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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Razor / Koča v Krnici - Razor

Koča v Krnici - Razor

Starting point: Koča v Krnici (1113 m)
Destination: Razor (2601 m)
Time of walking: 6 h 30 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1488 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1488 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Author: navrhu
Views: 15.992
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 52
Number of comments: 5
Access to the starting point:
I drove along the road to Vršič and parked at Mihov's home (1085 m). From there I walked to the Cirque cottage and spent the night there (about 30 minutes walk). Then in the morning I walked from the Hut to Cirque to Razor.
Path description:
Notice dated 30. 9. 2013. The trail to Razor is open again, but the route of the part of the trail from the Planja saddle to the top of Razor has been changed. The new route is technically more demanding and is very difficult (use of self-belaying kit, helmets. . . ).
From the Hut in Cirque I started with a friend at 05:50h towards the Kriška Stena. The trail climbs gently and is interesting to walk, because in some parts you have to jump from stone to stone (a part of the wall there "recently" broke off). During the trail we also saw a family of chamois grazing on the left (east) side. It took us 2 hours and 10 minutes to reach the Kriška wall. Then the "hellish" climb up the Kriška Wall begins, where I felt quite scared, so I decided not to go back down that route.
We climbed the Kriška Wall in 50 minutes, and then we arrived on a completely different "planet". It took us another 25 minutes to get to the junction of the routes to Razor, the top of the Kriška Stena, Križ, Škrlatica, Cirque Aljaž's home in Vrata, Bivouac IV and Pogačnik's home. At the crossroads we were lucky enough to meet a chamois standing only 10 metres from us, making no fuss, although after a few minutes we started calling out to it. He loked at us and continued grazing. We walked along the path towards Pogačnik's home, following the path so that we had both Kriška jezera on our left. After 1 hour of walking we came to the next crossroads near Pogačnik's home. Here we went right towards Razor (the sign at the crossroads said we still had 2 hours to walk). It took us 1 hour and 10 minutes to get to the Planja saddle. There is also a crossroads at the saddle, where we parted ways on the way back to the starting point. My friend had the courage to go back along the Kriška Stena, but not the dam. It took us 35 minutes from the saddle to Razor. So our journey took 6 hours and 10 minutes, as we arrived at Razor at 12:00. From there we went back to the Planja saddle, where I went in the direction of Vršič. The descent from Razor was via the Planja saddle in the direction of Vršič, and so we came to a crossroads where you can choose two routes to Vršič. One is called the "Jubilee Route" and the other the "Route via Kranjska planina". The Jubilee route is longer and more difficult, as it goes over the peaks on the way to Vršič (the highest is Prisojnik), but I decided to take the route via Kranjska planina, which is easier and shorter in time. It took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to get from Razor to this junction. From this junction, the trail changes from high mountain to mid-mountain, so the walking is mainly on green areas, and part of it is also protected by steel cables and wedges. The walking is also mainly at the same altitude (50 metres up - down). The trail then starts to climb steeply just before the junction and after 1 hour and 50 minutes I reached the junction of two trails coming from Prisojnik and the trail continuing towards Vršič. It took me another 40 minutes to reach Vršič. So it took me 4 hours to get from Razorje to Vršič.
zemljovid puta - Razor
On the way: Bovška vratica (2375m), Sedlo Planja (2349m), Gladki rob (1870m), Vršič (1611m)
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Discussion about the trail Koča v Krnici - Razor
Hribolaznik6. 07. 2015
Super tura, pohvale avtorju. Na slikah 23 - 26 je kozorog, ne gams nasmeh Gamsa pa že ne boste srečali na 10 metrov nasmeh
mailman26. 07. 2015
Prijatelj si je predvsem želel piva v Pogačnikovem domu, zato mu je pripadal spust po Kriški steni! Tu pa izpade da je imel željo iti dol po njej!jezik
fitipaldi22. 08. 2016
Tudi jaz se strinjam da je super tura, le pripombo bi imel, da Kriška stena ni tako problematična kot je opisano.
Sam sem šel po isti poti na Razor in ni bilo problema slikat.
Kriška stena je manj zahtevna kot Kopiščarjeva na Prisojnik ki sem jo prehodi pred leti.
Pot proti Vršiču pa tudi ni od muh.
Markacije so na celotni poti zelo slabe in sprane.
opazovalec1. 08. 2018
Načeloma je opis poti realen, vendarle je višinska razlika na celi poti vzpona dejansko drugačna, saj se pot spusti z vrha Kriške stene do Pogačnikovega doma za cca 300m. Vzpona je blizu 1800m.
V kolikor bi koga zanimala pot z Razorja na Vršič preko Prisojnika skozi zadnje okno, naj doda zgornjemu opisu kar nekaj ur.
Včeraj sva s sinom porabila za pot od Mihovega doma preko Kriške stene na Razor 4.5h... kar je znatno manj kot je zapisano, (0.5h+6h10').
Z Razorja pa sva do Vršiča skozi Zadnje okno rabila v primerljivo hitrem tempu še 5.5h.
Skupaj je tako 10h. Zadnji del poti do avta pa nama je skrajšal prijazen voznik.

Enka1. 08. 2018
Tole ni opis poti, ampak (subjektivni) opis izleta.
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