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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Šumahov vrh / Koča na Pikovem - Šumahov vrh (via Pikov and Veliki vrh)

Koča na Pikovem - Šumahov vrh (via Pikov and Veliki vrh)

Starting point: Koča na Pikovem (992 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4892°N 14,8364°E
Name of path: via Pikov and Veliki vrh
Time of walking: 1 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 163 m
Altitude difference po putu: 315 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 724
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 44
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
Take the road to Črna na Koroškem, then follow the signs for Podpeca and later Koča na Pikovem. Park in the parking lot near the Hut na Pikovem.
Path description:
From the parking lot, walk to the Church of St Helena and Koča na Pikovem, then after the church, turn left on the path towards Veliki vrh. The way ahead leads along a less good macadam road, first through the woods and then across meadows, which offer a beautiful view. Behind the Pik homestead, the road changes to cart track, and at the edge of the forest, the path to Pikov vrh branches off to the right.
Continue in the direction of Pikov vrh and start climbing steeply through the forest on an unmarked path. Higher up, the path from the Pika's sign joins us from the left, and within a few minutes of further walking we reach Pikov vrh, where there is a lookout tower.
We go around the lookout tower on the right, then initially descend a little on the ridge, and then the trail continues with a few short ascents and descents. When we are quite close to the Veliki Top, the path to the Pikovi Caves branches off to the right, and we continue to the left and climb crosswise to the transmitters on Veliki Top, with the registration box a few steps further to the right.
From the top of the Big Peak, the wide cart track descends in 10 minutes to Šumahovo sedlo, where there is a crossroads of several paths and roads.
From Šumahovo sedlo, continue left from the crossroads on cart track, which climbs moderately slightly to the left. After a short climb, a faint ridge is reached where cart track turns slightly to the right and ends a little higher up. From the end of cart track continue slightly right on a beaten track which climbs through the forest, and when it lays down it leads to a short lookout point which offers a fine view in the direction of Pec. Another minute of easy walking follows and the path leads us to the cross at Šumahov vrh, from which we have a nice view to the other side.
Koča na Pikovem - Pikov vrh 30 minutes, Koča na Pikovem - Veliki vrh 40 minutes, Veliki vrh - Šumahov vrh 25 minutes.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2018 (May).
zemljovid puta - Šumahov vrh
On the way: Sveta Helena (992m), Pikov vrh (1149m), Veliki vrh (nad Mežiško dolino) (1165m), Šumahovo sedlo (1065m)
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Discussion about the trail Koča na Pikovem - Šumahov vrh (via Pikov and Veliki vrh)
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