Starting point: Jakobe (1420 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4784°N 14,7999°E |
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Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 245 m
Altitude difference po putu: 250 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Črna na Koroškem, then follow the signs for Koprivna and Podpeco. Drive along the Meži River for a while, then turn right at the crossroads in the direction of Podpeca, Dom na Peci and Koča na Pikovem. At Podpeca the asphalt ends and we follow the signs for Dom na Peci. Higher up, at the Vrh šteng pass, the road from Mežica joins us from the right, and we continue to follow the signs for Dom na Peci, sometimes we also see "motorway" signs. Continue driving on the dirt road, and at the last junction follow the signs for the parking lot. Follow the road to its end, where you park at the Jakobe parking lot.
b) Drive to Luce (to get here from Mozirje or from Kamnik via the Volovljek (Kranjski Rak) pass), then continue towards the Logar valley. In the village Solčava, leave the main road towards the Logar valley and continue driving to the right towards Podolševa, the pass Spodnje Sleme and Črna na Koroškem. The road then loses its asphalt surface, and after a few kilometres we turn right at the crossroads in Podolševa towards Črna na Koroškem. The road, which continues to climb mainly in a transverse direction, leads us after a while to the Spodnje Sleme Pass. From the pass the road starts to descend and we follow it in the direction of Črna na Koroškem. After a few kilometres, when we descend into the valley, we turn right at the crossroads towards Črna na Koroškem (Koprivna on the left). We descend along the main road towards Črna na Koroškem, and the road leads us first past the turnoff to the Tople valley, and a little lower down to the turnoff to Podpeca, Koča na Pikovem and Dom na Peci. Continue along the above-mentioned road, which quickly leads to Podpeca. In Podpeca the asphalt ends and we follow the signs for Dom na Peci. Higher up, at the Vrh šteng pass, the road from Mežica joins us from the right, and we continue to follow the signs for Dom na Peci, sometimes also seeing the "motorway" signs. Continue driving on the dirt road, and at the last junction follow the signs for the parking lot. Follow the road to its end, where you will park in the Jakobe parking lot.
c) Take the Mežica, where you follow the signs for Peca. Continue towards Border crossing Mežica, and before the border crossing, turn left onto the road towards Peca. Higher up, at the Vrh šteng pass, the road from Podpeca joins us from the left, and we follow the signs for Dom na Peci, sometimes we also see "motorway" signs. Continue on the dirt road, and at the last junction follow the signs for the parking area. Follow the road to its end, where you will park in the Jakobe parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the signs Dom na Peci and follow cart track right upwards. After a short climb, you will reach a crossroads, where you continue to the right and continue climbing along cart track. Cart track then gradually becomes less steep and is soon abandoned. The markings direct you to the left onto a footpath, which you then follow for some time as you climb through the forest. The path through the forest then leads us back to the narrower cart track, where we continue to the right and reach Dom na Peci in about 5 minutes of further walking.
Discussion about the trail Jakobe - Dom na Peci
panda29. 05. 2010 |
Čestitke moderatorju za dodano pot, ki sem jo pogrešal. Zdaj bo lahko marsikdo uporabil to pot, saj je najhitrejša do koče iz doline. LP
ahaba29. 05. 2010 |
Pozdravljeni ! zanima me kakšna je cesta do parkirišča. Ali je prevozna tudi za osebne avtomobile npr.Opel Corsa . Nismo še bili na Peci in letos nameravamo iti zato malo informacij. LP
panda29. 05. 2010 |
Cesta je v solidnem stanju.
Rok29. 05. 2010 |
Cesta sicer ni ravno najlepša, vendar za osebne avtomobile ni težav.
kokica1811. 08. 2021 14:42:53 |
A mi ve kdo povedati, v kakšnem stanju je makadamska cesta do parkirišča Jakobe za osebno vozilo, ki ni terenec, ampak nizek avto? hvala
Enka11. 08. 2021 17:30:52 |
Mi smo šli v nedeljo z nizkim avtom in ni bilo težav, čez 2-3 kanale smo šli čisto počasi, ostalo je bilo bp.
AndrejRA11. 09. 2021 20:07:43 |
Bili danes - žena, jaz in pes. Parkirišče Jakobe ob 08.00 že lepo napolnjeno, vendar še vedno dovolj prostora. Makedamska cesta do parkirišča dobro urejena, sploh če ne hitiš. Pohodniška pot zelo lepa, na vrhu veliko pohodnikov, a kljub temu lahko vsakdo najde svoj kotiček miru in užitkov, ki jih podarja narava in razgledi iz vrha Pece. Po vrnitvi iz vrha do Doma na Peci tam počivali in jedli - gobova juha z ajdovimi žganci (tudi psu so zelo teknili, čeprav njemu sicer itak vse tekne) in štruklje - NJAMI NJAMI oz. ODLIČNO. Boljših štrukljev še nisem jedel nikjer. BRAVO KUHARICA. Po kosilu še ogled votline kralja Matjaža, nato vrnitev do avtomobila in domov v Maribor. Čudovit izlet. Koroška je prelepa.
alarik27. 06. 2024 06:49:11 |
Mene pa zanima ali je sedaj prevozna cesta do parkirišča Jakobe..Iz Pikovega.Najlepša hvala za pojasnilo.
DVas27. 06. 2024 07:15:22 |
lepenatka27. 06. 2024 08:33:14 |
Od Pikovega dalje je pot normalno prevozna. Od odcepa za Koprivno do Podpece pa potekajo obnovitvena dela. Do Pikovega (Koče na Pikovem) pa se pride po lepo urejeni cesti iz Črne na Koroškem(Mušenik). Preverjeno ta vikend.
Barbara 7529. 06. 2024 13:07:17 |
Pozdrav, vidim da so obvestila o prenovi ceste, če želim priti do Jakobe, katero pot mi priporočate, nisem zelo pogosto v vaših krajih, tako da bi bila hvaležna za vsako informacijo, hvala
lepenatka30. 06. 2024 08:24:19 |
Tudi jaz nisem iz teh koncev, sem pa šla raziskat ceste, ki vodijo pod Peco. Najlepša mi je iz Mežice, je pa daljša.
Janezs30. 06. 2024 10:01:29 |
Na park plac Jakobe, vodi samo ena cesta, iz smeri karavle in pod Pece za avtomobile, je pa še nekaj vlak iz drugih smeri.
lepenatka30. 06. 2024 10:30:23 |
Do karavle pa se pripelje tudi iz Mežice , preko Podkraja pri Mežici. Po tej cesti sem se peljala prejšnji vikend.
Janezs30. 06. 2024 15:19:02 |
Jaz osebno nimam nikoli težave zaradi prevoznosti cest. Na Peco se podam iz Črne ali Mežice. Preverjeno v ponedeljek. Začeli ob 22.00 h. v Črni, na vrhu smo bili. 00.50 h. Jaz prakticiram ,hojo , ne vožnjo v hribe.
Kejti13. 08. 2024 09:27:58 |
Živjo, je bil kdo te dni na tej poti? Je makadam ok? Je pot prepadna do vnožja?
artur13. 08. 2024 11:06:17 |
Bili včeraj. Se da pripeljat z vsakim avtom, samo malo previdnosti je potrebno.