Starting point: Leskova dolina (793 m)
Lat/Lon: | 45,6224°N 14,4611°E |
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Time of walking: 3 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1003 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1050 m
Map: Snežnik 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 51.110
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Access to the starting point:
a) From Cerknica or Nová vas na Blokach, first drive to Bloška Polica and from there continue in the direction of Loš and Babne Polje. At Pudob turn right in the direction of Snežnik, Ilirska Bistrica, Knežak and the nearby settlement of Kozarišče. In Kozarišče, turn slightly left in the direction of Snežnik and follow the road in the direction of Snežnik at the following junctions. When Kozarišče ends, the asphalt also ends, and we continue to the left in the direction of Mašun and Knežak, just after the bridge over the Malá Obrh. A relatively long drive follows on a dirt road, which we follow for about 11 km or until Leskove dolina, where we park at one of the roadside car parks.
b) We drive to Pivka, and from there we continue to Knežak. In Knežak, at the marked crossroads, turn left in the direction of Masun and the settlements Bač and Koritnicee. A little further on, go right in the direction of Masun and Koritnice (straight ahead Bač). After Koritnice, the road starts to climb more visibly, and then after 18 km from the main crossroads in Knežak, it leads to Masun, from where you continue driving right in the direction of Sviščaky. After about 2 km of dirt road from Masun, you reach a crossroads, where you continue on the lower left road (the right road leads to Sviščaki), which you follow for about 7 km, or to Leskove dolina, where you park at a suitable place on the roadside.
c) First drive to Ilirska Bistrica, then continue to Sviščaki (the turnoff is in the middle of Ilirska Bistrica and is marked, it may be a little less visible). Initially, the asphalt road is climbed, then after about 12 km of climbing, the asphalt is replaced by macadam. There are about 7 km of macadam, and then you reach a crossroads near the Mountain Home on Sviščaki, where you continue straight towards the nearby Mountain Home on Sviščaki. From the mountain lodge, continue driving towards Mašun, where after a further 10 km of macadam you will reach a crossroads, where you will take a sharp right towards the Leskov valley (straight ahead Mašun 2 km). From the crossroads, drive for approximately 7 km, or until you reach the Leskov valley, where you will park at a suitable place on the roadside.
Path description:
Along the road leading to Leskove dolina we see the mountain direction signs for Snežnik, which direct us to a footpath that takes us through the lane of a forest quickly to the forest road leading to Lepi Dol. The road is only crossed, and we continue our ascent along the marked path, which quickly turns into a dense forest. The trail continues along cart track, which has some marked shortcuts, and then we get onto a dirt road, which we follow to the left.
Continue the ascent along the above-mentioned dirt road, and after about 20 minutes of further walking, it will lead to a marked crossroads, where you will continue to the right in the direction of Snežnika and Gašperjevje hill. From the crossroads onwards, the road starts to climb a little steeper, which leads us higher to the starting point of the route Gašperjev hrib - Snežnik. Leave the road at the starting point and continue the ascent along the marked footpath in the direction of Snežnik.
The way forward initially climbs steeply along the cart track, then lays down and after a few minutes of further walking turns into a pleasant path which leads us further along and along an undistinguished ridge. The path ahead soon leads us to a viewpoint at Snežnik, which then descends slightly and leads us into the lane of the compacted forest, where it continues to climb cross-cuttingly. Higher up, the path leads us to a larger meadow, from which we have a fine view of the surrounding hills. Continue for some time on the grassy slope, then return to the forest, where the path begins to climb steeply. From the forest you soon pass between dwarf pines, through which you continue your ascent on an increasingly scenic slope. There is a short descent and a little-visited path from Grčovec joins us on the left.
Continue in the direction of Snežnik and continue the ascent along the marked path from dwarf pines to the unpaved summit slopes of Snežnik. Follow this increasingly scenic route all the way to the summit, which is reached after a few minutes of further walking.

Discussion about the trail Leskova dolina - Snežnik
rs5624. 05. 2010 |
Zakaj pa po cesti. V Čaši se pot odcepi desno po gozdnih poteh do lovske koče na Gašperju. Od tu naprej pa po lovski stezi na Snežnik.
rs5624. 05. 2010 |
Menda pa si imel bližnje srečanje z našo Notranjsko domačo živaljo-medvedom in dvema mladičkoma. Glas se hitro širi po deželi Kranjski
Tadej25. 05. 2010 |
Ja res je. No videl sem le enega mladiča in njegovo mamo. Spogledali smo se na radalji približno 20 m. Na srečo se je postavila le v obrambni položaj in ni napadla.
matic.m26. 05. 2010 |
@Tadej Zanima me kako ste odreagirali ob srečanju medvedke z maldičem? Ste se umaknili, ....? Lp, Matic
Tadej26. 05. 2010 |
Medvedka z mladičem je bila ravno na markirani poti (kolovozu), ko sem se spuščal proti Leskovi dolini. Ko sem ju zagledal, sem se kakor hitro se je dalo obrnil in šel nazaj do bližnje ceste.
rs564. 06. 2010 |
jutri 5.6.10 obsekavanje poti Gašper Snežnik ob 7.00 info 031/604 762
marco5. 06. 2010 |
A bravo rs56! Tudi z bistrške strani se kmalu ˝lotimo˝ dela.
joža x10. 12. 2010 |
Kako pa je pozimi z to potjo,lahko računamo z gazjo in kako je z cesto do izhodišča?In kako je trenutno?Hvala!
andrejjerina10. 12. 2010 |
Pot iz Leskove doline je malokrat zgažena, ponavadi je samo špura za turne smučarje, pa še ta je bolj redka. Ponavadi se da brez večjih težav do Leskove doline. LP Andrej
PzS21. 03. 2011 |
Včeraj sem bil, pot do izhodišča pa tudi gor v redu. Lepo vreme, tak da z vrha super razgled.
Evk31. 12. 2011 |
Kdo ve, kakšne so trenutne razmere po tej poti? Je za pričakovat gaz?
lakkon28. 12. 2012 |
Pozdravljeni. V soboto ali nedeljo bi šel po tej poti na Snežnik. naj vzamem s sabo dereze in tudi cepin ali ne bo potrebno? A parkira se pa kar ob cesti kot tukaj na prvi sliki? je gužva v soboto, nedeljo za parkirat? mi izgleda, da je avto praktično na cesti. je ponavadi vetrovno, mrzlo gori oz. med potjo? Kak dodaten nasvet? hvala za odgovore.
lakkon28. 12. 2012 |
Žig je na vrhu in pri zavetišču zunaj kot sem nekje prebral?
lubadar30. 12. 2012 |
lakkon ali ste šli po tej poti na snežnik in kakšne so razmere
lakkon30. 12. 2012 |
lubadar, načrti so se spremenili in sem izbral za te dneve druge, bližnje mi ter krajše hribe. še vsaj 1 teden ne grem, pa še takrat nisem ziher, če mi bo zneslo. pa srečno novo leto!
brinta27. 01. 2013 |
Ali je bil morda kdo iz te smeri na Snežniku? Ali je shojeno?
_sandra_28. 01. 2013 |
jaz sem bila včeraj; shojeno ni bilo, nekaj je bilo sledi od smuči, sedaj je gaz narejena  višje gor, ko prideš iz gozda se udira do kolen..
klemen1254. 02. 2013 |
Lep pozdrav vsem! Mene zanima kakšno je trenutno stanje oz če je pot prehodna do vrha. Namreč v nedeljo nameravam iti po tej smeri.
Darxta5. 02. 2013 |
Glede na to, da bo jutri tam najverjetneje padlo 10-20 cm novega snega, je bolje, če z vprašanjem počakaš do sobote....
ZoranV9. 04. 2013 |
Nedelja in ponedeljek na Snežniku. Od nedelje nimam kaj dosti napisat. Napovedana popoldanska razjasnitev ni bila niti blizu Snežnika. Sunki burje so segali verjetno vsaj do stotke, saj te naenkrat prestavi za en meter. Spustili smo se na južno stran proti skalci in do gozne meje. Sneg je trd in super za hojo. Smuka povsem ok, edino vidljivost v zelo difuzni svetlobi je malo zoprna, saj te kakšna grbina grdo presenti. V upanju na lepše vreme sva šla v nedeljo ponovno in vreme tokrat ni razočaralo. Na vrhu sicer še malo oblakov in če bi počakala še par minut bi se odpeljala skoraj v jasnini. Spustila sva se v Smrekovo drago v SZ smeri - 400 višincev po trdem snegu ki dokaj dobro drži. Nato vzpon cca 100 višincev iz vrtače proti zimski poti iz Leskove doline. Od tu je fantastičen razgled na severno pobočje Snežnika. Sledi še spust po gozdu do Čaše in naprej do Leskove doline. Par utrinkov in razgledov pa v videu na linku.
_Abuh_4. 05. 2014 |
Na tej poti je od zacetka velik podrenega drevja.
spelamarela29. 05. 2014 |
Kakšne so trenutne razmere? je na pot še vedno veliko podrtega drevja?
lavrin2. 06. 2015 |
zdravo, v soboto 30.5.2015 sem se odpravil na Snežnik. po cca 1 km. sem se srečal z medvedom. rešilo se je ugodno zame. pazite.
navdušena30. 05. 2017 |
Je še kakšna medvedka na tej poti? Je pot dobro označena (da ne pridem v kakšen brlog  )
navdušena23. 09. 2017 |
Danes na Snežniku po poti iz Leskove doline. Nobene ga medveda, niti medvedke. Na začetku poti slabo označeno, kjer je treba iti levo (ne naravnost v hrib). Sicer pa lušna, samotna in naporna pot.
davidm10. 01. 2025 13:59:40 |
A kdo ve kakšna je cesta do Leskove vasi po makedamu, velik snega, se pride z navadnim avtom?
Nisem njihov29. 01. 2025 11:40:55 |
Pred 14 dnevi je bila normalno prevozna
Urbban4. 02. 2025 21:24:12 |
Minulo nedeljo je bil makadam normalno prevozen. Srečno!