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Hrastovlje - Sveti Štefan (Zanigrad)

Starting point: Hrastovlje (165 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,5095°N 13,9006°E
Time of walking: 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 81 m
Altitude difference po putu: 145 m
Map: Slovenska Istra - Čičarija, Brkini in Kras 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
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Views: 8.390
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 32
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Koper take the exit Črni Kal. From Črni Kal, continue along the old road towards the sea, and we take it only as far as the next slightly larger crossroads, where we turn left towards Border crossing Sočerga. Continue towards the border crossing, but we follow the road for only a few km, as the signs for the village Hrastovlje then direct us left onto the local road. After a few km of further driving, we arrive in Hrastovlje, where we turn left at the crossroads by the small chapel and then park in the parking lot under the Holy Trinity Church in Hrastovlje, which is world famous for its frescoes of the Dance of the Dead.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the narrow asphalt road as it climbs towards the nearby Church of the Holy Trinity. Just before you reach the church, the road splits in two. Continue along the lower left marked road (the right-hand road takes a few steps to reach the aforementioned church, famous for its frescoes of the Dance of the Dead), which begins to descend through the village. Follow the signs carefully through the village, so that you do not get off on the wrong track at a crossroads. After a few minutes of descending, the road gives way and we continue along the dirt road, which offers beautiful views of the Karst Rim. The road quickly leads us to a small crossroads under the power lines, where we continue straight ahead, or slightly left along the marked road. Continue along the valley flor for a while, and then the worse road crosses a small stream and turns slightly to the right and starts to climb moderately. A little higher up, the minor road splits in two, and we continue slightly left, following the wider cart track, which takes a few minutes of further walking to reach an underpass under the railway line.
There is an unmarked crossroads on the other side of the railway line, and we take a sharp right (straight Podpeč and Zjat) and continue parallel to the railway line for some time. We continue along the marked path, from which we have a view of the roti of St Stephen's Church in Zanigrad, Hrastovlje and the surrounding hills. The path climbs steeply for a short distance before entering lane of bushes, through which it climbs on a partially overloked ridge. After a few minutes, you have to pay attention, as the signs point you sharp right onto a rather overgrown path, which leads you to the Church of St Stephen in Zanigrad within a minute's walk.
zemljovid puta - Sveti Štefan (Zanigrad)
On the way: Sveta Trojica (177m)
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Discussion about the trail Hrastovlje - Sveti Štefan (Zanigrad)
Kigeot18. 11. 2014
Naj dodam, da je cerkev zaprta, tako ostankov fresk ne moreš videti. 26.decembra pa imajo tradicionalno žegnanje konj.
Macesna18. 11. 2014
Hm, glede fresk v hrastoveljski cerkvi, ki so res izredno lepe: cerkev je res zaklenjena, toda še nedolgo nazaj, ko sem bila nazadnje, so prišli iz vasi odklenit in prižgat luči, pa tudi razložili so na kratko. Če se prav spomnim, je visel listek o tem, pri kateri hiši je treba pozvoniti, na cerkvenih vratih, sicer pa to zagotovo vedo vsi v vasi.
Se splača potruditi, ker je notranjost res nekaj posebnega!
Kigeot27. 12. 2014
Macesna, nesporazum - sem mislila na cerkev Sv. Štefana v Zanigradu, tudi tam naj bi bili še ostanki fresk.
V Hrastovljah se da res priti v cerkev Sv Trojice, načeloma je odprto vsak dan nekaj ur dopoldan in popoldan; zaprto je le ob torkih.
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