskanju prave poti. Sicer pa na strani PZS piše: Pošljite sporočilo SMS s ključno besedo POT5 na številko 1919 in prispevali boste 5 € za obnovo planinskih poti!   Jankolav in jprim imata priložnost in možnost !!
turbo26. 05. 2023 10:41:19 |
V eni rubriki takole: "Kako so eni veseli, če se pojavi kakšna kritika, se takoj pridružijo s prikimavanjem." Tukajle pa takole, ena in taista oseba: "Sem vesela, da še kdo drug pokritizira naše planinske poti." 