Starting point: Križovec (1222 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4699°N 14,0838°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 328 m
Altitude difference po putu: 328 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 13.122
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lipce and follow the road towards Jesenice. When you reach the semaphoreised junction where you join the old road, turn right in the direction of Žirovnice. Follow this road for only a short distance, as at the next slightly larger junction (traffic lights), turn left in the direction of Javorniški Rovto. The road then passes through an underpass (railway) and then turns left (Koroška Bela on the right). Follow the road, which starts to climb steeply higher up, in the direction of Javorníško Rovto. The road leads us past the Pristava home (the home is just above the road) and after the home we come to the next (smaller) crossroads, where we go right. Next, we drive along the macadam road all the way to Križovec, which we recognise by the crossroads of several roads (there are a few small car parks and a cross at the crossroads).
Path description:
From Križovec, continue past the cross on the road in the route Pusti Rovt. The road initially leads past a ramp and then gently climbs through the forest. After about 15 minutes of walking, the road turns left and leads out of the forest to the lower edge of Pusti Rovt. Continue along the road, which is joined on the right by a marked path from Dom Pristava v Javorniškem Rovtu, which leads us after some 10 steps of further walking to the shepherd's hut at Pust Rovt.
From the shepherd's hut, continue along the road, which turns right into the forest at the upper part of Pusti Rovt. Just a little further on, you reach a marked crossroads, where you continue slightly to the right (left Kahlkogel) along a moderately steep path, which only a few metres higher crosses a relatively new road leading to Belska planina - Svečice. Cross the road and continue the ascent along the marked path, which soon leaves the forest and leads to the viewing slopes below the Kočna saddle. Continue the ascent past a small hunting lodge, which is soon followed by a watering point for animals. There is only a short climb and the trail leads to Sedlo Kočna, which offers a beautiful view of the Austrian side.
At the saddle, continue left (right Barentaler Kotschna) and follow the marked path towards Golica for a short distance. After a short ascent, the marked path on the ridge retreats slightly to the left, but we leave it at this point and continue our ascent along a less visible path that continues along the border ridge. The path ahead climbs slightly more steeply for a short time, then lays down slightly and continues on a moderate climb. Follow this path, which offers increasingly beautiful views, all the way to the grassy summit.
![zemljovid puta - Ptičji vrh](/slike/Zemljevid.gif)
Discussion about the trail Križovec - Ptičji vrh
meta ferjan8. 04. 2007 |
Lep lahek, lahko bi se reklo malo daljši sprehod.
ločanka10. 06. 2017 |
Meni je najlepši obisk Golice prav čez Ptičji vrh in nato po celotnem grebenu do Jekljevega sedla in povratek po spodnji poti do koče ![nasmeh](/slike/smile.gif) .
grega_p23. 12. 2018 |
Res nenavadno, da imajo taki lahko dostopni super razgledniki tako malo obiska in komentarjev. Sem šel gor od Križovca, do kamor se da priti z avtom, čeprav je na cesti nekaj malega steptanega snega, ki je bil zgodaj zjutraj še poledenel, ob povratku pa se je že ojužil. Od Pustega Rovta naprej se debelina snežne odeje poveča in na nekaterih mestih je kar globok spihan sneg, ki se udira. Sicer pa brez posebnosti, je zgaženo skoraj do vrha, kjer je veter prekril stopinje predhodnikov. Vrh ponuja razglede na obsežen del Dravske doline (in seveda nad vse, kar je za njo), greben Karavank od Kleka do Struške, na osrednje Julijce z Martuljško skupino in na del zgornje Savske doline. Za povratek sem izbral kar najbližjo razdaljo na jug do spodnje ceste pri Pustem Rovtu čez gozd. Kadar je dovolj snega kot danes in ne drsi preveč, je teči po belih strminah res užitek. Lahko pa naredite tudi krožno turo do sedla Suha in potem nazaj do Križovca po zahodni strani Zdrtnika. Priporočam izlet, še posebej na tak dan, kot je bil danes, sončen, nevtroven in ne premrzel! Lepe praznike, lp Grega
PUHIPUHI24. 12. 2019 |
Zanima me ali je cesta do Križevca normalno prevozna (luknje, sneg, led) ? Ali je pot do Ptičjega vrha že shojena? Hvala.
Jusk14. 01. 2020 |
Pot sem začel na Planini pod Golico,po cesti do Križovca in naprej do Pustega rovta in sedla Suha,od tam pa na Ptičji vrh.. cesta je naprej od sankaške proge večinoma ledena,tudi od Križovca do Suhe,zato previdno. Na vrhu res prelepi razgledi,je pa bilo zelo vetrovno. Do izhodišča sem šel pa po poti mimo Markljevega rovta. Lp