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Mountain ranges / High Tauern / Fallbach / Koschach - Fallbach (Fallbach Klettersteig)

Koschach - Fallbach (Fallbach Klettersteig)

Starting point: Koschach (850 m)
Destination: Fallbach (1150 m)
Name of path: Fallbach Klettersteig
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: extremely difficult marked way
Ferata: E
Altitude difference: 300 m
Altitude difference po putu: 200 m
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: oybl
Views: 9.915
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 38
Number of comments: 11
Access to the starting point:
Drive through the Karavanke Tunnel into Austria, past Belzec to Spittal an der Drau, where you turn right towards Katschberg/Gmünd. At Gmünd, get off the motorway and drive through Malta to Koschach, where a sign for "Fallbach wasserfall" directs you to the right into the parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, head towards the waterfall, pay the entrance fee (4€) at the ticket office, continue towards the playground and look for the sign on the right for the "Fallbach klettersteig", which crosses the stream by logs (the sign is not very visible). The path turns left up the meadow and you soon come to the first rocks.
The start is easy, crossing a narrow path, and then you reach the first vertical (C/D). The path becomes even more difficult and climbs vertically (D), with a few staples to help you. This part is more about free climbing, as the thin and loose rope is not much help.
For a short time the route is laid and then the problems start again. First it crosses a smooth wall (C), then climbs vertically (D). Then a slightly less difficult traverse over a belly rock (B/C). After a steep climb with a loose rope (D), you reach a suspension bridge on the left, and to the right the route branches off towards a viewing platform, where there is also an emergency exit. Anyone who has had difficulty up to this part of the route should return along this route, as it is the most difficult part.
After crossing a suspension bridge, the path leads diagonally upwards over a smooth wall (D), followed by a traverse (C) and you will arrive at the registration box, which is also a good place to rest before the hardest part. The route first climbs diagonally on a ledge (D) and then reaches an overhang a few metres high (E). The gradient is about 25 degrees outwards, there are no handholds, and the only way to climb is by "pulling" on a rope, where hand strength plays a major role. At the top, there is a traverse to the left (C), a vertical climb (D), and then a less difficult part of the route to the top (short section D, the rest B/C). As the rock is already quite slick, care must still be taken on this part.
From the top, descend along the right-hand path, which after about 20 minutes leads to the valley road.
zemljovid puta - Fallbach
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Discussion about the trail Koschach - Fallbach (Fallbach Klettersteig)
Kita30. 05. 2013
Lepa kulisa in na nekaterih odsekih zahtevna pot,komaj čakam da se vreme letos mal pošlihta in da jo splezam...velik nasmeh
slavi090230. 05. 2013
če prav vidim so napeljali nove močnejše jeklenice,tako da tiste stare ohlapne ne rabimo uporabljati,kar se pa tiče vremena se pa čist strinjam s teboj Kitanasmeh
Kita10. 06. 2013
Ob 5.00 štart iz Celja in najprej Luft unter die scholln klettersteig D/E,potem še na Fallbash klettersteig E ob 12:50na vrhu Fallbacha pol pa še na hochalmstrase na slovito gorsko cesto in seveda kavica...Vreme nama je s prjatlom služl,tak da še en nepozaben dan.....nasmeh
Kita10. 06. 2013
Par slovničnih napak v zgornjem odstavku...brez zamere....
VanSims10. 06. 2013
@slavi0902: Če prav razumem varovanja te vrste, uporabljaš tako ohlapne kot tudi napete jeklenice in vprašanje če so katere starejše ali novejše od drugih. V ohlapne se namreč vklepamo, za napete se pa držimo oz se po njih vlečemo. mežikanje Je pa to ena redkih ferat po tem sistemu in je lahko vzorčen primer dobrega varovanja.
slavi090210. 06. 2013
@VanSims....hvala za pojasnilo,oprosti moji nevednosti,obljubim da se bom poboljšalanasmeh
Kita3. 12. 2013
Takle je blo letos...Par slikic...
Kita3. 12. 2013
Ni sem mi posrečl naložit...jezenjezenjezen
Laščan4. 12. 2013
Slike tukaj ne moreš naložiti, uspelo ti bo le na "Forum-razmere" !
Kita4. 12. 2013
Matic259. 12. 2014
Tole je zame že pretiravanje. Moraš znat plezat!Če bi pa to znal bi pa raje plezal z vrvjo in varovali. Kod,da se vlačim po zajlah.
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