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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Kopa (Partizanski vrh) / Kokra (resting place Kokra-sotočje) - Kopa (Partizanski vrh)

Kokra (resting place Kokra-sotočje) - Kopa (Partizanski vrh)

Starting point: Kokra (resting place Kokra-sotočje) (520 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3036°N 14,478°E
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 504 m
Altitude difference po putu: 545 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 677
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Number of pictures: 36
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Preddvor, then continue driving towards Zgornji Jezerski. When you arrive in Kokra, you will quickly reach the transformer, where the starting point of the route to Dom Čemšenik is. You can park here, but you can also drive about 100 metres further, where you will see a cycle rest area on the left, under a small wall, where there is also some space for parking.

b) Take Zgornje Jezersko towards Preddvor. At the end of Kokra, cross the Čemšenik brook, and just after the bridge, park in a suitable space on the right next to the cycle parking area. You can also park 100 metres further on in the parking area next to the transformer on the left side of the road.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the main road in the direction of Jezersko, crossing the Čemšeniški brook, and after the brook, turn right onto a side road, along which there are signs for Davovec, Kopo and Skutman. After the crossroads, cross the Kokra River over a bridge and turn right at the Hkavc homestead. After a short cross-country climb, you reach the last house, after which you go left uphill on a dirt road, from which, before the hayfield, you turn right onto a wide cart track road, which turns into a forest and begins to climb steeply. Then climb the wide cart track or worse road, and the rather steep path makes some serpentines higher up, and at the crossroads follow the wider path. This path is then followed all the way to Zapečnikova planina, which is identified by the fact that you have arrived on a lookout slope, from which a fine view opens up to the west.

At the start of Zapečnikova planina, where the broad cart track turns right, we continue slightly left on a track which climbs an undistinguished ridge and then turns right. From the ridge we initially get a nice view in the direction of Kočna and Grintovec, but the path then passes into the forest and starts to climb more steeply. A few minutes of climbing follows and we arrive at the marked peak Skutmana.
From Skutman we continue in the direction of Kopa and Davovec, where we first descend along the ridge path, which soon leads us into a more sparse forest, from where we have a beautiful view towards Grintovci. After the lookout part, the path returns to the forest and climbs up and then down to a small saddle, where it joins the path from Možjance.
Continue straight on (right down Možjanca) and follow the ridge. After a minute or so, the path leaves the ridge and heads slightly to the right, then returns to the ridge and climbs all the way to the top of Kopa.
The route is not marked, but is marked at a few crossroads.
Starting point - Zapečnikova planina 1:00. Zapečnikova planina - Skutman 0:10, Skutman - Kopa 0:35.
zemljovid puta - Kopa (Partizanski vrh)
On the way: Zapečnikova planina (840m), Skutman (911m)
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Discussion about the trail Kokra (resting place Kokra-sotočje) - Kopa (Partizanski vrh)
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