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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Barentaler Kotschna/Struška / Križovec - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (footpath)

Križovec - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (footpath)

Starting point: Križovec (1222 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4699°N 14,0838°E
Name of path: footpath
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 722 m
Altitude difference po putu: 800 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 29.167
 5 people like this post
Number of pictures: 52
Number of comments: 25
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lipce and follow the road towards Jesenice. When you reach the semaphoreised junction where you join the old road, turn right in the direction of Žirovnice. Follow this road for only a short distance, as at the next slightly larger junction (traffic lights), turn left in the direction of Javorniški Rovto. The road then passes through an underpass (railway) and then turns left (Koroška Bela on the right). Follow the road, which starts to climb steeply higher up, in the direction of Javorníško Rovto. The road leads us past the Pristava home (the home is just above the road) and after the home we come to the next (smaller) crossroads, where we go right. Next, we drive along the macadam road all the way to Križovec, which we recognise by the crossroads of several roads (there are a few small car parks and a cross at the crossroads).
Path description:
From Križovec, continue past the cross on the road in the route Pusti Rovt. The road initially leads past a ramp and then gently climbs through the forest. After about 15 minutes of walking, the road turns left and leads out of the forest to the lower edge of Pusti Rovt. Continue along the road, which is joined on the right by a marked path from Dom Pristava v Javorniškem Rovtu, which leads us after some 10 steps of further walking to the shepherd's hut at Pust Rovt.
From the shepherd's hut, continue along the road, which turns right into the forest at the upper part of Pusti Rovt. Just a little further on, you reach a marked crossroads, where you continue slightly to the right (left Kahlkogel) along a moderately steep path, which only a few metres higher crosses a relatively new road leading to Belska planina - Svečice. Cross the road and continue the ascent along the marked path, which soon leaves the forest and leads to the viewing slopes below the Kočna saddle. Continue the ascent past a small hunting lodge, beyond which you will soon reach a watering point for animals. There is only a short climb and the trail leads to Sedlo Kočna, which offers a beautiful view of the Austrian side.
At the saddle, continue right towards Barentaler Kotschna (Kahlkogel and Ptičji vrh on the left) on a relatively gentle path that continues along the main ridge. After a few minutes the path starts to climb steeply and then turns sharply to the right, where it crosses the slopes to the right in a traverse. Higher up, the path leads from a belt of sparse wods and scrub to a scenic ridge where, after a further climb of some 10 m, a grazing fence is crossed.
Immediately after crossing the grazing fence, the track splits into two parts. Continue along the lower right and marked path (slightly left Barentaler Kotschna along the ridge or along and near the state border), which continues across the slopes to the south-east. The trail continues through the forest for some time, then passes into the dwarf pines zone, where it starts to climb more visibly again. Higher up, the path briefly returns to the forest before passing into the Belska planina - Candle pastures. Here continue slightly left and after a few minutes of further walking reach the shepherd's hut at the above-mentioned mountain pasture.
From the hut, continue eastwards, initially only slightly uphill. After a five-minute walk from the hut, the path leads to a less steep ravine, where you continue left on a less visible unmarked path (straight mountain pasture Seča). Continue up a grassy ravine surrounded by dwarf pines. The path, which is a little more difficult to follow, turns right at the top of this gully into the vast world of Barentaler Kotschna. The path continues in a moderate ascent crossing the south-western slopes of Barentaler Kotschna, which are partly covered with dwarf pines (as the path is more difficult to follow, you can quickly get lost among the dwarf pines). A little below the summit, the "path" leads to a ridge which you follow to the summit.
Orientation from mountain pasture to the summit is a little more difficult, and very difficult in fog.
Križovec - Svečica 1:45, Svečica - Barentaler Kotschna 45 minutes.
zemljovid puta - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška
On the way: Pusti Rovt (1296m), Sedlo Kočna (1469m), Belska planina (Svečica) (1700m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Križovec - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (footpath)
Guest20. 05. 2007
Izredno lep izlet, posebej v pomladnem času. Razgled je čudovit, posebej pa je zanimiva narava polna cvetic, pa tudi zdravilnih zelišč. Priporočam Franci
heinz29. 05. 2008
Krasna zadeva, se strinjam,da je pomladi tam najlepše,posebej zaradi cvetja.Trenutno se z avtom lahko pride do Pustega rovta,ker je "rampa" pri Križovcu odprta.Danes sem bil prvič,zagotovo pa se že v kratkem vrnem.
tonej2. 06. 2008
V soboto, 31.maja sem bil gor.Na povratku sem na Pristavi govoril z domačinom,ki je rekel da imena "Struška" do nedavna noben ni uporabljal - zanje je to samo in edino Belska pl.
Kako je s tem poimenovanjem?!
MiR20. 05. 2010
Pozdravljeni! Mi lahko kdo zaupa kakšna je situacija glede cvetja na Struški? Je pomlad že prišla, ali je gor še zima. Hvala za odgovore in pozdrav!
heinz20. 05. 2010
Ne, na Struški še ni pomladi. Na cvetje bo potrebno počakati še cca 2 tedna ali več..
Snega pa je ostalo le še malo.
MiR21. 05. 2010
Heinz, hvala za odgovor. Bomo pa še malček počakali. Srečno!
Majdag21. 05. 2010

Okoli koče Svečice je že nekaj avrikeljna,
mačeh in encijana pa je še zelo malo,(slike)
rober22. 05. 2010
Približno takole je bilo nekaj dni nazaj na krožni poti po Belski planini okoli koče,ki je lično preurejena...
sunshine24. 04. 2012
Prosim če mi lahko kdo pove kakšne so razmere na Struški .:
heinz24. 04. 2012
sneg, samo ne ravno za turno..
sunshine26. 04. 2012
Hvala sem mislna it jutri, bo lepo vreme.
francimedved21. 05. 2012
Takole je bilo pa včeraj na Struški.
Edina30. 05. 2014
Takole pa je bilo včeraj na Struški. Srečno na potkahnasmeh
Majdag3. 06. 2019

Mala Golica, Ptičji vrh, Planina Svečica ali Belska planina, Veliki vrh ... je bilo moje včerajšnje potepanje. Narcise cvetijo vse pod Krvavko. Na Belski planini je barvna simfonija čudovitega cvetja. Na Veliki vrh Struške je po kotanjah še precej snega. Ruševje je poležano in prehodi so marsikje oteženi. Na vrhu ni veliko cvetja, ga je pa okoli koče dovolj.nasmeh
zlatica6. 06. 2019
Majda, lepo si se imela in veliko si prehodila. Tudi jaz sem bila v torek na Belski planini, pa že to je bilo dovolj, tako lepot kot hoje. Tako je pač. A mogoče veš, zakaj ta koča, ki je tako lepa, ni nikoli odprta? Vsaj jaz še nisem nikoli do sedaj naletela na odprta vrata.zmedennasmeh
zlatica6. 06. 2019
Majda, lepo si se imela in veliko si prehodila. Tudi jaz sem bila v torek na Belski planini, pa že to je bilo dovolj, tako lepot kot hoje. Tako je pač. A mogoče veš, zakaj ta koča, ki je tako lepa, ni nikoli odprta? Vsaj jaz še nisem nikoli do sedaj naletela na odprta vrata.zmedennasmeh
Majdag6. 06. 2019
Odprta je v času pašne sezone, za vikend sigurno. Je pastirska koča in ne vem, če kdo kaj prodaja.nasmeh
zlatica7. 06. 2019
Hvala, Majda za odgovor.
Majdag7. 06. 2019
Tudi tebi, Zlatica.nasmeh
donat8. 06. 2019
Če je pastir tm, dobiš kkšen pir.
megla14. 02. 2020
Na par krajših koncih poledenela,ampak se da pripeljat.
Majdag25. 05. 2020
Belska planina, Veliki vrh, planina Seča, Konjska peč-lepa krožna pot. Cvetje okoli pastirske koče, na Belski planini počasi jemlje slovo. Potke so prijetne, le razgledov ni bilo. Uživajte v gorskem cvetju, proti vrhu bo še nekaj časa.nasmeh
babim17. 06. 2021 18:39:33
Danes do Belske planine in na vrh Struške. Rožice na Belski planini se počasi poslavljajo, jih je pa zato še veliko na Struški, del poti smo šli gor še po snegu. Lep dan nam je pokvaril motor-štirikolesnik, katerega ropotanje smo slišali pri spustu proti Križovcu. Ko smo prišli nižje, smo že opazili ogromen oblak prahu po celem parkirišču, saj je objestnež z vso brzino in zaviranjem delal kroge po parkirišču mimo avtomobilov. Začeli smo ga opozarjati in mahati s palicami, nato je odpeljal po cesti, mislim, da gre proti Golici.
Mogoče gredo planinci in avtomobili na živce kakšnemu domačinu, ne vem kako naj si to razlagam. Kakšni so bili avtomobili, raje ne govorim. Avto je še najmanjši problem, namen in objestnost je bolj zaskrbljujoča.
Majdag26. 05. 2022 21:18:57
24.5...Belska planina, Veliki vrh.. Začela na ovinku pri cesti za Golico...Pihalo je in megleno vse do vrha in nazaj. Rožce pa cvetijo in še več jih bo.nasmeh
Majdag28. 09. 2023 16:42:08

26.9...Zadnji ovinek - Belska planina - Struška...Cesta skozi Savske jame je trenutno dobro vzdrževana. Čez Pusti rovt vozite na lastno odgovornost. Telički, oslički, konji, krave, verjetno tudi bikci, vse se pase na Pustem rovtu. Čudovit dan, meglice in sonce. Razgledi krasni, le trava je že mokra in dobra obutev prav pride. Na Struški je vedno lepo in v tem letnem času ima le malo obiska..nasmeh
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