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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Jerman / Gozd Martuljek - Jerman (Ferata Jerm'n)

Gozd Martuljek - Jerman (Ferata Jerm'n)

Starting point: Gozd Martuljek (747 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,48494°N 13,84357°E
Destination: Jerman (890 m)
Name of path: Ferata Jerm'n
Time of walking: 1 h 10 min
Difficulty: extremely difficult marked way
Ferata: D/E
Altitude difference: 143 m
Altitude difference po putu: 180 m
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set
Views: 21.450
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 58
Number of comments: 9
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the Hrušica exit and follow the road towards Kranjska Gora. Follow this road all the way to the village of Gozd Martuljek, where before the bridge crossing the Hladnik stream, turn right onto the narrow road past the sports ground. Just after the playground there is a small parking lot on the left side of the road. There are also signs with information about the protected trails Ferata Hvadnik and Ferata Jerm'n.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the asphalted road, which you leave after a few metres and turn left across the small bridge, where you will also be directed by the signpost for the Jerm'n ferrata. Continue along the asphalted road through the village, following the signs for Jerm'n Ferry the whole time. The road begins to climb slightly and leads us into the forest and soon to a crossroads where a footpath branches off to the right towards the village of Srednji Vrh. We will later descend along this path.
We continue along the road for a few dozen metres and then come to a bridge where, on the right side of the road, is the start of the Ferata Jerm'n protected trail.
Before entering the protected climbing route, be sure to equip yourself with a self-protection kit and a helmet. It is also recommended to wear climbing gloves.
The protected route first ascends along the belay and quickly leads to the first difficult climb. Here you use the crampons to climb up a vertical wall (difficulty D). As the crampons are slightly further apart, some strength in the arms is also required.
The path then becomes less difficult for a short time and an even easier path leading to the waterfall joins from the right. Continue left here and after a short traverse along a small rock, you will reach the Jerman waterfall.
Below the waterfall, cross the stream on the steel and the most difficult part of the climb follows (difficulty D/E). Climb the vertical wall to the left of the waterfall, aided by a few scrambles which are quite far apart. In a few places the wall is slightly overhanging. There is a difficult exposed traverse to the right, which leads into the gorge. Here the difficulty eases a little and the route passes through the gorge on the left side of the stream.
The path quickly leads us to another bridge where we cross the stream on a steel bridge. There is one last steep climb along the steel where we are again helped by a couple of staples (C/D).
The difficulty then eases and the path leads us to a lookout point where there is a bench.
From the lookout point, continue along the cliff for a few metres and then join the footpath leading from the Martuljek Forest towards Srednje Vrhu. Here, continue to the right and descend towards the starting point in the Martuljek Forest.
zemljovid puta - Jerman
On the way: Jermanov slap (820m)
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Discussion about the trail Gozd Martuljek - Jerman (Ferata Jerm'n)
don kihott31. 05. 2021 09:24:30
Odseka D/E v tej ferati ni...Tu in tam,kjer je potrebno zaradi razmaka med skobami malo stopiti na trenje v steno je na parih mestih mogoče švoh D ostalo je zaradi enormnega števila skob bistveno lažje...
MinasTirith13. 05. 2023 21:26:00
MinasTirith13. 05. 2023 21:25:05
Info če koga zanima.
Danes 13.5.2023 sem bil na ferati…čeprav je blo deževno, velik vode in spolzko, se da ferato preplezat brez problema…potrebna pa je 100%koncentracija in mal več energije porabiš kot pa v suhem vremenu…ferata je odlično varovana oz nisem zasledil poškodb. Bravo za upravljalce.
balon7. 09. 2023 11:43:43

zanima me ali je dostop do vrha možen tudi po kakšni nezahtevtni označeni poti.

Za odgovor se zahvaljujem.
Janez Seliškar7. 09. 2023 12:00:36
V zadnjem stavku opisa vse lepo piše o poti, ki vodi iz Gozd-Martuljka na Srednji vrh. Kar pogumno na pot!
balon7. 09. 2023 12:29:43
Janez hvala za odgovor. Toda poti za drugi del družine še vedno nisem našel. Trije gremo plezati, četrti član s psom pa okoli. Bomo že nekaj drugega našli.
Janez Seliškar7. 09. 2023 13:43:23
V primeru, da ti ne ustreza ta planinska pot, ti ostane le zelo zavita cesta do P na Srednjem vrhu.
balon7. 09. 2023 16:57:21
Janez ponovno hvala. Hvaležen bom za usmeritev kje se začne ta pot na Srednji vrh, če smo na parkingu pod ferati, ki je plačljiv. Ali so v bližini jakšne oznake, Srednji vrh? Hvala.
turbo7. 09. 2023 18:03:37
Peš do kampa/hotela Špik in ob Savi proti Kranjski gori, vse dokler se ne priključiš poti, ki pripelje od zaselka Log. Od tam mimo Frtaleža do Smoleja in naprej do Srednjega vrha. Mislim, da drugače ne gre, peš po tisti ozki, nepregledni cesti, je med drugim tudi nevarno. Poglej na zemljevid, ki je priložen zgoraj, in videl boš, kako ta pot poteka. Prijeten sprehod.
balon9. 09. 2023 17:08:59
Janez in turbo hvala za odgovore. Danes smo bili, Janez vse bilo tako kot ste napisal. Ferata je čudovita. Pot na Srednji vrh se križarta na povratku iz ferate. Hvala za vse.
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