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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Roblekov dom na Begunjščici / Ljubelj - Roblekov dom na Begunjščici (via Preval)

Ljubelj - Roblekov dom na Begunjščici (via Preval)

Starting point: Ljubelj (1058 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4324°N 14,2602°E
Name of path: via Preval
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: partly demanding unmarked way
Altitude difference: 599 m
Altitude difference po putu: 750 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, lamp
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons, lamp
Views: 63.395
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 34
Number of comments: 21
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Ljubelj exit and follow the road to the border crossing. Just a few metres before the border crossing, the signs for Zelenica direct us to the left and after a further 10 metres the road leads to a parking lot under the Zelenica ski centre.
Path description:
At the end of the large macadam parking lot we will see a wooden mountain sign with the inscription mountain pasture Preval, which directs us into the forest on a footpath that quickly leads us to the foot of the scree. Here you will come to a small crossroads where you will see the inscription Prevala on the rock and Roblek's house on the left. The gently sloping path then quickly moves from the scree to the dense forest, which is exposed to falling rocks. The wide path then passes out of the forest onto steep and well protected slopes. The scenic route then leads to the Borna Tunnel, where a torch will be helpful. When passing through the tunnel, be careful of the large number of puddles and the occasionally low ceiling. On the other side of the tunnel, follow the path along the eastern face of Begunjščica for a while, then turn onto a scree slope, which you can only cross. There is a short scramble up a steep woded slope, and then the path begins to climb gently up a less steep slope. The wide path continues, climbing only moderately, and higher up it joins the marked path from Podljubelj. Here continue right and follow the wide path to mountain pasture Preval, which is reached after a few minutes of further walking.
From Preval, follow the gently ascending road towards Roblek's home and Poljška mountain pasture. After about 15 minutes of easy walking on the macadam road, you will see a water trough on the right-hand side of the road and above it the mountain signs for Roblek's home (across the Rožo). Take this path, which climbs through the lane of a forest and after a few minutes leads you to the unpaved southern slopes of Begunjščice. The trail continues to climb westwards, crossing a few steep ravines in the process. The path is even guarded in some places by wedges, so that it does not present any major problems overland. After about half an hour's walk from the place where we left the road, we reach a pleasant bench, located right next to a small spring called Roža. The moderately steep path crosses a few more ravines, then flattens out and leads us into a short lane of forest, where we join the usual path to Roblek's home. Here continue right and follow the moderately ascending path to Roblekov dom na Begunjščici, which is reached after 10 minutes of further walking. The route is unmarked as far as mountain pasture Preval, further on it is well marked. The difficult spots are short and in dry conditions do not pose a major danger.
Ljubelj - Preval 1:30, Preval - Roblekov dom 1:30.
zemljovid puta - Roblekov dom na Begunjščici
On the way: Koča na Prevalu mountain hut (1311m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Begunjščica
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Ljubelj - Roblekov dom na Begunjščici1
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Discussion about the trail Ljubelj - Roblekov dom na Begunjščici (via Preval)
marezt13. 03. 2014
Kakšna je kej pot od Prevale do Robleka?
Lp Marko
serajko13. 03. 2014
V sedanjih razmerah po mojem mnenju "NEVARNA"
marezt14. 03. 2014
Tud men se tako bolš počakat poletje ane? nasmeh
Sem mislil, če je že kdo hodil tam, da bi povedal kako je
Lisica14. 03. 2014
Ce mislis pot cez rozo, prejsnji teden nisem videla niti gaz v tisto smer. Sama sem sla iz Drage na Roblek.
capraibex14. 03. 2014
Prvi večji plaz ponavadi prečka cesto približno na delu kjer je korito za napajanje živine.Od tu se začne pot skozi gozd in nato prečenje po južnih ostenjih Begunjščice do Robleka.Glede na količino snega in previsoke temperature pot ni varna.Odsvetujem.
slavkovoda5. 08. 2014
Rabim "pomoč". Ali naj se podam na krožno pot Ljubelj - Prevala - Roblekov dom čez rožo - Dom na Zelenici ali raje obratno? Velikemu vrhu bi se rad ognil.
jprim5. 08. 2014
A misliš sestopiti od Robleka proti Završnici in nato do Zelenice? Bi bila kar dobra izbira.
skalar505. 08. 2014
stvar okusa ...
Ljubelj - Zelenica - Roblekov dom - čez Rožo - Prevala - Ljubelj - (bolj ali manj) vseskozi grizeš navzgor pa potem lažji sestop, so ti kolena bolj hvaležna nasmeh
v obratni smeri lažje ogrevanje ( sploh prva ura do Prevale), tudi travniški del do Robleka ... potem pa skalnati del do Zelenice pa recimo po servisni poti v dolino do parkirišča Ljubelj
v obeh primerih pa greš (lahko) mimo vrha... prijetno hojo!

slavkoo5. 08. 2014
Hvala jprim, hvala skalar50 za odgovor.... odločitev je padla. Najprej Prevala in potem lepo naprej oz. naokoli do izhodišča, parkirišča Ljubelj.
miri5. 08. 2014
Ne vem,če bo šlo? Ob tako dobri hrani na Prevali,se boš težko odločil za nadaljevanje.velik nasmeh
slavkoo6. 08. 2014
miri, nč papau, sam pupou...
malimiha11. 04. 2015

Zanima me ali je kdo zadnje čase prehodil to pot in če da ali je kopna? hvala in lp,
johnybravoslo12. 04. 2015
Včeraj prehodil in je kopna.
Nely7717. 04. 2015
To nedeljo je plan doživet sončni vzhod na Robleku in me zanima ali je boljše se gor odpravit sredi noči ali en dan prej in se prespi gor ter zgodaj vstane?
Po dnevi sem šla že velikokrat gor- nočne pa še ne...
serajko18. 04. 2015
Nely 77
Sončni vzhod na robleku je nezanimiv , ker proti vzhodu ni razgleda .
Mira.k22. 05. 2016
Danes sva opravila krožno turo, Ljubelj, Preval, Roblek čez rožco, Zelenica in zopet Ljubelj. Zelo lepa tura,le ne začetku poti bi lahko bila kakšna oznaka za Preval.
nordkap23. 05. 2016
Mira , kako je kaj pot od doma na zelenici pa tja čez čez melišča in smučišča po pobočju begunjščice do vrha in robleka.
Ali še kaj "diši" po snegu ali se da že brez "dodatkov" čez tole.
Mira.k23. 05. 2016
Je še kar nekaj zaplat snega, v nedeljo je šlo brez dodatkov, ker je bil sneg ravno pravi, ne pomrznjen in ne premehak da bi se pogrezal. Seveda je pa potrebna previdnost.
nordkap23. 05. 2016
upam, da ga do konca tedna čimveč pobere.
barabica7. 06. 2016
živjo nasmeh a je še kj snega k grem jutr po tej poti?
baloncek058. 07. 2023 19:39:43
Ljubelj-Prevala-Roblek-Zelenica-,Ljubelj. Koliko je hoje, bi naredili krožno zbotroci.
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