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Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)

Starting point: Malenski Vrh (692 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1391°N 14,1493°E
Time of walking: 55 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 295 m
Altitude difference po putu: 300 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): crampons
Views: 2.370
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 26
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
Take the Poljane nad Škofjo Loko, from where you continue towards Javorje from the semaphore crossroads. When you reach Volča, go left (at the crossroads there are only mountain signs for Goro and the Flowers in Autumn hiking trail), then follow the winding road up to the crossroads in front of the village of Malenski Vrh, where you can park in a suitable place. At the starting point there is a marked crossroads of hiking trails.
Path description:
From the starting point described above, continue in the direction of Blegoš and the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Gora. The road we are walking on quickly leads us to the village of Malenski Vrh, where we go right from the crossroads, behind the well-maintained chapel. There is a cross-climb to the right, and during the climb up to the next houses we have beautiful views of the surrounding hills. At the houses mentioned above, go left uphill, and after a short steep section the road will lay down and turn right a little further on, where at the older chapel you will join the marked trail leading from the settlement of Suša.
Continue along the road, which changes to cart track after the house with house No Jazbine 1, and the path from which you can see the neighbouring Blegoš turns into a forest. Then climb through the forest, and at a slightly less well-marked crossroads take the left fork cart track. Higher up, you reach a larger meadow with a view towards the Church of the Assumption, and the path gradually becomes flatter. A few minutes of walking, partly through the woods, then reaches the church, which offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area and the nearby hills.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2018 (December).
zemljovid puta - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)
On the way: Jazbine (790m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Malenski vrh ( 10 min)
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Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)7
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)8
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)9
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)10
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)11
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)12
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)13
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)14
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)15
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)16
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)17
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)18
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)19
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)20
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)21
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)22
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)23
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)24
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)25
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)26
Discussion about the trail Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)
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