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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Vošca / Jureževa planina - Vošca

Jureževa planina - Vošca

Starting point: Jureževa planina (1488 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,5029°N 13,8254°E
Destination: Vošca (1737 m)
Time of walking: 35 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 249 m
Altitude difference po putu: 249 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 15.739
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 14
Number of comments: 8
Access to the starting point:
From Kranjska Gora, drive towards Rateče, but only as far as the village of Podkoren, where you turn right towards the Korensko sedlo border crossing. Just 100m before the crossing, a forest road turns sharp right and you follow it past a number of streams to a crossroads. Continue straight ahead (sharp left Jerebikovec). Shortly after this the road makes a sharp right turn and leads us in just over 100m to another crossroads, where we continue slightly left (right Brvogi) along the road, which begins to descend. Then we drive for quite some time and come to the third crossroads where we go slightly right (sharp left Dolič). The road crosses a torrent shortly afterwards and we follow it for another 100m to Jureževa planina, where we park in a suitable place slightly above the hunting lodge.
Path description:
From the hunting lodge at Jureževa planina continue along the forest road for another 10 m, then leave the forest road and continue left along the ascending and often muddy cart track. The cart track climbs through the lane of the forest, and then leads to the top grassy slopes of Voška. Here the path turns to the left and then ascends crosswise towards the summit, which can already be seen in front of you, and which is reached after about 10 minutes of further walking.
zemljovid puta - Vošca
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Jureževa planina - Vošca4
Jureževa planina - Vošca5
Jureževa planina - Vošca6
Jureževa planina - Vošca7
Jureževa planina - Vošca8
Jureževa planina - Vošca9
Jureževa planina - Vošca10
Jureževa planina - Vošca11
Jureževa planina - Vošca12
Jureževa planina - Vošca13
Jureževa planina - Vošca14
Discussion about the trail Jureževa planina - Vošca
Kriška6. 11. 2006
Na Vošci sem bila poleti, bil je krasen, jasen dan, razgledi čudoviti. Pohodnikom je družbo delalo tudi kar nekaj kolesarjev.
Guest22. 11. 2006
Tudi jesenska tura na Voščo je lepa.Macesni v žlati barvi .Vsekakor je priporočljivo peš z Srednjega vrha in potepanje je lahko še lepse saj imano več možnosti.nasmeh
PUHIPUHI24. 10. 2017
Ali kdo ve v kakem stanju je cesta do Jureževe planine? Normalno prevozna z osebniv avtom?
Hvala, LP; P
Majdag29. 10. 2017

...Včerajšnje potepanje z mojo kosmato bučko Iro. Gozdna cesta je kot vsak druga. Včasih lepa, pa grbinasta in nekaj globokih jarkov, pa gre. Za tiste, ki jim korak ne dovoljuje daljših potepanj je ta cesta priložnost, da uživajo v lepih razgledih na gore. Tudi macesni še zlatijo in ni jih malo, lepo je.nasmeh
bostjan858. 05. 2018
Kako je cesta do Jureževe planine,hvala.
PUHIPUHI23. 05. 2018
Tudi mene zanima, če je bil kdo zadnje dni na Jureževi planini z avtom. V kakšnem stanju je cesta?
janez.novak24. 05. 2018
Jaz grem pa na Vošco kar peš iz Srednjega vrha. Pot je v redu. Pa še to: če se pripelješ na Jureževo planino, je to le sprehod in ne tura. Drugo pa je, če so poleg otroci ali planinci, ki težko hodijo in jim ta varianta približa tisto, kar sicer ne bi mogli več doseči.
Doohan12. 05. 2022 14:41:14
Midva sva šla kar peš po gozdni cesti do Jureževe planine, 8 km. Do vrha Vošce sva rabila dobre tri ure, nazaj dobri dve. Lepo preživetih pet ur v naravi s čudovitimi razgledi na Julijce.
Cesta je sicer v zelo dobrem stanju.
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