Makekova Kočna - Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh
Starting point: Makekova Kočna (925 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3931°N 14,5009°E |
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Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 617 m
Altitude difference po putu: 650 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Kranj - East and follow the road towards Jezersko. At the bus stop in Jezersko, turn right into the valley of Makekova Kočna (direction Čedca waterfall, Veliki vrh and Češka koča). The road then crosses the Jezernica River via a bridge, and just a few metres further on, at the crossroads near the chapel, turn left towards the nearby sports ground, where we park.
Path description:
From the parking lot, return to the chapel, then continue along the asphalt road for a while, which climbs over a meadow with a view. Higher up, the road passes by the edge of the forest, and we continue to the left at this point in the direction of Češka hut and the Zupan homestead (straight ahead, the Čedca waterfall and Velika vrh). After 150 m, the road ends at the farm, and we continue our ascent along the marked cart track, which quickly leads us to a slightly larger clearing. Here, the markings direct us left onto a mountain path, which we follow in a few minutes up to a nearby forest road. Follow the road to the left, which soon makes a sharp right turn and then climbs even more steeply above a solitary house. Follow the road for a short distance, and then the mountain signpost for Češko kočo directs you to the left to the ascending cart track. The climb continues for some time on the cart track, which crosses a rather ruined forest road higher up. The cart track, which runs through the forest, gradually turns into a pleasant forest path, which quickly leads to a small well.
Above the spring, the path climbs steeply and then turns slightly to the right where, after a few minutes' further walking, it joins cart track. Continue straight ahead along the sometimes quite scenic path, which turns into a dense forest higher up and leads us to the Kačji rob saddle.
Continue in the direction of the Bohemian Cottage almost horizontally. After a good ten minutes of crossing, we reach the difficult part of the trail. The path crosses very steep slopes, which are very dangerous to slip on in wet conditions, but do not cause any major problems in dry conditions. A fence helps us, but it is not very safe, it just makes us feel a little safer. After this part, we join the path from the cableway to the Bohemian Cottage. The path then soon emerges from the forest onto the viewing slopes, where the fixed safety gear are helpful, but not strictly necessary. The increasingly scenic route then soon leads us over a ladder into the Mrzla dolina (Frost Valley). Here, cold air descends down an undistinguished valley. In the morning you can see that it is slightly coler here (in windy weather there is no difference). Next, it is just a few minutes of easy walking to the Bohemian Hut.
Discussion about the trail Makekova Kočna - Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh
janko8716. 06. 2010 |
ve kdo, če obstaja na tej strani ( opis poti med češko kočo na spodnjih ravneh in kranjsko kočo na Ledinah?
Rokovnjacica31. 05. 2013 |
v kratkem bi šla rada na Češko kočo. Prosim, če mi lahko kdo pove, če je pot primerna za štirinožnega prijatelja.
John31. 05. 2013 |
Moje mnenje je, da pot za psa ni primerna.
ejti31. 05. 2013 |
Če je pes vajen hoje, ta pot ne bi smela predstavljati kakšnega problema.
Enka1. 06. 2013 |
Edini problem bi lahko bila lestev na sliki št. 36. Vse ostalo je primerno za pse, vajene hoje v gorah.
serajko1. 06. 2013 |
lp Odvisno od psa , če je že kdaj šel po lestvi ne bo problema . Naš je bolj majhen pa ni niti malo pomišljal. Lahko pa mu s pomagaš tako , da ga držiš za ovratnico . Ob tem pa pazi na tvoje ravnotežje .
mojca844. 07. 2013 |
Zanima me, če je urejena cesta iz Makekova Kočna na Češko kočo!? Lp vsem
Mrki8. 08. 2014 |
Navedeni opis poti v spodnjem delu od kmetije Zupan do ostrega ovinka gozdne ceste v desno ne velja več. Pot je pri kmetiji Zupan speljana v levo in strmo skozi gozd desno nad potokom in se priključi gozdni cesti na ostrem ovinku. Nič kaj prijetno!
fantazija9. 08. 2019 |
Mrki kaj misliš s tem ˝nič kaj prijetno ˝?
georgia26. 06. 2021 12:43:08 |
Včeraj prvič do Češke koče po tej poti. Z "nič kaj prijetno" je Mrki verjetno mislil na konkretno strmino tega novega dela poti od Zupana do Makekovega marofa. Pomembnejša informacija je to, da je pot v zgornjem delu (od Kačjega roba do stika s potjo od Štularjeve planine) trenutno neprehodna zaradi podrtega drevja. Na obeh delih je obvestilo o stanju poti. Tako sva naredila obvoz čez Štularjevo planino (malo dol in spet gor). Sva potem vprašala v koči glede prehodnosti in ne priporočajo, tako da nisva niti poskušala, sva šla nazaj spet po obvozu. Drugače pa res prijetna, samotna in senčna pot, ki jo priporočam, če se želite izogniti gneči na parkirišču v Ravenski kočni in gneči na sami poti! Lahko bi bila sicer kakšna markacija več. Midva sva spotoma skočila še na Visoki vrh.
mandeljc18. 05. 2023 14:39:27 |
Mogoče kdo ve kakšna je situacija med Kačjim robom do stika s potjo od Štularjeve planine? Je že normalno prehodna?
ločanka22. 05. 2023 06:24:24 |
Je prehodno, enkrat se sicer prestopiš čez dva padla drevesa, malo naprej pa so le ta prežagana. Tako da je pravzaprav rešeno, in večjih problemov ni.
mandeljc22. 05. 2023 09:07:26 |
Hvala ločanka za informacijo. Čimprej v živo preverim.
Kafetarca28. 06. 2023 14:30:43 |
Podravljeni, jutri mislim iti po tej poti. Ali je kje na slikah tisti del, kjer piše da je v mokrem nevarnost zdrsa?