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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Mala Golica / Križovec - Mala Golica

Križovec - Mala Golica

Starting point: Križovec (1222 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4699°N 14,0838°E
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 424 m
Altitude difference po putu: 424 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 7.979
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Number of pictures: 28
Number of comments: 4
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lipce and follow the road towards Jesenice. When you reach the semaphoreised junction where you join the old road, turn right in the direction of Žirovnice. Follow this road for only a short distance, as at the next slightly larger junction (traffic lights), turn left in the direction of Javorniški Rovto. The road then passes through an underpass (railway) and then turns left (Koroška Bela on the right). Follow the road, which starts to climb steeply higher up, in the direction of Javorníško Rovto. The road leads us past the Pristava home (the home is just above the road) and after the home we come to the next (smaller) crossroads, where we go right. Next, we drive along the macadam road all the way to Križovec, which we recognise by the crossroads of several roads (there are a few small car parks and a cross at the crossroads).
Path description:
From Križovec, continue past the cross on the road in the route Pusti Rovt. The road initially leads past a ramp and then gently climbs through the forest. After about 15 minutes of walking, the road turns left and leads out of the forest to the lower edge of Pusti Rovt. Continue along the road, which is joined on the right by a marked path from Dom Pristava v Javorniškem Rovtu, which leads us after some 10 steps of further walking to the shepherd's hut at Pust Rovt.
From the shepherd's hut, continue along the road, which turns right into the forest at the upper part of Pusti Rovt. Just a little further on, you reach a marked crossroads, where you continue left (slightly right Sedlo Kočna and Barentaler Kotschna) along the road, which continues on a slight incline crossing the slopes to the left. A little further on we are joined on the left by a path with Markljev Rovt, and the road quickly leads us to or just below Sedlo Suha.
From the road, walk a few steps to the boundary ridge, then continue westwards. The unmarked, but orientationally easy path begins to climb, first moderately and then steeply, along the grassy ridge of Mala Golica. Higher up, the path becomes steeper, and we leave it at this point and continue our ascent to the right, where after a short climb (i. e. a few 10 steps) over a grassy slope we reach the top of Mala Golica.
zemljovid puta - Mala Golica
On the way: Pusti Rovt (1296m), Sedlo Suha (1438m)
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Discussion about the trail Križovec - Mala Golica
Jusk16. 05. 2020
Danes iz Planine pod Golico skozi Savske jame do Križovca in naprej čez Malo Golico do koče na Golici.. Narcise so v polnem razcvetu,pobočje kot da bi bilo zasneženo,toliko narcis je,res ful lepo za videt,pa še omamno dišijonasmeh
čomolungma27. 05. 2020
Včeraj naredila lep krog, od Križovca čez Malo Golico do koče in nazaj po markirani poti. Kaj reči drugega kot prekrasno :-)
Majdag21. 05. 2022 18:53:16
Mala Golica, Ptičji vrh, sedlo Kočna - včeraj. Narcise cvetijo, je pa še veliko neodprtih cvetov.
Gor in dol sem peljala skozi Savske jame. Nekaj jarkov in lukenj na začetku, je pač gozdna cesta. Parkirni prostori okoli Korlnovega rova so bili vsi zasedeni. Lepi razgledi in opojne vonjave..nasmeh
Jusk21. 05. 2022 19:04:48
Lep izletnasmeh na Golici nisi nič zamudila,razen gužve. Že v četrtek ko sem bil jaz gor je bila gužva,kaj je šele danes in jutrinasmeh Lp
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