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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Dom na Kališču / Mače - Dom na Kališču

Mače - Dom na Kališču

Starting point: Mače (600 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3131°N 14,4187°E
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 934 m
Altitude difference po putu: 934 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 75.747
 6 people like this post
Number of pictures: 27
Number of comments: 13
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice, take the exit Kranj - East, then continue driving in the direction of Jezersko. When you reach Preddvor, leave the main road and turn left towards the centre of the town, and from there follow the signs for Mače. When you arrive in Mače, continue right at the marked crossroads (left Bašelj, straight ahead St Nicholas Church (the church is not accessible by car)) and follow the narrow road above the village, where there is a large marked parking lot.
b) From the motorway Jesenice - Ljubljana, take the exit Kranj - West and continue left at the first junction. Continue through the underpass under the motorway and then to the roundabout, from where you continue in the direction of Golnik. The road continues through Mlaka pri Kranju, and at the end of the village we turn right in the direction of Srakovlje. We then drive through Srakovlje, Spodnja Bela, Srednja Bela to Zgornja Bela, where we turn right towards Preddvor. At Preddvor we see signs for Mače, which direct us left past the primary school onto the road that climbs up to Maca. When you arrive at Mače, continue right at the marked crossroads (left Bašelj, straight ahead St Nicholas Church (the church is not accessible by car)) and follow the narrow road above the village, where there is a large marked parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, head back to the road you left. Follow this road for about half an hour to the crossroads, where you turn left after the Kališče signs. The path here crosses a stream and climbs steeply immediately afterwards. After a few minutes, the path leads to cart track, which we leave immediately. We take the marked footpath which runs between the two tracks. The path continues to climb moderately in the keys. After a while, the path leads back to the track. Follow it straight up, but only for a few minutes, and then turn onto the track. The track leads us to a bench on a lookout ledge within a few minutes of ascent. The path then leads into the forest and climbs gently at first. This nice walk on a less steep path ends quickly. The path then crosses a track and begins to climb in switchbacks through the forest. We walk along the path ahead, which gives us the feeling that we are gaining altitude quickly. The Gozd then becomes a little thinner so that we can look a little here and there towards Gorenjska. The trail then just leads us to mountain pasture Kališče, where the trail from the neighbouring village (Bašelj, Laško) joins us from the left. From here on we have only 15 minutes to climb back through the forest to the hut at Kišče.
zemljovid puta - Dom na Kališču
On the way: Planina Kališče (1450m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Bašeljski vrh, Mali Grintovec, Storžič (1 h 30 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Mače - Dom na Kališču
ljubica17. 08. 2006
Hoja ni preveč razgledna, ima pa koča izredno lego in teraso za sončenje. LpLj
Guest2. 01. 2008
Včeraj bil na Kališču. Pot je v glavnem kopna, le v zadnjem delu je nekaj malega snega.mežikanje
velkavrh2. 07. 2008
Bil na Kališču 27.06.2008.Meni je bolj všeč pristop iz Jezarskega od Kanonirja.
NAVDIH11. 07. 2011
ciklama23. 03. 2013
Danes smo imeli z društvom tradicionalni zimski vzpon na Kališče. Dan nam je bil dobesedno podarjen, saj nas je zgoraj razvajalo toplo sonce. Ob povratku pa se je že začelo oblačiti in glede na vremensko napoved, nas čaka nova pošiljka snega! Brrr - ta zima že predolgo traja...
kališčar30. 03. 2013
me zanima kakšna je pot iz kališča do tolstega vrha oziroma do kriške
otiv30. 03. 2013
V času snega je verjetno nevarno, saj gre pod južnimi pobočji Storžiča s katerega rado plazi.
mici.maci27. 05. 2013
v soboto bili na Kališču! Res,da je padal sneg in da razgleda ni bilo kaj dosti,ampak smo se imeli super! Pot je lepo oskrbljena! Dom je bil prijetno topel,kar se je zelo prileglo in zahvala oskrbniku za njegovo prijaznost!nasmeh
nordkap19. 02. 2015

ali kateri pozna razmere za to pot. Koliko je kaj snega po gozdu in na sploh pri domu ali je že bolj ali manj skopnel.

gj19. 02. 2015
Pot dobro shojena. Rabiš mačke oz. male dereze. Lp. Srečno.
nordkap19. 02. 2015
crnistane6. 01. 2016
...zanima me kakšna je pot iz Mače do Dom na Kališč še dosti snega.....hvala
Viper6. 01. 2016
Zasnežena, je pa shojeno. 10 cm snega.
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