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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Velika Raduha / Luče - Velika Raduha

Luče - Velika Raduha

Starting point: Luče (522 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3553°N 14,7482°E
Time of walking: 4 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1540 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1575 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 44.065
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 67
Number of comments: 4
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Maribor motorway, take the Šentrupert exit and then continue in the direction of Logarska dolina. At the beginning of Luče, just a few metres before the road crosses the Savinja River, you will notice a large gravel parking lot on the left side of the road.
The starting point can also be reached via the Volovjek (Kranjski Rak) Pass. In this case, turn right in Luče in the direction Mozirje and then park in the parking lot mentioned above just 10 m after the bridge over the Savinja River.
Path description:
Between the parking lot and the bridge over the Savinja River, you will see a sign for the Koča na Loki (Cottage on the Loka) by the roadside, which directs you to the path, which initially climbs steeply up the steps. The path soon becomes a gentle slope and then continues along a ridge which descends steeply towards the Savinja River. Further on, you enter a dense forest and the path quickly leads to a chapel, after which there is a small crossroads.
Continue along the right-hand path, which begins to climb steeply, then lays down and turns to the right. There is a short right fork and then you emerge from the forest onto a large hayfield. The path, which is not very visible ahead, ascends crosswise over the hayfield and then leads to a small hamlet, where we see the markings again. The way ahead leads us past a few houses and above them into the lane of bushes, through which we climb to the nearby road. The road is only crossed, as the route signs located by the small sign direct us to a footpath which continues to climb moderately through the wods. A little higher up, we get a nice view of Raduha, and we continue on the marked path, which leads us just a little higher up to the road, which after a few metres leads to a marked crossroads. Continue slightly to the left and continue the ascent along the road towards Raduha. Continue climbing for some time on the road, which has some marked shortcuts (markings are very rare in this part), and then you reach a newly built road, where a wide marked cart track branches off in the middle of a left turn to the right. We continue our ascent along the above-mentioned cart track, which leads us higher up again on the above-mentioned road, and we walk along it for only a few more 10 steps, then on the left we see a marked trail leading towards the Loka and Arta mountains (the turn-off from the newly built road is not marked). Next, we climb crosswise parallel to the road, and the path leads us just a little further to a large bench at which there is a marked crossroads.
Continue on the right path (to the left, Mount Arta), which climbs for some time crosswise, and then leads to the road leading to the Snow Cave. This road is reached just at a crossroads where a forest road closed to public traffic branches off to the right, leading to mountain pasture Loka. Take the road mentioned above and climb it in 15 minutes at a moderate pace to the Loka pod Raduho hut. From the hut, continue along the marked path in the direction of Raduha, which splits into two parts after only a few 10 steps. Continue slightly left (slightly right Durce) along the path, which climbs gently along the left edge of the valley. The path soon turns left and climbs steeply through lane sparse forest. The steepness soon subsides and the path leads through some small meadows to lane of dwarf pines, where it continues to climb moderately to occasionally steeply. After about an hour's walk from the Hut on the Loka, the path from Durce joins us from the right, and we continue left along the cross path in the direction of Raduha. The increasingly scenic path, on the south side, bypasses the summit of Mala Raduha, and then leads us to the main ridge, from which we have a beautiful view of the north side.
Continue along the marked path, which is soon joined on the right by a climbing route from the Hut na Grohatu. The way forward again starts to climb steeply and then, after a few minutes of further walking, leads us to the 2062 m high summit.
zemljovid puta - Velika Raduha
On the way: Koča na Loki pod Raduho mountain hut (1534m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Luče - Velika Raduha
Marx30. 06. 2013
Šli po ti poti iz Luč do Velike Raduhe. Pot je ob začetku do zaselka dobro markirana , je nekaj zelenobelih mark. Ko pridemo na cestu (slika 19) se začne problemi z markacijah ki naprosto zginejo... do slike 30 je le ena edina marka. Razpotja so označena z puščicami (na enem je puščica na tleh) , ampak eno (nekjer pred lovsko opazovalnico na sliki 27) nasploh ni. Le od slike 28 bojo markacije končno spet narisane... ampak so kar zbledele.
Klopca na sliki 33 je na razpotju kjer ravno gremo do koče na Loki (to je označeno) ampak nikjer ni puščice za planino Arta ki se tukaj skoraj neprimetno odcepi navzgor na sever... In ta del od klopce do Arte je markiran z zdaj še skoraj popolnoma izbledelim markami...
Od koče naprej ni več problema z markami.
Mogoče bo me nekdo napadel zaradi tistih kritik , ampak ko greš prvičkrat ni lep občutek neprepričanosti ker ni mark...
ljubitelj gora2. 12. 2013
Včeraj štartal še v temi iz Luč, nekje nad najvišjo kmetijo počakal na sončni vzhod, med potjo obiskal še Obojnikov vrh. Naprej po cesti in po pohodni poti do koče in tam po gazi na vrh Raduhe. Več slik tu:
anazala4. 04. 2017
Raduha. Lepa tura za dnevni izlet. 1.4.2017.Je prvi april. Vendar vseeno verjemite. Bilo snega kar nekaj v senčnih delih. Direze niso potrebne.
urosp8217. 07. 2022 18:59:44
Danes bil na Raduhi, iz Luč. Pot je zelo dobro označena in markirana vseskozi. Res je, da je do koče na Loki kar nekaj hoje po makadamski cesti, vendar ta pride še kako prav na poti navzdol, drugače pa spodnje pol ure iz Luč malo bolj strmo, potem naprej pa lagano do koče. Od koče do vrha je pa zelo prijetna in prelepa pot, je potrebno malo kondicije, vendar ti razgledi poplačajo ves trud.
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