Koča na Pesku - Rogla (footpath)
Starting point: Koča na Pesku (1386 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,467°N 15,3441°E |
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Name of path: footpath
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 131 m
Altitude difference po putu: 131 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 28.571
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the Ljubljana - Maribor motorway, take the Slovenske Konjice exit and continue driving towards the above-mentioned place. From Slovenske Konjice continue towards Zreče, and we continue along the road in the direction of Roga. When we arrive at Rogla, we continue along the main road, which continues for some time without any major changes in elevation, then turns left and gradually begins to descend. Follow the road to Koča na Pesku, where you park in the parking lot near the hut.
b) First drive to Lovrenc na Pohorju (to get here from the road Maribor - Dravograd), then continue driving towards Rogla and the Cottage on the Sand. The gravel road then leads first to Mašinžaga and then to Hut na Pesku. Park in the parking lot next to the Cottage on the Sand.
Path description:
From Koča na Pesku continue along the asphalt road towards Rogla for a few 10 metres, then turn right on cart track in the direction of Rogla. Continue along the winding cart track for a while, and then, just after crossing a small stream, turn left onto a slightly steeper footpath that climbs through the forest. Higher up, the path gradually levels out and leads into gradually thinner wodland. From the point where the forest thins out, it is only a short walk to the lookout tower at Rogla.
If there is no risk of thunderstorms, you can climb the tower at your own risk, from which you will have a fine view over most of Pohorje, and in good visibility also of Karawanks, Kamnik Savinja Alps and Triglav.
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Koča na Pesku
Discussion about the trail Koča na Pesku - Rogla (footpath)
yesi@hootmail.com10. 04. 2008 |
Zanima me zakaj nihče ne opiše poti iz Vitanja na Roglo je baje zelo lepa in tudi lahka
Tadej10. 04. 2008 |
V Sloveniji imamo veliko gora in še več planinskih poti, po katerih z veseljem hodimo in jih opisujemo. Ko bomo prehodili omenjeno pot, ali nam bo opis kdo poslal, ga bomo z veseljem objavili. LP
hostar10. 04. 2008 |
Konec lanskega poletja sem preživljal na Rogli.Pot od Rogle do koče na Pesku je precej kratka, tako, de smo jo podaljšali do Lovrenških jezer in seveda nazaj.Če bi se ljudje zavedali, koliko lepot skriva naša Slovenija, nebi hodili na dopust nikamor drugam.
yesi@hootmail.com11. 04. 2008 |
Po poti od Rogle do Lovrenških Jezer sem tudi sam prehodil in se kar strinjam zvami.
sova5517. 11. 2010 |
Lepa in lahka je tudi markirana pot iz Mislinje čez Volovico do Rogle.Je pa škoda,da naše Pohorske steze uničujejo razni motorji in delajo globoke brazde in s tem zelo otežujejo pot pohodnikom.
kamelube30. 08. 2013 |
Zelo lepa je 'krožna' pot Rogla - Lovrenška jezera - Koča na pesku - Rogla. Še najslajša pa je, ko so zrele borovnice.
bruny30. 08. 2013 |
Zeloooo lepa je tudi krožna pot Rogla - Lovrenška jezera - Ribniška koča - Kope - Koča na Pesniku - Koča na Pesku - in omenjen opis za ,,posladek,, nazaj na Roglo. Lepiiiih 45/50 kilometrov, višincev tudi nekaj in odličen vpogled...bi rekel v zahodno osrednje Pohorje - lahko.