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Lipe - Iški morost

Starting point: Lipe (288 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,9977°N 14,4704°E
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 4.177
 5 people like this post
Number of pictures: 30
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Koper, take the exit Brezovica and then continue driving towards Podpeči. At the beginning of Podpeč, before the main roundabout, turn left in the direction of Črna vas and Ljubljana. Continue through part of the village of Jezero and you will soon reach the settlement of Lipe. At the signpost for the end of the village, turn left into the gravel parking area, which is located by the Iška River and opposite the Kolišče cafeteria. The starting point is just a few metres before the main road crosses the Iška River.
b) From Ljubljana or the southern Ljubljana bypass (exit Industrial zone Rudnik), take the Ižansko road, which you follow to a semaphorised junction where the road to Črna vas and Podpeč turns off. Continue through Črna vas, where the road leads you past the famous Plečnik Church. At the bridge over the river Ischka, Črna vas ends and the village of Lipe begins. Just after the bridge, turn right into the gravel parking area, which is located by the river Iska and opposite the Kolišče cafeteria.
Path description:
From where you parked, first cross the main road carefully and then take the narrow asphalt road that continues between the Iška River on the left and the Kolišče cafeteria on the right. The road continues past a few more houses, then the asphalt ends and the path leads you among the meadows and fields of the Ljubljana Marshes. With a view of Krim, Sveta Ana and the surrounding hills, you will quickly reach a small crossroads, at which there is an information board "Path along the Iška River".
Leave the macadam road at the sign and continue left over a small bridge over the Iška River. Just after the bridge, you will reach the start of a circular path called the Koščeva učna pot (Koščeva učna pot). Follow this path to the left, and we walk along it to a nearby crossroads, where a short path branches off to the right to the Iški morost lookout point. The last part of the path towards the observatory is paved.
You can return along the same path, or from the crossroads near the observatory you can continue along the circular path which leads to the bridge mentioned above.
zemljovid puta - Iški morost
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Discussion about the trail Lipe - Iški morost
Lj10. 11. 2013
Lepo, da je tale izlet opisan, sama grem včasih na tale sprehod spotoma na poti iz službe, za sprostitev... Zelo primerno in poučno za družine z otroci nasmeh
polh10. 11. 2013
Ta leseno tlakovana pot je bilo res prijetno odkritje ko sem jo po naključnem raziskovanju odkril s kolesom par let nazaj.

Je pa ta opazovalnica pravi fenomen, tam sem bil že najmanj desetkrat s kolesom in še nikoli nisem videl kakega ptiča ali katerokoli drugo žival, razen sršenov ki imajo v drevesu zraven gnezdo. nasmeh

Bi bilo noro hudo če bi bila taka lesena potka speljana po neobljudenem barju kake 20km v dolžino. To bi bilo res nekaj posebnegazavijanje z očmi
Dema10. 11. 2013
Lep popoldanski izlet, ki ga običajno opravim s kolesom.Počakati je potrebno do večera,takrat narava oživi.(srne,čaplja,ujede...)
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