Ljubelj - Hochstuhl/Stol (upper way)
Starting point: Ljubelj (1058 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4324°N 14,2602°E |
| |
Name of path: upper way
Time of walking: 4 h 50 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 1178 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1350 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 62.215
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Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Ljubelj exit and follow the road to the border crossing. Just a few metres before the border crossing, the signs for Zelenica direct us to the left and after a few 10 metres of further driving, the road leads to a parking lot under the Zelenica ski centre.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the marked footpath towards Zelenica, Vertatscha and Hochstuhla. The path initially leads along the moderately steep cart track, which climbs through the forest, then turns slightly to the right and leads out of the forest onto the ski slope. The ascent continues along the ski slope, which offers beautiful views of the Begunjščica wall and scree, with the ridge of Ljubeljšice on the right. The trail, which continues on a worse road, takes us only a little higher up to Koča Vrtača, where chairlift Zelenica I ends and chairlift Zelenica II begins. Here the transport and rescue road turns sharp right, and we continue straight on in the direction of Zelenica, following the initially still sloping, then steeper path that climbs up the ski slope. Climbing higher, we pass through a rare lane of dwarf pines and then return to the road. Continue on the minor road, then, as the road turns left, continue right on a steep footpath which returns to the road just below the top station of the single-seater Zelenica II. From here there is a short descent and the path leads to Doma na Zelenica.
Just before the lodge, a path branches off to the left, leading to Begunjščica and Roblek's lodge, and we continue to the left after the lodge and start climbing alongside the Ciciban children's ski lift. Somewhere in the middle of the ski lift we reach a small crossroads, where we continue to the right over the ski slope (straight ahead Koča pri izviru Završnice, Srednji vrh and Hochstuhl - the lower path). On the other side of the Ciciban ski slope the path goes into a narrow lane of a forest, after which you reach the next lift. Cross this ski slope as well, and then, by a small boulder, find the continuation of the marked trail leading to Vertatscha and Hochstuhl. The trail continues along the slopes below the ridge of Na Možeh, then descends slightly and leads to a point where an unmarked trail branches off to the right into the valley of Suhe dwarf pines and Palcu (there is a smaller cairn at the crossroads). Beyond the crossroads, the trail gradually transitions to the slopes of Vertatscha, over which it climbs mostly cross-climbing. Higher up, an unmarked path from Koča pri izviru Završnice joins from the left, and we continue straight on to the next marked crossroads. At the crossroads, the path to Vertatscha branches off slightly to the right and towards Hochstuhl and Bielschitza via Vatelka or the Bowl, and we continue straight on the lower path, which crosses lane of dwarf pines and raspberry groves. After a few minutes of further walking we arrive at the next crossroads, where we can go left downhill in a few minutes to the Šija saddle, from where the lower trail leads to Hochstuhl, to the right branches off a worse trail towards Vertatscha (the latter joins the above-mentioned marked trail a little higher up), and we continue straight on again, this time over occasionally steeper grassy slopes, interrupted by a few less-steep gullies. The crossing of the grassy slopes soon ends, and the path leads us to a steep gully, through which we start to descend on a path that is broken and in some places dangerous for slipping. When the gully ends, the path passes onto a scree slope, over which it descends crosswise under the cliffs to cirque in Kožne. Here the path starts to climb again, and the lower path and the path from Završnice join us from the left.
Continuing straight ahead, the path continues past several large boulders. A shorter, slightly steeper climb follows and we reach a crossroads where the path to Klagenfurter Hutte and Bielschitza branches off to the right, or joins the path via Vatelka or Sklede. Here again, continue straight ahead, and the path from the valley between Srednja peč 1920 m (Srednja peč is the lesser-known peak on the left) and the Orlice ridge (Orlice is the more difficult ridge between the Belščica saddle and Hochstuhl) gradually passes onto a larger scree slope, over which you climb crosswise to the right, and then the path gradually passes into a steeper valley between Maly Hochstuhl on the left and Hochstuhl on the right. Here the path climbs steeply, then gradually lays down and leads us to a marked crossroads, where a path branches off to the left to the nearby Prešernova hut which is 5 minutes away, and we continue to the right and in 10 minutes of further walking we climb to the highest peak of the Karavanke Mountains.
Ljubelj - Zelenica 1:20, Zelenica - Hochstuhl 3:30.

Discussion about the trail Ljubelj - Hochstuhl/Stol (upper way)
Guest8. 11. 2006 |
Super izlet, vzpon po zadnjem melišču je malce naporen
BraJan21. 05. 2007 |
V soboto sem šel po tej poti. Res, razen zadnjega melišča je pot zelo lahka, krasen sprehod. Na melišču pa je še sneg in moraš biti previden, da ti ne zdrsne.
Guest25. 06. 2007 |
Včeraj smo bili na Stolu in smo šli po tej poti. Čudovita pot, ki nam v tem letnem času ponuja pisan svet alpskih cvetic. Tudi vrh je pravljičen. Pot ni težavna, je pa precej dolga.
Guest26. 06. 2007 |
Še lepše je na Vrtači ali Palcu. Pa veste zakaj? Ker je veliko manj ljudi in si resnično človek spočije dušo in srce. Sploh pot na Palec je zelo osamljena in če ujameš pravi čas, ko cvetijo planike... Lep poti in srečno na teh poteh!
Guest25. 07. 2007 |
Danes sem šla na Stol iz smeri Ljubelj-Zg. pot-Stol. Pot sama ne bi bila nič kaj preveč zahtevna, le včerajšna toča je malo otežila hojo. Na poti po celem pobočju Vrtače je bilo zjutraj 4 cm zmrznjene toče, pihal je precej hladen veter, a povratek je bil čisto drugačen. sledi o toči skoraj ni bilo, sonce toplo, veter pa prijetno osvežujoč. Za pot proti Stolu sem porabila 3 ure in 40 minut, za nazaj pa 3 ure.
čebelica13. 08. 2007 |
Vzpon po zadnjem melišču je kar precej naporen, drugače je pot relativno lahka in jo hitro prehodiš. Pazljivo v dežju - danes nas je kar nekajkrat namočilo. Za sestop smo se odločili po spodnji poti, kar pa v dežju ne priporočam,ker je popolnoma blatna in težko prehodna.Tisti, ki bi se želeli do Zelenice peljati s sedežnico - poleti vozi samo ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih in to od sedme do desete ure zjutraj.
mgl8. 07. 2010 |
Ali kdo ve ali je kaj krav ali pa pobesnelih bikov ob zgornji poti ob tem času? Imam slabe izkušnje!
janav8. 07. 2010 |
Zelenica - Stol, zgornja pot; prehodili smo jo 25.6 in ni bilo ne duha ne sluha o kravah in bikih...
urbann21. 11. 2010 |
kako je s s to potjo pozimi glede nevarnosti?
planinka eva8. 08. 2012 |
danes sem bila na stolu. super zanimiva pot  čez zadnje melišče ni preveč naporen vzpon spust pa je odličen 
Lalika18. 08. 2012 |
Danes smo šli po tej poti na Stol. Pot je lepa in slikovita, vendar kar precej dolga. Po poti pa me je presenetil precej neugoden spust, ki bi po slikah spadal za sliko 35. Gre za precej ozek žleb, pot pa polna grušča. Ta del mi je bil najtežji in najbolj neugoden (melišče je veliko lažje). Glede na slike pa celo mislim, da se je morda tu prišlo do udora poti. Opisi poti na tej strani so odlični, tako da mislim, da bi avtor na ta neugoden del poti opozoril.
otiv18. 08. 2012 |
@Lalika da se izognemo žlebu,ki ti je povzročal probleme izberemo spodnjo pot,ki se pozneje priljuči zgornji poti.
as778019. 08. 2012 |
Ali mogoče kdo ve kako je z sedežnico Zelenica v poletnem času? Ali ta vozi ob vikendih in do kdaj (tudi v septembru)?
serajko19. 08. 2012 |
lp Včeraj je vozila od 7-9,30. nimam pa drugih podatkov. Pokliči v kočo na zelenici, pa dobiš točno info
B.Smart18. 07. 2013 |
Včeraj prehodil opisano pot in se mi zdi resnično lepa. V tem času ogromno cvetlic in posledično letečih žuželk. Toliko čmrljev že lep čas nisem videl. Pot kljub dolžini ni naporna, le zadnje melišče zna biti mestoma precej drseče in naporno. Tisti spust pred priključitvijo s spodnjo potjo je res zelo strm, vendar pa če si previden, ne bi smelo biti problema. Ne vem kako je v mokrem. S Stola sem se spusti po razgledni poti do Valvasorjevega doma, kjer me je pobral kolega in me peljal nazaj do avta na Ljubelj. Z Ljubelja do Stola potreboval 3 ure in 30 min. Pot vsekakor priporočam. Srečno in varen korak v gorah 
nena3119. 10. 2013 |
Dolga, a čudovita pot, še posebaj v jesenskem času, ko je vse v barvah. Za nazaj je pa še melišče, če se ga najde  In en zelo strm del navzgor
anya.raikkonen18. 07. 2014 |
Kakšna je pa kaj pot, če se spustimo iz Vrtače proti Stolu? ali moramo nazaj do izhodišča in potem po tej zgornji poti?
klm19. 07. 2014 |
Če sestopas iz Vrtače in nameravas nadaljevati proti Stolu, je najbolje, da sestopis zgolj do manjsega sedelca (torej do mesta, kjer steza zavije ostro v levo), tam pa se desno odcepi stezica, ki se spusca prek melisca pod Gradom (zahodnim grebenom Vrtače) proti sedlu Belsčica. S sedla prečno pod Jelenčkom in Celovsko spico ter navkreber po meliscu proti Stolu. Najkrajsi pristop.
sirt119. 07. 2014 |
anya-glej opis poti Ljubelj-Stol (mimo Vatelce oz. Sklede)
zalkica123. 08. 2019 |
Ali je pot primerna za pse? psici sta uhojeni, samo zanima me ali je kakšen plezalni del, kjer bi ju mogla dvigovat.. ali se lahko pride? Hvala
Kompot24. 08. 2019 |
Nekaj let nazaj jo je moj pes prehodil brez problemov, je pa pasme whippet.
zalkica124. 08. 2019 |
Super, najlepša hvala... zadnjič sem se zafrknila, po slikah ni izgledalo tako hudo, potem pa sem jih morala kar nekajkrat dvigovat čez skale... smo bile vse tri izmučene  hvala in lep dan
biba27. 07. 2020 |
V strmem žlebu, je na voljo tudi jeklenica na desni steni, ko se spustimo dol.