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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Sinji vrh / Hunting cottage Budanje - Sinji vrh (west path)

Hunting cottage Budanje - Sinji vrh (west path)

Starting point: Hunting cottage Budanje (420 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,8793°N 13,9589°E
Destination: Sinji vrh (1002 m)
Name of path: west path
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 582 m
Altitude difference po putu: 715 m
Map: Goriška - izletniška karta 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 1.664
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 78
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) First drive to Ajdovščina, then continue to Col. After a short climb, Ajdovščina ends, and we continue cross-climbing along the road that rises above the Vipava valley. A few 100 metres after the 3. 5 km road marker, you will come to a small crossroads where a short road closed with a barrier branches off to the right, leading to the nearby Hunting Hut Budanje. Park at the junction on the right hand side of the road, or about 50 metres further on at a suitable roadside spot on the other side of the road.
b) Drive to Vipava, from where you continue driving towards the village of Vrhpolje. From Vrhpolje continue towards Col, Sanabor and Bela and continue along the ascending road, which leads higher up to a small crossroads, where you continue left (to the right of the village of Bela and Sanabor). The road climbs uphill, with many serpentines, to a point where it joins the main Ajdovščina - Col road, and we follow it down to the left. After about 500 metres of driving along the main road, we reach the start of the marked trail leading to Kovk and Sinji vrh. At the starting point there is a wooden mountain marker for Kovk, and there is also a suitable place to park nearby. On the other side of the road, about 50 metres further on, there is a turn-off to the nearby Hunting Hut Budanje, where it is also possible to park along the road.
c) From Godovič or Kalce near Logatec, take Col, and from there continue towards Ajdovščina. At the road marker about 4 km you will see a small parking area on the right and signs for the Kovk footpath. On the other side of the road, about 50 metres further on, there is a turn-off to the nearby Hunting Hut Budanje, where it is also possible to park on the roadside.
Path description:
From the starting point, follow the footpath towards Kovka. The trail goes immediately into the forest through which it begins to climb, first moderately, but soon quite steeply. After a good 30-minute walk, you will reach a lookout point with a beautiful view of Nanos, the Vipava valley and the slopes above.
The way ahead is transiently completely laid, and then gradually begins to climb steeply again. We continue to climb through the forest for some time, and then we gradually pass the "wishing bell" and arrive in a more sparse forest and a little further on to a bench, a cross and a registration box at Sončnici.
From the signing-in box, continue straight for another 10 metres and then you will arrive in a small valley where there is a crossroads.
From the crossroads, turn left (Kovk to the right) and continue along the edge of the plateau on the scenic terrain, which will take you to the Sončnica airstrip in a minute or two.
From the airstrip, follow the marked trail westwards along the edge of the plateau. After a few short ascents and descents, you will quickly reach the summit of Kraguljc, identified by a small concrete stone (trigonometric point) at the top of the mountain.
From the top, there is an easy descent along the ridge Kraguljca, from where we occasionally have beautiful views of the Vipava valley, and then we arrive at a marked crossroads where the marked path from Ajdovščina joins us on the left.
Continue straight ahead along the edge of the trail (30 metres to the left is a stamp and a registration box for Podrte gora) and continue along the edge of the plateau for a few minutes. From the highest point of Podrta gora, there is a short descent and the path leads into a small valley where, at a less well-marked crossroads, there is the next registration box, which is fixed near the plague marker.
Before the sign, continue right (straight marked path along the edge, also Sinji vrh over Črne stene) in the direction of Sinji vrh, and then immediately after the sign, left on a beaten but no longer marked path. There is a short, easy traverse downhill to a slightly larger meadow, where the track disappears. Cross the meadow and continue across to the right, quickly reaching an abandoned house. Just before the house, cross the road and we continue to the courtyard of the house, passing around the house on the right-hand side. After the house, you will come out onto a road, which you will follow as it begins to turn to the left. After a few minutes, we reach a wider dirt road, which is the marked Angelska Gora trail, and we follow it to the left (Sinji vrh - eastern trail - on the right). Continue along the macadam road, which continues through a grassy valley. After a few minutes of further walking, you reach a small crossroads where you turn right (the left road ends at a house a few minutes away) onto a slightly worse forest road. Just after the crossroads, one section of the Angelska Gora trail branches off to the left, and we continue along the road, where there are still signs for the Angelska Gora trail. The slightly ascending road turns into a forest and soon leads us to a small crossroads where a worse road branches off to the right. Continue straight ahead or slightly left here, and then, after the beech tree, where you see No 33, continue slightly right, onto the minor road, which ends after a few metres of descent. At the point where the road ends or changes to cart track, continue straight on to a path which climbs slightly steeper in passing. The path soon turns slightly to the left and then, after a short cross-climb, widens to cart track, which leads to a memorial and a small hut. The hut is bypassed on the right and we follow the increasingly wider cart track, arriving in a few minutes on an asphalt road, where we join the waymarked trail.
Follow the road to the right, past a bench with a table, to a crossroads, where you continue to the right in the direction of Sinji vrh (if you continue to the left you will reach the main road Col - Predmeja). A slightly steeper climb follows, and the road leads past an apartment house and a higher left serpentine to the guesthouse Sinji vrh, where the road ends. At the guesthouse there is a SPP stamp, and in front of the guesthouse we continue to the right on a footpath, which in about 3 minutes of further walking will take us to the Sinji vrh lookout point.
Starting point - Sončnica 1:10, Sončnica - Kraguljc 15 minutes, Kraguljc - Podrta gora 10 minutes, Podrta gora - Sinji vrh 1:25.
Description and images refer to the situation in 2015 (April).
zemljovid puta - Sinji vrh
On the way: Sončnica (Reber) (867m), Kraguljc (897m), Podrta gora nad Ajdovščino (827m)
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Discussion about the trail Hunting cottage Budanje - Sinji vrh (west path)
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