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Lozice - Vojkova koča na Nanosu

Starting point: Lozice (300 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,785°N 14,003°E
Time of walking: 2 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 940 m
Altitude difference po putu: 940 m
Map: Nanos 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Number of pictures: 59
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Koper, take the exit Razdrto and then continue along the old road towards Nova Gorica. After Razdrto the road starts to descend steeply and we follow it to a junction where the road to Lozice, closed to public traffic, branches off to the left and the road to the former construction site of the expressway branches off to the right (this junction is located near the 7 km road marker and there are also signs for Nanos at the junction). As you are not allowed to turn left or right at this junction, it is better to leave your car a few 100 m further up the road, in one of the several car parks along the road.
b) From the expressway Nova Gorica - Razdrto, take the exit Vipava and then continue along the old road towards Razdrtem. From this junction, follow the main road for only 2 km and then you will reach a junction where the road to Lozice, closed to public traffic, turns sharp right and steeply downhill, and to the left is the road to the former construction site of the expressway (this junction is located near the 7 km marker, and there are also signs for Nanos at the junction). As you are not allowed to turn left or right at this junction, it is better to leave your car a few 100 m down the road, in one of the several car parks along the road.
Path description:
From the starting point, first walk to the junction mentioned in the description up to the starting point, and from there continue along the ascending road, along which there are also signs for Nanos. The road climbs steeply at first, but then transiently lays down and leads under the viaducts of the nearby expressway. A few 10 m further on, you arrive at an unmarked crossroads, where you take a sharp right onto a road that is quite close to the expressway.
When you see the transmitters on the right (you won't be able to see them in the fog), you will see the signs for Nanos on the left side of the road, which will direct you to the left. Continue climbing through lane of bushes to a nearby meadow, where the path quickly leads to a nearby "spring". Above the spring, the path turns left into a low forest, through which it begins to climb, first gently and then moderately. Higher up, we reach a slightly wider path, which we immediately leave, as the markings direct us to the left on a gradually steeper path. Some 10 m higher, another cart track is crossed, and the path, which gradually turns to the left, becomes slightly steeper. There is a cross-climb to the left and the path leads to the "Lozica resting place", where the path from Podnanos (starting point Hrašče) joins from the left.
Here we continue to the right in the direction of the hunting lodge, and the relatively wide path, in numerous detours, leads us over steeper and steeper slopes. The relatively steep path occasionally leads us over quite scenic slopes, from which we have a nice view towards the Vipava Brdo. Higher up, we come to a slightly more difficult part, where the otherwise wide path climbs crosswise over a short exposed slope (especially in snow and ice, there is a natural danger of slipping). Above the exposed steel cable you reach a marked crossroads, where you continue sharp right in the direction of "Strmec" (left down Podnanos, straight ahead Vojkovo hunting lodge).
The way ahead becomes quite steep and much less beaten, but not particularly difficult in terms of orientation. Higher up, the path leads us out of the forest and completely flattens out after the turning point. Here we continue straight along a barely visible path, which in 2 minutes of further walking connects to the well-trodden and marked Vojkovo hunting lodge - Vojkova koča na Nanosu (Vojkovo Lodge on Nanosu). When you reach the trail, follow it to the right (left hunting lodge 10 minutes), and it leads you on across grassy slopes that are occasionally covered with scrub and individual pines. The path, which is easy and hardly climbing at all, then joins the road for a short distance, but leaves it after a few steps. The path then leaves the road a little to the right and begins to climb moderately over the increasingly scenic slopes of Nanos. Here, an unmarked path joins from the right, branching off to the right at a slightly lower level. The path ahead becomes a little steeper and, after a few minutes of further walking, leads us to the church of St Hieronymus, visible from afar.
From the church, continue slightly to the right along the path, which is joined just a little higher up on the right by the path from Razdrteg. Continue in the direction of Vojkova hut along the path, which leads us only a few steps further to a less visible crossroads, where the unmarked path to Grmada branches off to the left. Continue slightly to the right on the marked path, which climbs for some time parallel to the road. The way forward is a little further to the right and passes to the scenic north-western edge of Nanos. Here, the so-called Janez's path almost imperceptibly joins us from the right, and we continue straight along the wide path that leads us towards the transmitters on Nanos. Just before the transmitters, the path turns to the left, descends into the lane of a forest and then, passing the monument of Janko Premrl Vojko, leads us to Vojko's hut on Nanos.
zemljovid puta - Vojkova koča na Nanosu
On the way: Sveti Hieronim (1020m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Suhi vrh (Nanos)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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