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Jurna vas - Mehovski hrib

Starting point: Jurna vas (269 m)
Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 302 m
Altitude difference po putu: 302 m
Map: Dolenjska 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: MEHOVO
Views: 6.058
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 10
Number of comments: 13
Access to the starting point:
From Novo mesto, we drive in the direction of Metlika. After 8 km of driving, turn off the main road in the direction of Koroška vas, through which you pass and after 1. 2 km you reach Jurna vas. Drive through the village and at the end of the village, on the left-hand side by the cross, you will see the first signpost. You can park your vehicle on the right by the timber yard.
Path description:
After parking the car at the timber yard, head in the route you came for 100 m on the asphalt and turn right at the cross. Immediately, we have a view of the summit, which is always in sight as we walk.
Right at the start, the path takes us between two farmhouses and from there on it is just meadow and forest. When crossing the meadow, keep to the right at the first crossroads and to the left at the second. In the forest itself, direction signs guide us where to turn. When you come out of the forest, you can decide whether to take the easier or the harder route to the summit.
If you choose the harder access, then turn left and follow the shojeni path to the top (this part of the path is not marked). If you choose the easier part of the path, then turn right onto the asphalt path and follow it to the village of Podgrad and at the primary school turn towards the top.
zemljovid puta - Mehovski hrib
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Discussion about the trail Jurna vas - Mehovski hrib
MEHOVO16. 03. 2013
Vrh hriba je vsako leto bolj obiskan,kar nas veseli.Vaščani bližnjih vasi so-smo spoznali,da ni samo na Gorjancih leponasmeh,pa še z avtom se ni potrebno nikamor vozit.mežikanjevelik nasmeh
lencka16. 03. 2013
Prav res je to postal naš hišni hrib, kamor se odpravi čedalje več ljudi pred ali po službi, pa tudi na nočni pohod. Imamo krasne zarglede , lahko se prepričate na fotkah iz arhiva...
lencka16. 03. 2013,slike pa kje drugje,.. baje tukaj na izletih ne gre. Kar pot pod noge in uživajte v naravi
nanica16. 03. 2013
nanica16. 03. 2013
nanica16. 03. 2013
MEHOVO24. 03. 2013
Kot izgleda je moj opis poti obrodil sadove,saj je iz dneva v dan več obiskovalcev prelepega vrha.nasmehnasmehnasmeh
lencka7. 05. 2013
Dolgujem še nekaj slik, pa bom poskusila če gre...
Leych18. 08. 2016
Preden prideš čisto na vrh hriba se vidi ena zajla. A je mogoče kdo tam že šel? Zanima me, če je zahtevno po tisti poti.
Čemu je okrogla skrinjica na vrhu zaklenjena? Sem mislila, da bo v skrinjici žig pa ga ni bilo, okrogla pa je bila zaklenjena. zmeden
modrook1217. 02. 2022 20:22:19
Kako je kaj pot označena? Kako je s parkiranjem? Lp
Loerst17. 02. 2022 22:43:49
Označbe so bolj tako-tako in bi lahko bile tudi boljše (pogostejše, mestoma bolj opazne). Po drugi strani pa to ni poseben problem, saj večino časa vidiš cilj pred sabo in tudi če greš kje malo po svoje, pa vsaj približno v pravo smer, bi moralo biti vse ok. Konec koncev gre za dolenjski grič.

Prostora za parkiranje je dovolj, le med tednom pazi, da jim ne zaparkiraš dostopa ali spravljenega lesa.
modrook1218. 02. 2022 18:51:12
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