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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Hotel Golte / Hotel Golte - Hotel Golte (path on Golte)

Hotel Golte - Hotel Golte (path on Golte)

Starting point: Hotel Golte (1410 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3565°N 14,931°E
Name of path: path on Golte
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 0 m
Altitude difference po putu: 400 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 33.604
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 42
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
First, drive to Mozirje, where you turn at the roundabout in the route "Golte". The road then leads to the next crossroads, where you turn slightly left again in the direction of "Golte". The road then leads to a junction with a one-way road. Turn right into the village of Žekovec and the road leads to the bottom station of the cable car to Golte. Then buy a ticket and take the funicular to the Hotel Golte.
Path description:
After a few steps from the hotel, you will reach the signposts. Follow the signs "Golteh route". Cross the pasture fence and the man-made torrent beyond. Follow cart track, which leads in a few steps to a worse forest road. The road turns slightly right and starts to climb steeply. A little higher up, the road makes a long left turn and leads through a short lane of sparse forest to a crossroads just before crossing the tri-seat road. Continue straight on the lower path, which turns right again uphill shortly after the cable car (you can also go right, but skip the monument and the top of Medvedjaka). After a few dozen steps of ascent, the path leads to the NOB monument. Continue to the right and after a short climb you will reach the scenic peak of Medvedjak, which is reached by a tri-seat railway. Continue along the path, which runs along a ridge and begins to descend. Soon the path leads to an artificial lake at which stands the Trije ploti guesthouse.
Next, we climb a small hill at the top of which we turn left onto a trackless road. We are surprised by a pleasant bench with a nice view. Continue right down a very poorly visible path. Soon we come across cart track, which leads us downhill to the shepherd's hut Stari stani.
Continue sharp right over the pasture fence. After a few steps of walking from the pasture fence, the path along the Golte leads us down to the left onto a path. The path leads us through a sparse forest to the electricity pylons, where we continue up the meadow. The path then leads us to a grassy cart track which we soon leave. Signs direct us upwards to the left and the path leads us after a short climb to a bench at Jezerci. Continue downhill to the small lake and turn slightly right. The signs then direct us slightly left on the path, which runs through a small clearing in the middle of the forest. The path then soon changes to cart track, which after a short descent leads to a crossroads. Continue left along the wider cart track, which soon leads to mountain pasture. At the point where mountain pasture makes a bend, you will come across the signs for the Mozirsko Hut. Take a sharp right downhill and descend gently under the worse road you have been walking on. Before the cottage at mountain pasture the path turns left and starts descending. Continue descending on cart track to where the Golte trail signs direct you to the right. After a few steps you reach Ledenice. Next, the path rejoins the cart track and leads us to the chapel, which is located only 100m from the Mozirska hut. Turn left at the chapel and after a short descent you will reach the hut. From the hut, continue along the road (back) which, after a short climb, leads to Alpski vrt. From Alpski vrt continue along the road in the direction of the Golte Hotel and the cable car. From the garden to the hotel, it is a 10-minute walk along the road, which climbs only slightly.

PS: The whole route is not marked, but it is marked with signs PATH THROUGH THE GOLTE. In fog, the orientation of the route is very difficult and I advise against it. As the path is circular, it leads to the starting point.
zemljovid puta - Hotel Golte
On the way: Spomenik NOB (1563m), Medvedjak (1573m), Koča na Treh plotih (1530m), Stari Stani (1350m), Jezerca (1500m), Ledenica (1415m), Mozirska koča na Golteh (1356m), Alpski vrt (1380m)
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Discussion about the trail Hotel Golte - Hotel Golte (path on Golte)
Luciano6712. 09. 2009
Zgleda lepo, se bo treba podati na pot, vendar me malce skrbijo markacije.nasmeh
dicna30. 03. 2011
bila sem že 2x in vsakič uživala v lepi naravi in razgledu. nasmeh
srecko7620. 07. 2012
grem v sredini avgusta tja uživat,če se pa izgubim boste pa že slišal nasmeh
Pohodnica5620. 07. 2012
Lani sem bila, nobene bojazni glede markacij. Dobro je označeno. Če se jaz nisem zgubila, ker sem čisti analfabet glede orientacije, kar naprej iščem sonce in študiram S-J-V-Z, se tudi ti ne boš, verjemi.nasmeh
Lidija Lida10. 09. 2012
Tale vikend sva z možem prehodila Pot po Golteh in ker sva bolj začetnika v pohodništvu moram reči, da je krasna tura. Na Mozirski koči, ki je notri lepo prenovljena naju je pričakal zelo prijazen oskrbnik. Začetniki nasvet za vas, brez skrbi se podajte na pot, ker ni zahtevna in je zelo dobro označena.
seinfeld14. 07. 2013
Danes smo prehodili to pot. Je solidno označena, morda kakšna tabla več v prvi polovici poti ne bi škodila. Močno priporočam družinam, cele poti je za 6,5km, ogromno krav in konjev navajenih ljudi. Moja skoraj osemletnika sta nepopisno uživala.
miamia11. 08. 2014
Zelo lepa, prijetna in nezahtevna tura. Naš 4,5-letnik jo je brez težav zmogel, je pa res, da smo hodili 4 ure (z nami je bil še 1,5-letnik, ki se je večino časa sicer nosil), vmes šli na čaj v koči Trije ploti in na koncu odlično jedli v Mozirski koči. Zgornji opis poti je kar podroben in tudi sama pot je zelo dobro označena, samo gledati je treba smerokaze. Res priporočam!
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