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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Klek / Martinčev Rovt - Klek

Martinčev Rovt - Klek

Starting point: Martinčev Rovt (1150 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4718°N 14,0294°E
Destination: Klek (1753 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 603 m
Altitude difference po putu: 603 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 13.508
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 24
Number of comments: 9
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lipce (also Hrušica) and follow the road towards Jesenice, where the signs for Planina pod Golico direct you to the ascending road (the exit is marked and is located at the health centre in Jesenice). After an initial steeper climb, the road leads to a crossroads, where you turn left over a bridge towards Plavske Rovto. The steep road leads us into the village, and we follow it on to a place where the asphalt runs out. Shortly after the village, the road descends slightly and leads to a crossroads where we take the upper road to the left. The road then leads us to a small hamlet where we continue straight ahead following the houses on the right. Follow the road to the next crossroads, where you park near the crossroads (the larger parking area is a few tens of metres back in the direction of travel).
Path description:
At the crossroads, take the upper road on the left, which climbs moderately. The road then passes the lock and shortly afterwards leads to a meadow at the edge of which is a pleasant small spring. The road then goes into the wods and slowly turns into cart track, which climbs more steeply. Cart track leads us out of the forest to Jeseniška planina, where a beautiful view of the slopes of Belščice and part of the Julian Alps opens up.
From the shepherd's house at mountain pasture, follow the meadow up (slightly left) along an initially faint path. A little higher up, you will see a path which you then follow uphill. In places you may see some markings, but most of them have faded. After 20 minutes of ascent through the meadow, the path turns left into a short strip of forest. The trail then crosses through the forest to the slopes of Kleka to the west. Once out of the forest, cross a somewhat awkward but not dangerous passage through a ravine in dry weather. There are several paths ahead, which lead us in a few minutes to the hunting hut on Rožca.
From the hunting lodge, we then immediately leave the marked path and continue our ascent along the less well-trodden path, which leads us in a few 10 steps to the border ridge (direction north). Here we continue to the right towards the east along the border line on a path that gradually begins to climb steeply up a path surrounded by dwarf pines. Higher up, the path turns slightly left, flattens out and in a few further steps leads to the top of Klek.
Starting point - Jeseniška planina 45 minutes, Jeseniška planina - Rosenbachsattel 30 minutes, Rosenbachsattel - Klek 20 minutes.
zemljovid puta - Klek
On the way: Jeseniška planina (1380m), Rosenbachsattel/Rožca (1587m)
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Discussion about the trail Martinčev Rovt - Klek
Guest31. 10. 2007
Mikavna izletniška točka v vseh letnih časih. Tudi pozimi, ko je polno snega.
Medvedka10. 05. 2008
V četrtek sem obiskala Klek in bila z izletom zelo zadovoljna. Celo pot me je spremljalo bujno cvetje, ki ga na tej gori res ne manjka. Priporočam vsem ljubiteljem cvetja in planin.nasmehjezik
grega_p26. 10. 2009
Odličen izlet na prelep jesenski dan! Na vrhu pa dočakal sončni zahod nad Škrlatico..
Izlet lahko še skrajšate po levi cesti od razcepa navzgor, seveda če je lesna lopa odprta, kot je bila danes..
heinz26. 10. 2009
Lesa je odprta od oktobra do junija, ko na planinah ni živine.
Z avtom se takrat lahko pripelješ do Molzišča, a vseeno te veliko ne "stane", če ga pustiš vsaj na ovinku pred leso.
(Okrog 4. ure pop. si se vzpenjal s sedla Rožca proti vrhu, na melišču pod Klekom pa sta se podila dva gamsa.. -tega nisi videl)
grega_p28. 10. 2009
Hvala Heinz,
tole z gamsi je pa en velik vprašaj?
Si se spuščal s Hruškega vrha ali imaš kje kamero:-)?
Za gamse mi je pa žal, sem ravno razmišljal, da jih že dolgo nisem uzrl nikjer..

Srečno nazaj!
heinz28. 10. 2009
Ja, sem šel ravno iz Hruškega v. (po domače Rožce), ko sem opazoval omenjeno zadevo. Tam sem bil tudi včeraj, ko sem poleg Hr.Vrha obiskal še Koprivnjak (Malo Babo) in Dovško Babo. Spet pa sem naletel na dva gamsa. Mogoče sta bila celo ista kot v nedeljo.
Sicer v (zahodnih) Karavankah gamsa lahko kar pogosto srečaš, le da je nekoliko bolj plašen, zaradi česar ga skoraj ni možno (po mojih dosedanjih izkušnjah) pobližje fotografirati.
Srečno !
J.P.13. 01. 2018
31.12.2017 je na tej poti bilo prevec snega za dereze. Pot je bila le za turne smučarje in krplje. nasmeh
Majdag12. 07. 2019
Klek - Vzpon sva začeli sva na koncu ceste, ovinek pred kolovozom za Jeseniško planino. Z avtom sva se peljali skozi Plavški Rovt, zapornica ni zaklenjena. Je pa od številnih neurij cesta precej zmahana. Živina se že pase. Na sedlu Rožca šotorišče z razgledi. Lepo je tam gori in ni daleč.nasmeh
Jusk22. 06. 2020
Po tej poti sem se danes vračal s Kleka,gor pa sem šel po cesti naravnost na odcepu(levo Jeseniški rovt). Cesta gre kar nekaj časa naprej okoli Kleka,se konča in spremeni v potko,kmalu se razcepi v naravnost naprej ali pa gor in sem šel gor po stezici,kar nekaj časa strmo gor po neizrazitem grebenu. Vmes sem prečkal še eno stezico ki je šla ravno po pobočju,jaz pa naprej po stezici gor.. prišel sem na vrh travnikov Jeseniške planine,še nekaj minut hoje do poti Golica-Rožca in naprej na vrh Kleka. Potke vse ok,je pa fajn pihalo danesnasmeh
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