Koroška bela (Jesenice) - Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom
Starting point: Koroška bela (Jesenice) (600 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 581 m
Altitude difference po putu: 581 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 16.830
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Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lipce exit and turn right towards Jesenice. At the first traffic lights (Javornik) turn right in the route Lj. At the second traffic-lighted junction, turn left and go under the railway underpass, and at the next smaller junction, turn right towards Koroška Biała. Go into a village running NE, where you can park in a suitable place (e. g. a block of flats near the fire station). You can continue driving.
Path description:
(On foot or by car) find the crossroads in the centre of the village, where the church memorial is located. From here, follow the main road through the village, which goes uphill to the NE. After about 100 m, cross the bridge over the Bela stream on the right, where you can see the first markings in the vicinity (Stranska cesta). Continue along the asphalt road between two houses (the appearance of a courtyard), which turns right here.
After a short time, when it becomes flat and almost runs out after the left turn, you will see a small parking lot on the left (another possible starting point), next to which is the entrance to the forest or the marked path to which you are heading. After some 10 m we come across a dirt track, which leads up a steep left slope to a small well, where the worse cart track begins, and we continue in the route to the right. The path leading eastwards climbs only intermittently, only becoming steeper after 10 min, when it turns left and loses the cart track appearance. When the steepness subsides, rejoin cart track and head left uphill (right - unmarked path). The path turns first right and soon left. Leave cart track and take the path on the right, which later leads to a junction of tracks. Here we take the main one (direction NE), along which we continue for some time. When the path starts to look like a forest road, cross the Sevnik stream on the flat.
Keep to the widest path throughout. When you reach a clearing in the forest, you can see the western slope of Ajdna. After a while, the forest road leads us first to the turnoff for Ajdna (Na Sušeh), and then to the road leading to Potosko mountain pasture, which we cross.
A relatively beautiful forest path, which climbs and occasionally lays down, leads us to Valvazor's home under the Stool in just over 20 minutes' walk.
![zemljovid puta - Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom](/slike/Zemljevid.gif)
Discussion about the trail Koroška bela (Jesenice) - Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom
Gorska planika29. 05. 2017 |
Pot je zelo prijetna, lepo sledljiva in odlično markirana! Priporočam ![nasmeh](/slike/smile.gif)
di2. 01. 2023 16:08:52 |
Pot iz Javorniškega Rovta do Valvasorja je uradno markirana. A kot preveč še drugih markiranih (celo transverzalnih) poti tudi ta nima markacij tam (npr. na razpotjih), kjer so potrebne. Najdete pa po tri "packe" na mestu, kjer to sploh ne bi bilo (nujno) potrebno).
Kafetarca3. 01. 2023 08:05:48 |
Očitno moramo pri razpotjih kar intuitivno vedeti, kam in kako. ![nasmeh](/slike/smile.gif) Tudi sama sem se večkrat spraševala o pravi poti, ko sem se znašla na razpotju dveh poti, markacije pa ni bilo, ali pa je bila na sredini med obema potema, potem pa itak ne veš, ali levo ali desno. Se sprašujem, zakaj potem markacija, če je pa na takem dvoumnem mestu...