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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Hvadnik / Gozd Martuljek - Hvadnik (Ferata Hvadnik)

Gozd Martuljek - Hvadnik (Ferata Hvadnik)

Starting point: Gozd Martuljek (747 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,48494°N 13,84357°E
Destination: Hvadnik (920 m)
Name of path: Ferata Hvadnik
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Ferata: B/C
Altitude difference: 173 m
Altitude difference po putu: 250 m
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set
Views: 58.465
 5 people like this post
Number of pictures: 68
Number of comments: 12
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the Hrušica exit and follow the road towards Kranjska Gora. Follow this road all the way to the village of Gozd Martuljek, where before the bridge crossing the Hladnik stream, turn right onto the narrow road past the sports ground. Just after the playground there is a small parking lot on the left side of the road. There are also signs with information about the protected trails Ferata Hvadnik and Ferata Jerm'n.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the asphalted road and after a few metres, a path branches off to the left over a small bridge towards the protected Ferata Jerm'n trail, and we continue along the road through the village. A little later, at a crossroads of several roads, signs direct us left to a dead end. Follow the road to the bridge over the Hladnik stream, where there is again a sign with information about the protected trail.

Before the bridge, a signpost directs you to the right onto a narrow path that runs along the stream. The path then climbs along the stream, first on the right and then on the left side of the stream. A little higher up, the relatively poorly beaten track then turns right down towards the stream where the start of the protected path is.

Before entering the protected part of the trail, equip yourself with a helmet and a self-protection kit. Climbing gloves are also recommended. At the beginning, the protected path climbs steeply over some boulders, in the bed of the Hladnik stream. In the more difficult places, in addition to the rope, a wedge and a small rock can also help. There is an interesting crossing of the stream on the left side. The route continues for some time along the wall on the left side of the gorge, alternating between short ascents and crossings (difficulty B/C). On the more difficult crossings and ascents, we are also helped by a few staples. A little higher up, you can then cross to the right side of the channel with the help of a rope and two larger crampons. The path then soon returns to the left side and climbs steeply with the help of crampons. In the last part of the route through the gorge, the path passes over small pools and crosses the stream twice more using the rocks.

The path then leaves the gorge and turns sharp left. There is a further cross-climb through the woods where we are still helped by the cableway. This path then soon leads us to a viewpoint where the protected path ends. At the lookout point where the view of the Martuljkovo group opens up to us, there is also a bench and a registration box.

From the lookout point, we first climb a little past the registration box and then quickly reach a better-trodden path where there is a signpost. Go downhill to the left towards the Martuljku Forest. Lower down we join the path from the protected climbing route Ferata Jerm'n, and we follow the signs for the Martuljek Forest all the way.

When you reach the asphalt road, continue left and then follow the signs through the village to the Ferata Hvadnik parking lot.

The sheltered path is closed in winter from 31. 10. to 1. 4. The description and pictures refer to the situation in May 2020. During the epidemic, it is obligatory to wear gloves with fingers (without finger holes).
zemljovid puta - Hvadnik
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Discussion about the trail Gozd Martuljek - Hvadnik (Ferata Hvadnik)
squirrel28. 07. 2020
Te teden drugic na ferati Hvadnik. Super ferata, kot v Narniji. Zaradi mokrih skal je tezja od modre Ferate v Mojstrani, poleg tega pa je tu na nekaterih delih potrebno imeti kar nekaj moci v rokah da se potegnemo cez skalo, sploh na zacetku. Za zacetnike priporocam, da se na ferato ne odpravljate po mocnem dezevju, ker je kolicina vode precej vecja, kot pa v suhih obdobjih in je ferata zaradi tega tudi malo tezja.
Berstuk23. 10. 2020
Moja 11-letnica je po obisku Hvadnika rekla, da je to njen najlepši aktivni dan. Ferata je čudovita, sploh v poletnih dneh, voda na mnogih mestih poskrbi za prijetno osvežitev.
Je pa tudi res, da je potrebna previdnost, saj so lahko določeni deli precej spolzki, sploh če te ulovi dež, kot je naju z ženo poleti na ogledu velik nasmeh
V glavnem, nič hudega, je pa fajn, da gre z začetniki vsaj eden, ki je kolikor toliko izkušen, da lahko svetuje in opozori na določenih delih mežikanje
mk661312. 06. 2021 13:05:49
Danes sem na ferati izgubila športno uro, Xiaomi Band 5, če jo kdio najde, naj mi prosim sporoči na
balon16. 08. 2022 09:36:37

zanima me ali je dostop do vrha možen tudi po kakšni nezahtevtno označeni poti. Del družine ni prevzet feratar in bi nam prišla krožna pot.

Za odgovor se zahvaljujem.

natasacraine16. 08. 2022 09:52:09
Je. Lahko grete po cesti na Srednji vrh ali pa po gozdu - je označena pot. Po tej se gre po ferati potem dol nazaj v Martuljek. Glej slike od 57 naprej nasmeh

balon16. 08. 2022 10:09:09
o Nataša super, najlepša hvala za odgovor.

A&K& other part of family.
balon16. 08. 2022 10:57:42
Nataša, iščem izhodišče za na omenjeno pot Srednji vrh do razpotja, kjer se ferata na povratku priključi za sestop...toda je nikakor ne najdem. Morda kakšen nasvet, kje naj začnejo vzpo na Srednji vrh, da se na koncu srečamo pri sliki št. 57?


bongo16. 08. 2022 18:11:50
Vzpon zacnes na sestopu iz ferate Hvadnik in blizu oz tik pred vstopom na tezjo, Jerm'n. Stopi po glavni cesti proti Srednji vasi, priblizno 200m od parkirisca na desni so table in pot. Ko se na vrhu srecate pa priporocam 1-minutni vzpon do brunarice Krniše (je oznaceno). Lepi razgledi na Martuljkovo skupino in prijazna postrezba.
balon17. 08. 2022 09:39:59
bongo najlepša hvala za odgovor.

balon5. 09. 2022 09:16:38
Bongo še 1x hvala. Bilo je čarobno, pot najdena kakor po navodilih.
Čudovita ferata.
MinasTirith13. 05. 2023 21:25:05
Info če koga zanima.
Danes 13.5.2023 sem bil na ferati…čeprav je blo deževno, velik vode in spolzko, se da ferato preplezat brez problema…potrebna pa je 100%koncentracija in mal več energije porabiš kot pa v suhem vremenu…ferata je odlično varovana oz nisem zasledil poškodb. Bravo za upravljalce.
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