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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Lisca / Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca (via Vertikala)

Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca (via Vertikala)

Starting point: Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) (240 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,0464°N 15,2934°E
Destination: Lisca (948 m)
Name of path: via Vertikala
Time of walking: 1 h 20 min
Difficulty: partly demanding unmarked way
Altitude difference: 708 m
Altitude difference po putu: 707 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Author: Klemen24
Views: 27.750
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 33
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
From Krško, Mirna or Zidanega Most, we drive to Sevnica. In Sevnica at the pizzeria Rondo, at the roundabout turn towards Mountain pasture near Sevnica. After 4 kilometres, at the Mastnak wine cellar, turn left into the parking lot, where we leave our little steel horse.
Path description:
Start walking on a paved road. Turn right into the forest after about 100 m at the wooden steps. Continue through the woods for a short distance, as you come back to the road and walk for about 300 m, where at the end of the hamlet you turn back to the forest path. The trail is unmistakably marked until the village Cerje. When you reach the road for the last time at Cerje village, turn left, but only for 10 m, as the path over the Vertikala continues along the steps you see on your right. There is also a bench with a nice view. The path over the Vertikala is steeper than all the marked paths to Lisca, and there are no precipices anywhere, but I still advise against it for smaller children. After 10-15 minutes, our trail merges with the Čez skalce trail. After the merge, we have only about 15 minutes to go and we are standing on one of the most scenic peaks in the Posavje hills. To take away hunger and thirst, Tončkov dom is open every day of the week, except Monday.
zemljovid puta - Lisca
On the way: Cerje (640m), Tončkov dom (927m), Jurkova koča (927m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca4
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Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca7
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca8
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca9
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca10
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca11
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca12
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca13
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca14
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca15
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca16
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca17
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca18
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca19
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca20
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca21
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca22
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca23
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca24
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca25
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca26
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca27
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca28
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca29
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca30
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca31
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca32
Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca33
Discussion about the trail Krakovo (wine cellar Mastnak) - Lisca (via Vertikala)
Lazo29. 06. 2020
Ni nekaj za opisati, saj je Lisca zelo popularna na Zasavsko - Posavskem hribovju in Dolenjskem. Izbrali smo Pastirčkovo pot, ker smo imeli s sabo mlajšega člana. Mogoče na nekaterih delih, bi bilo vseeno dobro za kakšno dodatno oznako (posebej za Pastirčkovo mislim) , je pa res da hodi kar veliko ljudi in jim lahko slediš.
Tukaj pa še celotna pot.
ljubo7723. 08. 2020
Saamo opozorilo.
Opisana pot od na fotografijah prikazanih stopničk ob asfaltirani cesti, ni registrirana in markirana planinska pot. Pot tudi ni lahka. Zahteva dobro fizično pripravljenost (kondicijo) in je preimerna le za vzpon. Nepripravljenim še posebej spust po tem delu poti odsvetujem.
To opozorilo bi veljalo vključiti v opis poti, saj opažam, da vedno več kondicijsko nepripravljenih pohodnikov na osnovi tega opisa uporablja to pot. In se potem pritožujejo, da je opis zavajujoč.
Vsem takim priporočam uporabo mnogo lažjih treh poti, ki vodijo tako po levi kot po desni strani te vertikale.
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